Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 697: I have a bad news to tell you!

Chapter 697 I have a bad news to tell you!

Lin warmed his lower lip, and a pair of scorpions sparkled.

She pretended to calm down and put things back in the box, together with the small leather jacket and small leather whip that had just been spread on the bed, which covered the bottom of the little egg and opened the egg, opening: "This is a box of new wedding gifts sent by Xie Jingzhen. !"

Close the door, walk to the front of Lin Wen, standing on the edge of the bed.

At the hand is a box of love and a piece of fun, surrounded by Fu Huai'an, and Fu Huaian covered the shadow of light to cover it, Lin Wen inexplicably feels the pressure is very strong, the feeling of uncomfortable full body.

Fu Huai'an single-handed pocket, slightly bent down from the box to take out Lin Yong's hand in the palm of his hand, it seems that there is still the heat of Lin warm palm, raising the eyebrow.

Lin warmed the heart and jumped out of the mouth. This thing was not bought by her. What did she feel like? !

Lin warmed on the palm of the bed and pulled out the sweat, her guilty abdomen began to tighten slightly, and her heart secretly thanked her!

Looking up, Lin warmed a face, reached out and took the utensil from Fu Huai'an, and threw it into the box: "I don't know what she is doing with this thing! You need it where I need it!"

Lin Wen said that there is something wrong with him, so he is angry to cover his guilty conscience.

Fu Huai'an didn't say anything, Lin Wen took the lid of the box to cover, Fu Huaian's big hand clasped, what the eyes saw, and reached out and took it out...

Delay loop.

Lin Wen’s heart is collapsing, and he has to make a serious look: “I don’t think this thing can be used. You used to... If I use this thing, I feel that I can’t stand it. I have to explain it. Bed..."

Fu Huai'an squinted at the scorpion and looked at the instructions at the back. The lips evoked: "I can try this evening..."

Fu Huai'an sounded like a smile, and Lin Wen listened and felt a little hairy, and the goose bumps were all up.

"The gift from Xie Jingzhen is not bought by me!" Lin Wen slightly had some hair.

"Xie Jing is not your friend?!" Fu Huai'an asked.

Lin Wen asked: "Your friend's wife, shouldn't it be your friend?!"

"So we can't live up to the goodwill of our friends!" Fu Huai'an's low voice has a smile.

Lin Wen: "..."

Fu Huaian left the delay ring on the bed.

The elastic force of the soft bed makes the delay ring hit the bed and pops off to the ground...

Lin warmed and bent to go, I heard Fu Huai's thick voice rang at her head: "This suit is good!"

Fu Huai'an bent over and took the small leather jacket from the box.

Lin warmed up straight and couldn't stop it. The little one that she was hiding under the leather coat appeared in Fu You'an's deep eyes.

This time, even Fu Huai'an's eyelids are a hop.

In the silence, the air is extraordinarily hot.

For a long while, Fu Huai'an hoarse voices: "Mrs. Fu has not forgotten that we have to try those postures?!"

He asked this.

Lin warmed his head and looked at Fu Huai'an with a black sable of water, biting his lip.

"Ready!" Fu Huai'an left the small leather jacket in his hand, and the heavy breath showed his urgency.

He solved the shirt button in one hand, went to the closet and took the home clothes to open the door of the bathroom. He turned back and said: "I take a bath for five minutes!"

Lin warmed all over the body, her limbs curled up on the bed, the cool breeze blew in again, and Lin Lin, who was not cold, wrapped herself up and looked at the box of things, she seemed to make up her mind Come out of the quilt, quickly throw the delay ring off the ground and throw it into the box, cover it!

Holding a big box, Lin Wen stuffed it into the cloakroom, ran back to the bed, wrapped himself with a quilt, and as Xie Jingyi never sent that box of things.

In Fu Huai'an's mind, Lin Wen's fine white hand holds the picture of the toy sent by Xie Jingyu. The bath water temperature is close to cold, but his heat is not going down.

Three minutes of fighting came out, Fu Huai'an even had no time to wear a home service...

Seeing Lin warmed up in the red wedding quilt, revealing a pair of bright black scorpions, lined with her skin white as the shelled eggs, tender as if you can get out of the water.

Seeing my little wife shrinking on the bed like a little cockroach, there are Yingying fog in her eyes, like a deer in the depths of the jungle, a beautiful hook.

The hair did not care about blowing, Fu Huai'an waist was surrounded by a bath towel...

The muscles of the upper body are well-defined, and the straight legs are sharp and sturdy, full of the **** charm of male masculine hormones.

I don’t see the gift box sent by Xie Jingzhen. Fu Huai’an thought that Lin Wen had put on the set of small leather clothes, and he couldn’t help but feel hot and stiff.

Fu Huai'an knees on the bed, hands pressed against the quilt on both sides of Lin warm body, whispered: "What about things?! Well?! Put on?!"

The hoarse, mellow and mellow voice is a mess.

He said: "I see..."

Lin warmed with thick eyelashes, revealing a small red mouth, shy and said: "I have a bad news to tell you!"

After that, Lin Wen hid his little mouth into the quilt, like a bunny...

Fu Huai'an smiled and smiled at Lin Wen. He wanted to hear what his little wife could say. He asked, "What?!"

Seeing that Lin is not warm, the nose is slightly sent out and a single tone is asked: "Hmm?!"

"I seem to have another vacation..." Lin Wen’s little hand slammed the quilt down in the palm of his hand, whispering.

"You haven't been here for a long time?!" Fu Huai'an obviously did not believe Lin Wen, thinking that this is an excuse for Lin Wen to find.

"Really..." Lin warmed his lip and curled his shoulders. "I felt a pain in my stomach just now. I saw a little red on the inside pants. If you don't believe it, you can check it!"

Fu Huai'an: "..."

Fu Huai'an head was poured a cold water on the head, how uncomfortable it is!

But Fu Huai'an is more concerned about Lin Wen's body: "Do you have a problem with this holiday?!"

Lin warmed nodded: "My vacation will sometimes be messy for a while, then it will be fine! I have come back three days before, and then I will drag it for more than 40 days!"

Lin Wenyue said that the voice is smaller, and he apologizes in his heart...

Today is the new marriage between her and Fu Huai'an, but it is a deliberate disorder that is not on time today! It’s not long before I’ve been here!

"Tomorrow I will take you to the hospital to see!" Fu Huai'an calmly said.

"I have seen it before, hormones are normal..."

"Then look for Chinese medicine conditioning!"

Otherwise, I don’t know when I want to be intimate and take a break, so I’m going to make a mistake!

Fu Huai'an plans to go to the bathroom and take a cold shower to calm down.

(End of this chapter)

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