Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 646: What is Ann's heart? ! [four thousand words big

What is the heart of Chapter 646? ! [Four thousand words big chapter]

If he is not so indifferent, he only knows that he is sleeping in the back row, probably later... things will not be skipped by the female classmate.

Fu Tianci did not know whether this was his own guilty conscience, or because the blood on his white skateboard shoes dripped into his heart, awakening the narrow sense of the middle two of his youth...

Later, I found out that this female student named Chen Xiaotong was bullied, and Fu Tianci could not help it.

It is still the failure of Joe Yihang’s confession, and he deliberately touched Chen Xiaolan at school, and he played an isolated bully.

Fu Tianci remembered the female classmate who jumped off the building before. She said that she had dragged her own stool and gave Joe a flight. Now I am lying in the hospital with a broken nose and a small arm fracture... a broken finger!

Things got a lot of trouble, Fu Tianci knew that he had provoked things, went home and saw his mother’s look of horror, Fu Tianci was also afraid!

Soon Lu Qingmei received a call from Fu Qingquan, and the anger of Fu Qingquan on the phone, even if Fu Tianci could not feel close to Lu Qingmei.

The last time Fu Qingquan hit him, and now Fu Tianci thinks that he will feel all the pain!

There is no way to be beaten when the mouth is hard. It is a different matter to know that he is not going to be beaten again. Fu Tianci has decided to open the door decisively.

However, Fu Tianci did not regret playing Joe Yihang. If he beats a voyage to death, he can change the life of a little girl. Fu Tianci wants Joe to have another half life.

After Lin Wen’s listening to Fu Tianci, he was silent for a long while and remembered the landlord of her rental house.

When the landlord said that he bought a house, it was because the child was bullied in school and suffered from school violence. Parents really felt distressed. The child saw that the child was in a haze and could not help. He could only buy a house immigration and try to give the child a new one. The environment allows children to be more open-minded.

Has the current school violence has risen to this level? ! Must kill people? !

Such a big thing, actually not on Weibo hot search, or hot news? !

Lin Wen is the most popular school in the school from childhood to age. He has never experienced the school violence in middle and high schools.

Lin Wen became a fake Lin Jia Qian Jin, how many people went forward and wanted to step on the forest to warm their feet.

But during the university, because Lin Wennian has Bai Xiaonian, Song Yu and their roommates who have strong fighting ability with the bedroom, no one dares to provoke Lin Wen.

While Lin Wenfu frowned and fell into meditation, Fu Tianci was still chattering: "You said that such a person should not fight?! The brain is sick... If people don't like him, they will arrange a bus for people, and thousands of people will ride on a million people! I also associate his dog's legs in the school. I want to say that this student is **** sick at school! Others are alone... You are also isolated from the wind, no matter how good your family is, how good you are! Good! On this Chen Xiaolan, the last squad leader, I have seen many times that she gave lessons to poor students. All of them are obligatory, good guys... Looking back, you are isolated because you are afraid of a rich second generation! Good before! Is there a pit in the brain or something?!"

The group saw Lin Wen frown, stretched his small arm, and the chubby index finger clicked on Lin's warm eyebrows.

Fu Tianci realized that he had swearing in front of the group. Some of them were embarrassed to clear the scorpion. They said to the group: "The swearing is wrong! Don't learn!"

Lin warmed back to God, seeing the group was worried about looking at her, the lips smirked and said: "Mom is okay!"

Lin Wen finished, holding the co-driving back with one hand, and moved forward and asked: "Fu Tianci, are you interested in the last episode of my show?!"

Fu Tianci a glimpse: "Ah?!"

"In the last issue of my program, let's talk about campus violence!"

Lin warm this invitation is not a mess...

Fu Tianci’s previous participation in Haicheng’s talent show was very high. At that time, the dialect asserted that if Fu Tianci continued to go on the show, it would definitely be another new star!

Because Fu Tianci's gas field is too suitable for the stage, as long as he goes there, it seems to have occupied all the spotlights!

This is why Fu Tianci is a group to participate in the competition, and finally the judges only need Fu Tianci!

Because Fu Tianci's light is too strong, his team has all become a foil, and will drag down Fu Tian's retreat, which is cumbersome. It is better to be more attractive than Fu Tianci.

Fu Tianci looked at Fu Huai'an and looked at Lin Wen warmly: "Can I go to your show?!"

