Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 603: Giving dog food

Chapter 603 gives people a dog food

"I am embarrassed! Little Master, of course you know!" The leaf manager at the end of the phone smiled and said, "That time, I will pick up the small group and come over first!! You and Xiaomao will come over later?!"

"it is good……"

Fu Huai'an is supposed to be down.

Hanging up the phone, Lin Wen asked: "Is it a mother's day?"

Fu Wei is Fu Huai's mother, naturally Lin Han's mother...

"I am not afraid." Fu Huai'an put the mobile phone in his pocket. "Fu Jia's old house calls, let's go back to Fu's old house at night. If you don't want to go, I will accompany you at home! Let's go with the old lady."

Lin Wen: "..."

The group is really pitiful. Dad does not want to go and send his son...

"But, Mom's birth, do you not go to the right?!" Lin warm brow slightly tight.

Fu Huaian held the bookshelf with one hand, put the books on the bookshelf in the box, and looked at Lin Wen warmly. He casually said: "Sex, bogey, these are all for the living, it is not important! The important thing is Fresh people in front of you!"

Inexplicable, these words are said from Fu Huai'an mouth, Lin Wen feels particularly powerful.

Although Fu Huai'an took care of Lin Wen's feelings, but that person is Fu Huai'an's mother...

Lin Wen’s biological father also passed away. She didn’t know the biological taboo of her biological father, but she knew that she would die of jealousy. Every year her father’s death taboo, Lin’s heart would still be sore, or at the crossroads, for that no one. The father who had spoken to her had burned a piece of paper money.

Lin Wen never asked about the story of Fu Huai'an and his mother.

But there are things that push people and people, Lin Wen can’t do so selfishly...

She supported Fu Huai'an's arm across the cardboard box and drilled into Fu Huai'an's arms. Looking up at Fu Huai'an, the lips were two sweet pear vortex: "I will accompany you to Fujia's old house! Mom's birth avoids us should be present. of!"

Looking at the soft wife of the arms, Fu Huai'an asked: "I am not afraid to go to Fu's old house to face Mrs. Fu?!"

"There are you, what are I afraid of?!" Lin Wen showed a bright smile to Fu Huai'an, and all eyes were trust. "I know that no matter what happens, you will protect me!"

"Yes!" Fu Huai'an hand held Lin smiled and smiled. The soft and delicate touch made people love it. "With me, you don't have to worry about anything!"

"Let's pack it! Since you have decided to go, don't be late..."

"Good!" Fu Huai'an nodded.

Lin warmed his back against the bookcase and picked up his toes.

Fu Huai'an's hands clasped Lin's little face, and the scorpion licked his lower lip, **** and salty.

"I'm sorry..." Lin Wen panicked and raised his hand to wipe the blood stains of Fu Huai'an lips. "I didn't mean it!"

Feeling deep can not be self, Lin warmed his mouth a little more.

Fu Huai'an looked at the blood stains on Lin's fine white fingers and stared at her wrists...

That feeling makes Lin Wen almost suffocating.

Lin Wen hooked Fu Huai's hand tightly together, and there was something suddenly blasting in his head, the fireworks in full bloom, the feeling of crispness and numbness quickly occupied the whole body, and Lin Wen warmed the whole person soft.

When I heard the opening of the door, Lin warmly pulled out his finger from Fu Huai'an's lips, turned red and turned away, pretending to take the book and put it in the box.

Fu Huai'an: "..."

Xiaolu panted and came in. Seeing Lin Wenhe and Fu Huai'an and Fu Huai'an were loading things into the box. They were busy helping, and did not expect that they had just disturbed their boss and boss.

Things are packed, Xiaolu people move out, he followed Fu Huai'an and Lin Wen, accompanied by Fu Huaian and Lin Wen to check if there is anything falling.

This is probably the first time that Xiaolu followed Fu Huai'an. For the first time, Fu Huai'an felt that Xiaolu had no eyesight price...

The rented house forest has been warm for so many years, and later Liang Shuming gave it to the heart to decorate. Lin Wen has feelings for this place.

"If I can't bear this small family, I let Xiaolu contact the seller to buy it." Fu Huai'an saw Lin warm eyes and refused to open the door.

Lin warmed his head: "No, I have a home now! Tianfu Bay... Yunding Apartment, as long as there is a place where you have a group is my home!"

Standing on the side of Xiao Lu, she felt that her young mind was hit by 10,000 crit and the blood trough was empty.

When is the home of their own righteous boss, actually this will give people a dog food...

The love words are said to be one-on-one, and so sincere! Xiao Lu must be moved to cry!

Fu Huai'an gaze at Lin Wen, if it is not Xiaolu is here, I really want to press Lin warm and then smash it... I want to do it once!

Ming Ming Lin warmed his eyes clean and no impurities, the tone is sincere, but Fu Huai'an feels that he seems to fall into the deep pool of desire and deeper and deeper, just seeing Lin Wen, hearing Lin Wenjiao soft and soft voice The blood is already boiling to the arrogance!

Fu Huai'an wants to smoke his cigarettes to suppress his own desires, but he can't help but think of it under the eaves. Lin Wen is like a little goblin and wants to taste the taste of cigarettes.

The kiss that mixed with cigarettes made Fu Huai'an think that he would probably smoke only in his life... It would remind him of the sweetness of Lin Wen's mouth and her soft tongue.

The blood that was originally inciting was boiling more and more, and Fu Huai'an's hands were inserted into his pocket, which was still a serious look, but the deep and deep deep of the darkness was like the hustle and bustle.


Bai Xiaonian’s resignation procedure was very smooth. The release was very simple. Bai Xiaonian’s guess is probably because of Chu’s greetings.

Because Bai Xiaonian wants to go, other people say that gossip in front of Bai Xiaonian will not avoid.

Several of my former colleagues lowered their voices and danced, and Bai Xiaonian, who was in a wheelchair, listened with gusto...

It turned out that the "Sunday's Covenant" program originally became the signature program of Haicheng TV Station, and the ratings of other TV stations could not match.

After ten minutes of being hosted by Weng Lin, the ratings began to plummet from the number of bursts that started to rise all the way, and fell to the newly-produced program producer. After the show ended, he handed in his resignation, saying that it was a program change. After the producer of the show changed the host again, the ratings fell to this horrible situation, and his experience should not be saved...

Originally, the producer of the program was regarded as a well-known producer of Jinjiang TV. Until Haicheng TV station handed him an olive branch, he said that he would let him do the "Sunday Covenant" program!

The third sweeter continues! Hahaha... Baby, remember to help me with thousands of hits!

(End of this chapter)

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