Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 656: This makes Fu Huai'an very hot!

Chapter 656 makes Fu Huai'an very hot!

Tang Yan simply refused.

He saw the coffee table on the coffee table and went to the convenience store to buy a snack, and the girl cartoon bought for Yunlili, next to the newspaper.

Uninai likes to eat snacks, always restrained when working, which leads to her indulging herself in private time! Younai likes it... It is natural to think that a little girl like a cloud is like it.

But Tang Yan knows that cloud glaze is not a snack.

He bent over and took out a box of yogurt from the coffee table and asked Yun Liu: "Is it?!"

Cloud glazed nodded and extended his hands: "Put it over!"

Yogurt draws an arc in the air, and the cloud glazed firmly catches it. He smiles at Tang Yan and smiles: "Gu Qingcheng is lazy, always throwing things at me, I have never missed it..."

Tang Wei: "..."

Listening to the cloud glaze in this flat and straightforward way, she and Gu Qingcheng's things, Tang Yan feels quite strange.

She opened the plastic film of the yogurt straw, plunged it into the yoghurt, bite the straw and took a bite to look at the bright light outside the window and penetrate the gap between the yellow leaves. It fell into the ward from the window and she swallowed it. Just ask: "Don Tang, you are a good friend of Gu Qingcheng, you say... Which type of woman does he like?!"

Tang Wei: "..."

Tang Zhen refused to discuss this issue with Yun Liuli.

In Tang Yin’s heart, Yun Liuli is a small child like him and a small candy. It is not so wonderful to discuss Gu Qingcheng’s preference for women with such a child.

Don Juan did not say anything. After sitting down, he picked up today's newspaper, folded his legs, and watched the newspaper carefully and did not intend to talk to Yun Liuli.

The cloud glazed with a squint and saw the dust shining into the light column of the room...

She bit her bite and put the yogurt on the pillow, and stepped barefoot on the floor without slippers, and went to the window where the money was covered with sunlight...

The floor of the window is close to the radiator. The floor is not known to be heated by the heat, or warm by the sun. The cloud glazed comfortably stretches the toes, and the body raises the right hand in the warm sun... stretches a lazy waist.

Long hair with a waist, light brown in the sun.

The leaves of the big tree outside the window have been yellowed, and they are quietly falling. The clouds see the couple sitting on the bench under the warm sun. The girls’ heads are on the shoulders of the boys wearing the sick clothes, and the lips are Happy smile.

The feeling of cloud glaze is that Gu Qingcheng is too strong. When there is no injury, if Gu Qingcheng is injured, she will take care when she is vulnerable. Maybe her feelings will be improved a lot!

Soon, Yun Liuli shook his head and took this terrible idea out of his head. If Gu Qingcheng was injured, she would cry!

However, she was injured. Gu Qingcheng would probably let her go to the hospital to deal with the wounds, and then go to her own business. She would not give her a minute more...

Yun Liuli thinks that this is probably because her world is only Gu Qingcheng, but she can care for the world of Qingcheng... but there are too many things and too many people!


He heard a soft bang from the foot and she bowed her head...

Tang Hao lost a pair of slippers to Yun Liuli: "Put it! It's easy to catch cold!"

Yun Liuli likes barefoot. This is the secret between her and Gu Qingcheng. Others don't know. She obeys the well-behaved put on slippers, and she looks particularly nice and beautiful to Tang Yan. She can make a phone call with Gu Qingcheng. ?!"

Tang Wei: "..."

He shook the newspaper, pretending that he hadn't heard anything, and used the newspaper to look at the clouds and look at his own vision.


Soon Fu Huaian and Xiao Lu arrived at Tianfu Bay.

Thinking of Fu Huai'an and Lin Wenxiao's new marriage, Xiao Lu is very eye-catching... The excuse let Younai send himself a journey and successfully take Younai from Tianfu Bay.

This time is the time when Aunt Li went to the supermarket to buy afternoon ingredients. The whole Tianfu Bay left Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an.

Lin wearing a white cotton slippers warmed the back of the sofa, one foot toe point, looking at the man standing in the entrance to the coat and changing shoes.

Fu Huai'an wore a white shirt and a blue sweater. The neckline of the shirt was turned over the neckline of the sweater, which made Fu Huai's facial features more and more three-dimensional.

Lin warmed the heart and thumped and jumped. It was only last night and one day that I didn't see Fu Huai'an, but Lin Wen had already thought that he thought his heart was sour...

The tall and slender man of Xuanguankou looked into the forest and looked warm. Lin couldn't stand his sorrowful black hole, and lifted his foot toward Fu Huai'an and ran into his arms.

The familiar taste of the man, mixed with the faint smell of tobacco, and the coldness of his body, Lin warmed up and stared at Fu Huai'an's eyes: "Smoke?!"

On the way back, Fu Huai'an did not hold back one, the window opened all the way, the frozen small land straight, is afraid of Lin Wen's cat nose smell, I did not expect to be smelled by Lin Wen.

Fu Huai'an hand put Lin Wen's cheeks twice in the back of the ear, just to explain, listen to Lin Wen worriedly asked: "Gu Qingcheng ... is the injury very serious?!"

Serious enough to let Fu Huai'an worry about smoking? !

Fu Huai'an looked at Lin Wen's beautiful eyes, the eyelashes curled up, the water was full, and the eyes were all worried.

"Qingcheng is okay!" Fu Huai'an voice was slightly low and dumb. "I know that Yun Liuli is fine, I have been treated with peace of mind. He asked me to thank you."

Lin Wen took Fu Huai'an's narrow waist tighter. She shook her head: "Because Gu Qingcheng... I can live this life with you. I am very grateful to him for everything he can do for me. I am willing to do it!"

Holding a soft, soft little woman in her arms, Fu Huaian bowed her head and kissed Lin Wen’s hair...

Lin Wen went to eat with Li Muyang, and Tang Yan also participated in it. Fu Huai'an did not say that this made Fu Huai'an very hot!

Fortunately, Lin Wen has nothing to do!

"Don't see Li Muyang for anything in the future, do you know?!" Fu Huai'an tightened Lin Wen's thin waist warning.

Lin warmed up, and Fu Huai'an looked at him and smiled: "Okay!"

The soft and soft voice of the sweet and soft, like a feather across the heart of Fu Huai'an, he slammed the person and Lin Han warmed his white cotton slippers on his right foot and flew out.

"Yeah!" Lin Wen exclaimed, his hands wrapped around Fu Huai'an's neck. "Don't you, Li Ayi should be back soon!"

"What's in your little head?!" Fu Huai'an's mellow voice smiled. "Take you upstairs to see the surprises for you!"

"Surprise?!" Lin warmed his brain and couldn't turn to the corner. "Don't you go to France to look at Qingcheng?! I thought... Prepare for surprises. You don't want me to know the excuse to find!"

The fourth is even more complete, the babies ask for a monthly ticket to fight the list! Otherwise, there is no power to add more!

(End of this chapter)

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