Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 690: So swear to me

Chapter 690 is so swearing to me.

No one told me that love has never swept like a tsunami. It will instantly destroy people's minds. Love... will only unknowingly kill a person's mind in time and rush, and will only find out when the heart is moving. It is doomed that the development in the future is by no means rational and controllable.

Lu Jinnan said yes, this is the anger.

The operation room was very quiet. Lin Wen and Bai Xiaonian sat on the bench. Lu Jinnan stood on the other side of the bench and bowed his head to play with the mobile phone to send a message to Fu Huai'an. Lin Wen said that the situation was good.

"What did Li Muyang say to you last night?!" Lin Wen looked at the direction of Yan Mo, and there was no wave of tremors when he asked the doctor Song Wei about the situation. "Or what deal you and Li Muyang reached? Let Song Hao drive to hit Li Muyang to stop?!"

In the dark vision of the ink, Lin is warm and beautiful eyes, and the cool voice is full of gloomy: "Li Muyang has what I want, Li Muyang wants you..."

What is the transaction, 岑墨 did not say.

"So you want something in the hands of Li Muyang, and I plan to cooperate with Li Muyang. Song Yu advises you not to move you. You can only drive and hit people?" Lin Wen underestimated the voice for a moment, but still could not restrain the voice. The emotion in the middle, "On the one hand, the lover is a friend, and the person who pushes Song Song to the end of the road is me. No one is hurting you!"

Lin warmly cold face, looking at the eyes of the ink is sharper: "I have always felt that friends should not intervene as a friend, but some words I want to say when I go to Huading Century Hotel to send clothes to Song Wei. !"

The four eyes are opposite, and the emotions that can’t be suppressed are tumbling.

Lin Wen slowly stood up: "Song's mother was forced to die by Xiao San, so Song Yu hated the third child, she loves you, but you know how Song Yu's mother died. Add it to Song Min! Your heart is as distorted as yours! Wait for Song Yi to recover this time. If you use your dirty hands to touch Song Hao without Song Yi’s consent, you can buy it. I will also want you a leg!"

In the last sentence, Lin Wen’s voice was sharp and his blood was squeaky with his head.

The traces of being abused by the large and small people in the Song Ding of the Huading Century Hotel were vividly in the eyes... Lin Wen’s emotional red eyes were shining, and the tight fists were shaking.

Bai Xiaonian did not know what happened at Huading Century Hotel. You can see Lin Wen’s look and then associate with the hotel. Bai Xiaonian is not stupid white sweet can not think of anything? !

"I also sponsor it, I want to be in the middle!" Bai Xiaonian was dull and sullen, and he did not fear the powerful sense of power in the ink.

Lin Wen and Bai Xiaonian with threats, it seems ridiculous in the ink.

"So I am swearing, I am not afraid of the identity of your husband's morality?!" In the chest of the ink, the ribs violently collided, but the ribs hit the pain, but they were forced to laugh at the anger, and the sights swept over Lu Jinnan and Bai Xiaonian. Tao, "The tone is not small!"

Fu Huai'an is the soft underbelly of Lin Wen, and he knows it well, just like Song Wei is his soft rib.

Lin warmed up, did not expect that the ink will pull Fu Huai'an into it, she could not hold back the emotions, greet the pair of fierce eyes, sneer: "With you?! What qualifications do you have compared with my husband, exposure?! Oh... ...I am afraid that if you haven’t opened your mouth yet, you will never open your mouth! This is Haicheng!

For the first time, Lin Wen threatened a person without fear.

"Mr. Yu seems to be planning to help us in Haicheng. The land of Fengqiyuan is not expensive..." Lu Jinnan picks his lips.

Fengqiyuan, the cemetery of Haicheng.

In the operating room, Bai Yuyu found a bleeding point and was busy saving Song Song.

Outside the operating room, the ink and other people were arrogant, and the atmosphere once stagnated at the critical point.

The automatic door of the operating room was opened again, breaking the tense atmosphere outside the operating room.

It was the assistant nurse sent by Bai Yuyu, let Lin Wen say to them, the two bleeding points in the Song Hao furnace have been found, there will be no big problems for them to rest assured.

Lin warmed a sigh of relief, almost fell into the chair, and Bai Xiaonian's palms were all sweaty.

The strength of the ink in his heart slowly relaxed and the throat was slightly slipped.

A few people who were still targeting, because the news found by Song Bian’s bleeding point was sent out, seems to have eased.

Song Yu came out of the operating room and was inserted into the intensive care unit. No one could get in.

Bai Xiaonian looked through the window and saw the blue-stained scars on his face. He warmed up to Lin: "Go back first! Today is your wedding, I am here, no one will come!"

Bai Xiaonian looked at the ink.

"But you are not going to..."

"I just changed the plane ticket!" Bai Xiaonian glanced at Song Hao. "Song Wei hasn't woken up yet, how can I go?!"

Seeing Lin Wen’s hesitation, Lu Jinnan opened his mouth: “I stayed with Xiaonian, today is the wedding of you and Lao Fu. It’s not appropriate for you to come out for so long!”

Lin Biao's big hand buckled in Lin Wenfa's top: "Go! I will send you back! Song Yi hasn't woken up yet. It doesn't make much sense to keep here. Keep in touch with Bai Xiaonian at any time, let you know the situation of Song Yu!"

Lin Wen is still hesitating, taking a shower and changing his clothes, Bai Yuyu, while finishing the collar, said: "Small nephew, go back! I am here to guard the role should be bigger than you! Today is your wedding day, old Lu said yes, you are not suitable for so long!"

In the hospital, he stayed in a space with Yan Mo, and Lin was irritated.

Long time Lin Wen warmly looked at Song Hao and nodded. He told Bai Jinnian and Bai Yuyu about Bai Xiaonian: "Song Shu wakes up or has something to contact me in time!"

The restrained voice sounded like she had previously reported the news, concealing her fears.

"Your mobile phone!" Bai Xiaonian handed her a phone out of Lin Bao's mobile phone.

There were a few of Bai Yuyu’s missed ones. When I saw my phone’s mute status, Lin warmly apologized and looked at Bai Yuyu’s eyes and adjusted the phone mode: “That... I will go first!”

Bai Xiaonian nodded.

When he left, Lin warmed his eyes and stood in the window and stood in the window for a moment. He didn't blink at the man of Song Wei. The fist tightened tightly and left with Lin Biao.

On the way back, Lin warmed up in a mess.

Regarding Fu Huai'an's ethics, Lin Biao talked about Lin Wen before, so he didn't ask much.

Lin warmed up the car, the warm wind gently blew her cheek, Lin Wen felt tired.

She leaned her head against the window and the glass reflected her facial contours.

Pedestrian vehicles outside the window, the snow has not yet had time to go to the sidewalk, there is still a Christmas atmosphere...

(End of this chapter)

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