Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 651: Lin warm heart is full of gratitude!

Chapter 651 Lin Wenxin is full of gratitude!

Unnay first explained: "My mom called me and said that she took the little candy back. I am not at work to let the children bother me. I am afraid that I will lose my salary and work so hard. I am afraid of me. Take care of small candy."

Lin nodded warmly and couldn't help but laugh.

Fu Huai'an is not there. In the evening, Younai intends to live in Tianfu Bay. Aunt Li has already packed up the room.

At night, the group held their own small pillow and ran to Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an's master bedroom.

In the heart of the group, as long as his father is not there, he can sleep with his mother, so he is looking forward to a lot of business trips in his heart. The little ones are not very demanding. The frequency of my father’s business trip is just as good as before!

After the shower came out of the forest warm, see the group holding his pillow and fell on the big bed, cold little belly has fallen asleep.

Lin warmed off the window, gently pulling the curtains, and putting a quilt on the little one.

Looking at the small group, Lin Wen thought of Gu Qingcheng’s daughter...

I don't know if Tang Yan found Gu Qingcheng's adopted daughter? !

Lin warmly couldn't sleep, got up and took the mobile phone and sneaked into the bathroom. I wanted to call Fu Huai'an and thought about finding the number of Tang Yan in the address book and dialing it out. ,

The phone was connected, and Tang Yin came from the hoarse voice of smoking: "Is the baby still sleeping?!"

"Gu Qingcheng's adopted daughter, have you found it?!" Lin Wen asked directly.

Tang Yan’s voice paused. He hadn’t spoken yet. Lin Wen knew that he hadn’t found it...

Lin Wendao: "Li Muyang said that his people are also involved, can he find through him?!"

"Slightly a little hard work, but in the end it is not so difficult in the country, Xiaozizi rest assured, take a rest!" Tang Yan pretend to be easy, do not want to worry about Lin Wen.

There is nothing wrong with it in China, but it is too big in China!

Li Muyang released the news that he participated in it. It was not to attract attention to him. The people below Tang Zhen were found to have been delayed for a little while.

"Don Juan, I don't know if I said this right, because I don't know much about it..." Lin Wen whispered, "Can you call the police?!"

Lin Wen’s voice is very hesitant, because after all, Lin Wen knows nothing about Gu Qingcheng’s foster daughter. If Gu Qingcheng’s adopted daughter is tied from abroad, then the alarm is a process that Lin Wen does not know!

But if Gu Qingcheng’s adopted daughter is raised in China, the police should be in charge of the police.

Lin Wen also hopes to help a little.

"Small nephew, not my little policeman, whether it is a domestic or foreign policeman, not as good as our own people..." Tang Yan’s voice was calm but indifferent.

Lin warms her lips, she understands what Tang Yan said.

"You don't have to worry about this little girl. I will find Gu Qingcheng's adopted daughter as soon as possible! You can rest assured..."

Hanging up the phone, Lin warm heart mixed feelings.

Until now, Tang Yan has not found Gu Qingcheng’s adopted daughter, if the child escapes again...

Lin warms the endless mind and thinks that a small girl with a large group is interrupted and cried and shouted at the way of her father and mother. She turned her hands and held the sink and was afraid!

After hesitating for a moment, Lin Wen dialed the phone of Tang Yan again.

As soon as the phone was connected, Lin Wen waited for Tang Yan to open his mouth: "Today Li Muyang came to me. He said that I had a meal with him. He gave up the daughter of Gu Qingcheng, so I thought... If you are now Still can't find the little girl, it's better to ask him!"

Tang Yan brows tightly: "Little scorpion..."

"Li Muyang said that Gu Qingcheng's adopted daughter has escaped several times and was beaten. She will break her leg next time! Tang Yan... Gu Qingcheng is deeply trapped in Huai'an, you and Lu Jinnan's stable life. I can't get out of the whirlpool! I can't let him lose even his own relatives! I can't lose anything with Li Muyang's meal! With you, there is Nana to stay with me, nothing will happen!"

Lin warms his voice and is firm.

For Gu Qingcheng, Lin warm heart is full of gratitude!

If it is not Gu Qingcheng, perhaps Lin Wen can't meet Fu Huai'an later.

It was Gu Qingcheng who exchanged Fu Huai'an and her sweet life in a dangerous way. Lin Wen always knew this.

Tang Yan was fluent in the words of Lin Wen. He bit his teeth and said: "Small scorpion, the place is still our choice. I chose it in a crowded place. I made an appointment and gave me a voice. Bao Wanquan..."

Lin Wen is the heart of Fu Huai'an, and the foster daughter of Gu Qingcheng is Gu Qingcheng's heart!

These two people can't be surprised!

It’s not always to save one and put another one into it. How many lives does Tang’s have to kill Fu Huai’an? !

"Good!" Lin nodded warmly.

Hanging up the phone, Lin Wen dialed the mobile phone of Azhan, and Li Muyang was not able to answer the phone.

Like the last time, Li Muyang decided that Lin Wen would call him and smiled and said: "It is earlier than I expected. I thought I had to send Gu Qingcheng a female finger to the Mr. Tang, and you will return. Take action."

I thought that the little girl’s fingers were cut and lived. Lin’s scalp was numb and the chest was undulating, and even the voice couldn’t help but rise a few degrees: “Is Li Yangyang a pervert?!”

Li Muyang smiled low.

"I promised to eat with you, tomorrow morning, Man Jianglou! I want to see Gu Qingcheng raise a woman! And during this time to sit down to dinner this evening, I need you to ensure that Gu Qingcheng no longer suffer any harm!"

"Warm, there are more people than me, I can only guarantee that my people will not hurt Mr. Gu’s adopted daughter, as for others..."

Li Muyang’s tail sounds rising and the voice is smiling.

Lin warmed his hand on the phone to tighten: "Li Muyang, you have something to say, don't have to turn around!"

"So talking to the savior?!" Li Muyang has a gentle voice.

Lin Wen did not say anything, just listened to Li Muyang’s opening: "Let’s go tonight, I have been waiting for you to call, haven’t eaten anything, accompany me to eat a little, I will bring you in the past...”

The group had already slept, and Aunt Li was there. Lin Wen did not worry about it: "Good!"

"It’s still a Man Jiang Lou! You can rest assured if there are more people!"

When Li Muyang broke his heart, Lin Wen did not feel embarrassed.

Sending a review of Qingcheng’s daughter-in-law... Anyone who comes to do it, Lin Wen will be grateful!

If you want to eat such a thing, even if the other party does not say, Lin Wen will take the initiative to express his gratitude.

The practice of Li Muyang’s threat will only make Lin Wen feel disgusted.

If Li Muyang is an ordinary person, Lin Wen will definitely call Lu Yizi. After a while, he will go to the Manjiang Tower with his sister-in-law. In the eyes of Li Muyang’s mistakes... Xiaohe’s introduction to Li Muyang is a famous psychology and The neurological doctor, let him get sick and find Lu Weizi to cure him!

(End of this chapter)

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