"Of course you can!" Lin warmed and nodded. "Is it coming?!"

Fu Tianci thought for a moment and nodded: "Okay! Is it about campus violence?! I can also invite some of our schoolmates to be the audience... Let's talk about this problem!"

Lin warmed nodded: "That would be better! If you can be sure here, the next program can record the content of school violence!"

Because it is now signed in the form of a studio and TV station, Lin Wen is more flexible in mastering the program.

"I can call to confirm now!" Fu Tianci said that he touched the phone on his pocket. When he didn't touch it, he remembered that his mobile phone had no power. When he came, he didn't take it directly to Tianfuwan.

Seeing that Fu Tianci couldn't find the phone, Lin Wen said: "I am not in a hurry. At this time, you will go back to contact this evening and give me a reply before Christmas. The first program will be broadcast on Christmas Day. Again, even if the second episode was not filmed, at least it must be fixed!"

Fu Tianci nodded: "You can rest assured, I will be as soon as possible!"

Fu Tianci also has his own ideas. The ratings of Lin Wen’s programs have always been high. If things like school violence get the attention of the society through Lin’s programs, can you avoid such things in the future? !


Tianfu Bay.

Fu Qingquan and Lu Qingmei have been waiting in the car for a long time.

When I entered the community just now, if it wasn’t for Fu Qingquan’s identity as the chairman of the CapitaLand Group, I was afraid that even this community could not enter!

Lu Qingmei’s eyes were so sharp that he sat in the car and Fu Qingquan complained: “What do you mean by Fu Huai’an?” We are looking for God’s help to find it! He hid the gods, what is the heart of peace?! Also... I don’t know what kind of ecstasy soup I have given to Godsend, and Godsends don’t even want the Kaide Group to give Fu Huai’an that...”

The two characters of the outsiders, Lu Qingmei, did not say anything, but just accepted their voices and went straight to tears.

"Tianci called and Secretary Song said it, not Fu Huai'an to hide the gods! These days your son is in the hotel, I found someone to check, you don't think about it!" Fu Qingquan was crying by Lu Qingmei The irritability, licked his neckline.

Lu Qingmei knows Fu Qingquan. When she sees Fu Qingquan's movements, she knows that Fu Qingquan is annoyed. If she goes on, she will be counterproductive. She wiped her tears with a paper towel and transferred the topic: "Qingquan, I saw Godsend for a while, you can not blow the children. The beard rubbed his eyes and scared the child to go home even more!"

Fu Qingquan frowned and nodded.

He has such a son in Fu Tianci in his life, how can he not be baby? !

It was only at that time that I heard a lot of fractures in the family of Joe Tian, ​​who was beaten by Fu Tianci, and the fire could not stop!

Although it is said that Qiao’s family is not as big as Fu’s family, now there is more cooperation between CapitaLand and Qiao. At this festival, Fu Tianci has beaten many children’s children’s fractures. Is this not a matter of choice? !

At that time, Fu Qingquan really felt that he had given birth to such a kind of cockroach, and simply killed it!

But when Fu Tianci disappeared, Fu Qingquan’s heart was like being taken away by the people. The whole person was chaotic, and when he returned to Fu’s old house, he and Mrs. Fu’s wife got into trouble and let Mrs. Fu’s wife His son handed it over.

Looking back now, it was really impulsive.

And Mrs. Fu’s wife and her husband’s life, although the person’s heart is cold, but it’s not so bad for a child!

Otherwise, when Fu Qingquan proposed to hand over the Kaide Group to Fu Tianci, Mrs. Fu only needed to make Fu Tianci a hundred, and Fu Qingquan only had Fu Huai'an a choice.

I don't know how he happened to Mrs. Fu after he left the hospital. !

Fu Qingquan was slightly uneasy in his heart.

"Qingquan!" Lu Qingmei shook Huang Fuquan's wrist: "Do you see if it is Fu Huai'an's car! Are they coming back?!"

Secretary Song, who has been standing outside the car, knocked on the lathe glass...

Fu Qingquan put down the window, Song secretary whispered: "Fu is back! God-given young master seems to be sitting in the co-pilot..."

Fu Qingquan nodded, to push the door open, Song Secretary first opened the door for Fu Qingquan.

Fu Qingquan walked to the front of the car, frowning at the car, across the windshield, vaguely seeing the co-pilot position sitting Fu Tianci, Fu Tianci's beautiful little face stretched.

