Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 624: I have you in my head! [Five thousand words big

Chapter 624 is all in my mind! [Five thousand words big chapter 3]

Lu Jinnan's brows became more and more tight. They were the ones who made the decision when Fu Huai'an was unconscious.

He knew that if Fu Huai'an was awake at the time, he would not agree to let Gu Qingcheng emerge!

With Lu Jinnan’s understanding of Fu Huai’an, it’s really a last resort, he will probably try his best to keep them...

As he just said, what Lu Jinnan should do, what does Tang Kaikai look like or what it looks like!

Fu Huai'an will give them a normal life. The price is that he will go back again. It is more arrogant than Gu Qingcheng, and he can live in the town to save their ordinary life.

Four eyes are opposite, Fu Huai'an eyes are calm and indifferent as water. Obviously this is not a momentary impulse, Fu Huai'an will be thoughtful about everything.

Fu Huai'an's peaceful life in these years is Gu Qingcheng's face-to-face exchange with death at any time!

When one day his calm is to be recovered by God, the greatest extent that Fu Huai'an can do is to protect Gu Qingcheng, Lu Jinnan and Tang Yan!

Originally, Fu Huai'an had detailed plans and arrangements, even if it was pushed back for a few years, it was not outdated.

"I and Tang Hao, even Bai Yuyu! We can all! You can't!" Lu Jinnan finished, and slammed the door to leave.

Since the beginning, Fu Huai'an has not let Bai Yuyu have touched this aspect of the matter, but this does not mean that Bai Yuyu does not know anything...

When Lu Huai'an went downstairs, Lu Jinnan had left.

Lin warmed on the carpet and looked at Fu Huai'an from the upstairs and asked: "How did Lu Jinnan go away?! What did he say to you?!"

When Lu Jinnan left, he was full of anger, although he tried his best to restrain himself, but when he said goodbye, he still leaked his emotions.

"It’s quarreling with Bai Xiaonian..." Fu Huai'an said.

"Look back, I will advise Xiaonian!"

Although Lin Wen is still unclear about the cause and effect, Lu Jinnan’s marriage proposal was driven away by Bai Xiaonian. This will probably be angry on any man!

Fu Huai'an walked to the coffee table, and the big hand held the coffee table to bend over to see the completed painting of the group. He rubbed his small head and lifted the armpits of the group to pick up the little ones: "The bath is sleeping!"

Lin Wen also stood up: "Do you take a group bath?!"

"Well! You are going to wash quickly. We are going to rest early this evening..." Fu Huai'an said this.

Lin Wen’s ear is red, and he can’t look at the clear and clean eyes.

Fu Huai'an is now getting no more and lower limit, thinking about something messy in the face of the child's face!

Lin warmed up and side fingers curled up, she removed her eyes and did not look at Fu Huai'an, bending over for the group to clean up the brush, a few green silk sliding down the shoulder, she casually raised her hand behind the ear, revealing a slender white neck, Fu Huai'an The throat is slightly slipping...

Didn’t hear Lin’s answer, Fu Huai’an seemed to be the same as Lin’s warmth: “Well?!”

Lin warmed up straight and took a small bag on the sofa, with long eyelashes, cast two shadows on the white face, and blushing: "Know it..."

Fu Huai'an took a deep look at Lin Wen's eyes, and there was a smile at the bottom, holding the group and going upstairs.

The group had a lip lick, and originally wanted to sleep with her mother, but Dad said that he was already a big boy!

The group endured the emotions and squatted on Fu Huai'an's shoulders, and waved carefully to Lin Wen: "Mom, good night!"

"Well! Good night!" Lin Wen smiled at the group.

Fu Huai'an heard the voice of Lin Wenhe's group talking back, but he was glanced at Lin.


When the group returned to the room, Lin Wen had already showered and dried his hair, and sat in front of the dressing table to comb his hair.

Under the warm light, Lin Wen combed the hair with five fingers and was ready to use the rubber band. Just picked up the black rubber band on the dressing table and stretched it with his fingers. The rubber band popped out, just falling on the gray cotton of Fu Huai'an's foot. On the slippers.

"Yeah!" Lin warmed his hair and turned his head.

Fu Huai'an bent over to pick up the rubber band, and straightened up to the beautiful scorpion of Lin Lin.

Lin Wen once again used the five fingers to manage the hair, thinking that Fu Huai'an should give the rubber band to her hand...

Fu Huai'an grabbed Lin's warm white hands, Lin warmed out and reached out to Fu Huai'an: "Don't make trouble! Rubber bands!"

