Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 695: Finish it!

Chapter 695 is coming to an end!

The CapitaLand stock continued to fall, and Fu Qingquan was already physically and mentally exhausted.

Today, the news of Tang Xilai’s participation in the wedding has been passed to the secretary of Song. He thought that Fu Huai’an had made up his mind to go to Golden Harvest Group.

When Fu Huai'an left, the former Cadet Group's capable cadre Lu Jinnan naturally followed, and Song's secretary was quite worried about the future of the Kaide Group!

I can't count on Fu Huai'an, and I can't count on Lu Jinnan. Secretary Song can only look at Fucheng.

But Fucheng is now being pressed by the old king of the city. The secretary of Song is playing the banner of Fu Qingquan to ask the young master of his own family. Wang Lao’s side has personally met the secretary of Song, but in one sentence, the family of Fu’s family is his old man. Only recognize Fu Huai'an!

Wang Laoji remembered that his family was thrown on the side of the road. It was Fu Huai'an who called the deputy director of the Public Security Department. Wang Lao is a loyal person. This kind of kindness has not been forgotten, especially now that the Kaide Group is a In the case that the inheritance rights are in a mess, Wang Lao is giving Fu Huai'an face.

Wang Lao did not ask where the person he wanted was from Fucheng. He couldn’t keep holding it all the time. Although Fu’s family is gradually weakening, he also said that Fu Huai’an wants to give up the Kaide Group to Jiahe, but who knows What is Fu Huai'an thinking? !

After doing the Kaide Group’s main body for so many years, can you say that people make people? !

Therefore, Wang Lao said that he only recognized Fu Huai'an. One of them was really thinking about that little affection. Secondly, he was also thinking about giving his grandson a future...

Now Wang Lao’s solitary grandson is lying on the bed and becomes a vegetative person. In addition to finding someone to take revenge, Wang Lao has to work hard to make plans for his grandson. Otherwise, when he closes his eyes, what should the child do? !

Fu Huai'an means in the past few years, Wang Lao still knows some, in the end, Fu Huai'an still has some scruples.

If there is a bit of friendship with Fu Huai'an, he is willing to gamble on the whole Wang family, and ask Fu Huai'an to help his grandson a natural and old result. Wang Lao believes that Fu Huai'an is still willing to promise!

Fu Huai'an character Wang Lao does not doubt that in the business district of Haicheng, as long as Fu Huai'an can promise, it is a person who can entrust.

Wang Lao’s thoughts have actually been passed on to Lu Jinnan’s ears. Lu Jinnan and Fu Huai’an said that Fu Huai’an is not a serious matter.

Although Wang Lao said that there is only one single-mother grandson, Wang Jiashu is deeply rooted... Can he still find a person worthy of entrustment in his home? !

But today, the Wang family only said that Fu Huai’an’s words were spoken from the mouth of Song’s secretary, but it made Tang Hao have other ideas.

There are other people in the Wang family who are not fake, but they also have the ability to cover the Wang family. When it comes to the matter... Who else is Haicheng Shefu Huai'an? !

The fare of Tang Wei Station, I heard a vaguely...

I saw Fu Huai'an hands in the pocket, standing in the snow, the calm five senses can not see any look, across the already falling snow, can not tell the indifference.

"What is the relationship between Fucheng and me?!" Fu Huai'an asked Secretary Song.

Secretary Song was stunned by this. Originally, he wanted to say that Fucheng was also the shackle of Fu Huai'an. However, it was reminiscent of Fu Huai'an's unsatisfactory tone. The attitude of obvious rejection was unambiguous. Song secretary hardly swallowed the words. Go back.

"Fu Zong..." Song’s throat moved.

Fu Huai's deep black squat looked into the rear window.

I saw the glass put down, Fu Tianci explored his head, the tone was impatient: "Song secretary! You can't go?! I have no power on my phone!"

The zipper of the juvenile down jacket is open, and the white shirt and black suit with a collar inside are clean and straight. The childish and unattractive beauty is obviously unpleasant, the brow is twisted, and the charging treasure connected with the mobile phone is flashing red. The light is obviously dead, and the screen of the mobile phone on the other hand is the game screen.

"Go right away! There is a car charger on the car. I will find a charging cable in the car for a while..." Song secretary smiled at Fu Tianci, saying good words and talking to the boy.

"Hurry up!" The teenager muttered, closing the window, and faintly seeing the fancy color on the phone screen inside through the black glass.

"Fu, then I will leave with the young master!" Secretary Song respected Fu Huai'an.

Fu Huai'an beheaded.

In the car staring at the screen of the mobile phone, the teenager who is flying with the finger thinks about it. See Fu Huai'an turned and walked away. He put down the window and said to Fu Huai'an: "Lin Wen said that the program recording was pushed to tomorrow, you help me ask her to wear it to us. No, ask me in advance on WeChat! I will tell my classmates!"

"it is good!"

Fu Huai'an responded with a donkey standing under the eaves and ordered a cigarette.

The smoke is lingering, listening to Tang said: "I see Fu Tianci treat you as his father!"

Fu Huai'an did not talk.

Tang Yan looked at the taillights of Secretary Song and asked: "Would you like to go to Wang Lao to ask?! Explore the mouth?!"

Wang Lao’s grandson is not lying in bed now, but he is still a masterpiece of Tang Yan, but who can let the kid not provoke Lu Jinnan’s woman!

"I found that you seem to be particularly likable!" Tang Yan said.

Fu Huai'an turned to look at Tang Yan, looking like a question.

Tang Yan turned to look at the door, see no one came out, he removed the cigarette from the corner of the corner, and ordered a little ash to lower the sound opening...

"Fu Master is busy getting the Kaide Group from his son to your son. As a result, his son is deeply loved by you. The grandson of the Wang family is not sent to the bed, but this Wang Lao probably also has What do you mean by entrusting Wang Jia to you! What is your constitution?!"

Tang Hao said that he was interested, but Fu Huai'an was a look of disinterest, and his attitude was not warm.

"Is there something?!" Tang Yan saw Fu Huai'an's eyebrows faintly wrinkled. He asked for a single hand.

Today, the words that Tang Yan said when he left, played back and forth in Fu Huai'an's mind.

The people who survived in the past counted one hand, but three!

One of them died in the prison. Fu Huai'an thought that although the remaining two were not dead, they probably couldn't get out of prison in this life.

Fu Huai'an coveted, looking at the scarlet light spots of the cigarette butts, the white ash of the fingertips and the heavy snow of the goose fell on the cobblestone paved stone.

"Close it!" Fu Huai'an spoke.

After many years of tacit understanding, Tang Yan knows what Fu Huai'an is referring to...

For the Kaide Group, Fu Huai'an is not going to drag.

Before Fu Huai'an moved slowly, instead of taking care of Fu Tianci's reason, Tang Yan took a cigarette and daggered: "Before tomorrow, the guarantee can be settled!"

"Huai'an!" Fushun took the phone in his hand and took a few anxious voices down the stairs. He panicked and searched for Fu Huai'an in the living room.

The third is more complete! Ask for a monthly ticket, baby!

(End of this chapter)

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