Lu Qingmei also came down from the car, closed the door and wrapped her coat, watching Fu Huai'an car scorpion red.

In the car, Fu Tianci saw his parents are also upset.

Fu Huai'an's car stopped, Lin Wen held the group that had fallen asleep down from the back seat, looked at Fu Qingquan and Lu Qingmei, nodded and said that after greeting, he took the group into the villa.

Fu Tianci walked to his parents in a very stunned way and said: "About that Joe, I have already played it! If you want to kill me, I will not blame the Qiao family for any complaints!"

Fu Tianci’s candid admittance, but it makes Fu Qingquan not know what to say.

"Go! Go home first!" Fu Qingquan said to Fu Tianci, taking the lead in getting on the bus.

Fu Tianci’s last time he was beaten by Fu Qingquan has a shadow in his heart. He is afraid of the two words Fu Tianci who is going home!

He looked back and saw that Fu Huai'an had stopped the car and got off the car...

Lu Qingmei took a son's arm: "Your dad let you go home, you didn't hear it! Get on the bus!"

Seeing his mother give himself a wink, Fu Tianci still went over and said to Fu Huai'an, and then he left with Lu Qingmei.


Lin warmed up and settled out, Fu Huai'an just went upstairs.

"Fu Tianci went back?!" Lin Wen gently closed the door and asked.

Fu Huaian nodded...

"You call Fu Shufu to let them know that we are here, or Fu Shufu should worry about it!" Lin warmed off the rubber band on his long hair and took off his coat and put it in his arms.

Just now they came back from Jincheng and went to the new home. After the Fu Shufu was settled, Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an took the group and Fu Tianci back to Tianfuwan.

When he left, Fu Shufu was so tens of thousands of people that Fu Huai'an and Lin Wen had to call them to make a phone call after they arrived home, lest they worry.

After all, the temperature is low now. After the sleet in Haicheng, the road is particularly slippery. Fu Shufu is afraid of what Fu Huai’s fatigue is driving on the road.

Lin Wen stretched his long hair and the scalp was loose.

Back to the room, Lin Wen took the home clothes to go to the bathroom to take a shower, and people were held in the arms by Fu Huai'an...

The man's head was buried in the neck of Lin's warm neck, and the hot, sultry Lin warmed his neck and itchy, squinting and hiding: "Yeah! Don't make trouble, I will take a shower!"

"Little warm..." Fu Huai'an whispered the name of Lin Wen.

"Well!" Lin warmed up, one hand hugged the home clothes in his arms, one hand clasped in the back of Fu Huai'an's head, and the small hand smashed the collar of Fu Huai'an.

"After a shower, put on the Christmas gift I sent you!" The smile in Fu Huai'an voice was obviously unscrupulous.

Thinking of the thin lace-like lace fabric, Lin Wen’s roots burned and burned.

"That is my Christmas present! It is your Christmas gift!" Lin warmed his lower lip.

I have to say that Fu Huai'an is a Christmas gift that is too embarrassing. It is indeed a good dress for Lin Wen, but he is benefiting.

"Your Christmas gift, I want to change it for you!" Lin Wen listened to Bai Xiaonian said that there is also a kind of love that the man wears on the Internet. The style is particularly bloody!

Lin Wen thought that the face was a little red, and he lowered his throat and buried his little face on Fu Huai'an's shoulder...

The nose is full of Fu Huai'an mature **** masculine atmosphere, Lin Wen does not know the male feelings of interest, one inside and one dress looks like, faintly curious, I plan to search the Internet for a while, wait until Christmas time, give Fu Huai'an a gift !

Otherwise, why do she wear it to him every time! Can't he wear it to her? !

"What to change?!" Fu Huai'an straight up, looked up at his little wife, deep eyes have a strong interest.

Lin warmed with Fu Huai's small collar and tightened his hand. He tightened his toes and lowered his voice. He said in Fu Huai'an's ear: "Men's love is interesting, one inside, one is afraid, not afraid?!"

Lin warmed a pair of bright and clear eyes looking at the eyes of Fu Huai'an deep pool, want to explore the depth of it, but the eyes are sour and did not see a reason.

Lin Wen felt that he had lost his battle, put down his toes on his high feet, and avoided his gaze. Before he could react, he was pressed by Fu Huai'an on the wall.

Eight thousand words have been updated! Sorry for being a little bit late today...

(End of this chapter)

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