Fu Huai'an stood beside Lin warming, three fingers stretched the rubber band, clasped Lin warm shoulders and let her turn to face the dressing table, hands clinging to Lin Wen's long silky smooth hair.

Lin warms his hair and is used to blowing a half dry. Although it is smooth, it is not particularly bad.

For the first time, I don’t want to get rid of the hair of the girl. I learned how Lin Wen’s five fingers were inserted into her long hair like ink. The strength of the hair was slightly larger. Lin Wen only felt that the scalp hurts and could not suck. Take a breath.

"Pain?!" Fu Huai'an asked.

"A bit..." Lin warmed his fingers and held the place where the pain was pulled. The lips were not consciously raised. "But it doesn't matter!"

Fu Huai'an's movements were more gentle, and the low voice came from the top of Lin Wen's brain: "If you practice more in the future, you won't hurt you!"

Lin Wen looked at Fu Huai'an from the mirror in the dressing table. He hung his throat and his fingers were lightly touching her hair.

Lin Wen looked at Fu Huai'an in the mirror: "Don't say something awkward in front of the child..."

Fu Huai'an's deep vision looked at the mirror, and the corners of his lips were like a smile. He arranged the warm blue silk to ask: "Are we going to rest early?" Mrs. Fu... What's in your head? Or do you have any misunderstanding about the word 'rest'?!"

Lin Wen’s neck was red, and she resisted her heartbeat. She looked directly at the faint and smiling Fu Huai’an in the mirror: “I have you in my head!”

Lin Wen’s voice is soft and soft, and his eyes are full of shackles and shackles.

Fu Huai'an lips can't hold back and the arc is getting bigger and bigger, and the twilight is deep...

Fu Huai'an used the rubber band to tie the warm hair of the forest. Because he was afraid of hurting the forest, the warmth of the forest was very loose. He just released the handful of warm blue silk and smoothed down. He fell downside the small warm face of Lin The warmth of the forest is more petite and gentle, and the facial features are exquisite and delicate, which makes people unable to open their eyes.

He was covered, his hands clinging to Lin's warm and slender shoulders. If he had the heat of breathing, he swept over Lin Bing's collarbone, causing her fingers to curl slightly, as if some kind of seed in her heart was being rushed by the spring breeze. germination.

The kiss fell on the neck of the neck, and the forest was warm and breathing.

Fu Huaian whispered in Lin Wen's ear: "The rest of the word, free, the heart is down! This is the correct solution to rest!"

After the big hand put the few blue silks to Lin Wenling's ears, the line of sight was Lin Wen's beautiful slender neck, and the fingertips touched the small ears of Lin warm red. Some itchy forests hid hiding, shyly headed straight. Push Fu Huai'an into the bathroom: "Go to the bath!"

Fu Huai'an did not cooperate. Looking back, he turned his head and pushed his little wife: "What is shy?!"

Pushing Fu Huai'an into the bathroom, Lin warmed his lower lip, and his eyes were full of gentle water. The ear that had just been touched by Fu Huai'an was red.

After getting married for so long, Lin Wen’s most sensitive ear is the ear. As long as Fu Huai’an touches it, Lin Wen’s chest can’t stop, and the body is full of emotions.

The rain outside the window is getting bigger and bigger.

The cool breeze blew in the window that had never been closed, and it was wet, so that Lin warmed his arm and had a goose bump.

She walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, closed the floor-to-ceiling windows, pulled the curtains, listened to the sound of the water coming from the bathroom, and sat on the bed while waiting for Fu Huai'an. She looked at the program that Miss Xiafa gave her, and gradually became fascinated.

Hearing the sound of the bathroom door opening, Lin Wen also took the radiation-proof glasses and sat on the bed holding the laptop to watch the new program planning. The head did not lift up to Fu Huai'an: "Well done..."

Lin warmly looked seriously, did not notice that the black nightgown slipped from the right shoulder, revealing her fair and beautiful clavicle and shoulder curve

Under the warm sconces, Fu Huai'an's pony tail for Lin Wenzong has been loose, and a few squats slid down on his shoulders without slipping down his chest, with a bit of lazy style.

She lowered her black and thick eyelashes, raised her hand and pushed the glasses on the bridge of the nose. The line of sight did not leave the computer screen and said: "I still need twenty minutes, you should rest first..."

Fu Huai'an only had a white bath towel around his waist, and his hair dribbled with water drops.

It is said that when a man is serious, he is very handsome. Lin warms up seriously, and it is also beautiful to make Fu Huai'an heart.

Fu Huai'an was darker and deeper. He walked over to the bed, holding one hand on the side of Lin Wen's body and holding Lin's warm face in one hand.

Lin Wen still holds a computer in his hand, and his breath blends. Fu Huai'an is too clear about Lin Wen...

Lin Wen, who wants to be evoked by the mood, can he still care about the program? !

She put the computer in one hand and left it, trying to turn passive into initiative.

In her arms is a woman's soft body, and her breath is the fragrance of her life...

Lin Wen exclaimed, under the back of the back is the computer that just got up, it hurts Lin Wen.

"Wai'an..." Lin Wenjiao's soft voice was dyed with a hint of **** and hoarseness.


Noisy for one night, Lin Lin really can't get up in the morning, Fu Huai'an is full of energy to get up early to take a bath, go downstairs to the group to prepare breakfast.

Fu Huai'an said that Lin Wen didn't have a good rest last night, so Lin Wen would sleep more, and the group would not go to the room to call Lin Wen, climbed into the small dining chair, and ate the breakfast himself.

Fu Huai'an handed the milk cup to the group, and the group took it with both hands and took a few mouthfuls, and sighed again.

When I opened the chair and sat down, Fu Huai'an looked at the son who sighed and asked: "Is the group also at the age of mind?!"

The group shook his head with the milk cup, and after carefully organizing the language, he said: "In the afternoon, you can... see your mother."

Fu Huai'an gave the group a piece of bread on the plate: "Isn't your mother giving you a pendant?! If you want to be a mother, you can open it!"

When it comes to the pendant, the group put down the milk cup, bowed his head and opened his own pendant and looked at the eye. Then the baby slammed the force and smacked it, and then he regained the milk cup, and sipped the milk and sipped it. It was full of vitality. Look like that.

Fu Huai'an was dressed in a home service and sent the group to the front of the villa. He watched the group get on the bus, and Hu Shu opened slowly. He still did not feel at ease in front of the rear door, knocking the glass in the back seat with one hand.

The window glass was put down, and the seat belt that had been seated in the child seat and fastened with the seat belt rubbed the window with both hands, looking up at his father, and the expression of the little milk dog was very cute.

"If you still have discomfort, you should tell the teacher in time!" Fu Huai'an said to the group.

The group nodded hard.

After seeing the group and Hu Shu leave, Fu Huai'an dialed the phone of Bai Yuyu and asked Bai Yuyu how to help the family doctor.

Today, Fu Huai'an has arranged for Lin Wen's itinerary, and the wedding supplies have been prepared. Today, Fu Huai'an intends to take Lin Wen to see.

If it goes well, the wedding date of Lin Wen will also be put on the agenda.

Fu Huai'an just entered the entrance, and I saw Lin Wen took the water cup down from the upstairs.

"Don't sleep a little longer?!" Fu Huai'an changed the slippers and asked.

Lin warmed his hand on the stair railings, and his mouth was hoarse and hoarse: "Drink down..."

After that, Lin Wen lowered his hand and held his throat, clearing his throat.

Fu Huai'an put his hands in his pocket, standing in the position of the stairs waiting for the forest to warm down, and the mature and deep eyebrows are gentle.

Bullying Lin Wen last night, the bullying is overdone.

"Take you to a place today..." Fu Huai'an saw Lin Wen walk down and reached for the cup in Lin Wen's hand.

Lin Wen followed Fu Huai'an and walked to the kitchen, re-engaging himself into a ponytail.

I poured a cup of warm water on Lin Wen and put it on the counter. The two thin, white arms of Lin Wen had already wrapped up Fu Huai's narrow waist from behind: "Where?"

"Take you to see your wedding proposal. After we come back, we can discuss it and put the wedding date on the agenda!"

Ask for a wedding...

I remember that before they left the country, Fu Huai'an said that he was preparing.

Lin warmed the heart inexplicably and jumped twice. She drilled down from Fu Huai'an and looked up at Fu Huai'an. She asked: "Is the gift very big?! Why don't you take it back, you have to take me to see?!"

Fu Huai'an hands on the counter, looking at the curious Lin Wen in his arms, smiled and nodded: "I'm afraid you can't get it back..."

"Which can't take away the gifts of others?!" Lin warmed the clothes of Fu Huai'an's waist and asked, "What is it?!"

Fu Huaian only smiled and bowed his head to kiss Lin’s small mouth.

The rubber band slides down the warm, silky hair of the forest, and the hard and warm hair ends.

The lips and tongues are slightly separated, and Lin Wen can breathe. He listens to the heavy breathing of Fu Huai'an. "The lung capacity needs to be strengthened!"

Lin Wen, who was on the forehead of Fu Huai'an, hasn't slowed down yet, because the hypoxic brain is blank, and the goose bumps are also layer by layer.

One thousand five...

(End of this chapter)

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