Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 706: I'll wait for you at home!

Chapter 706 I am waiting for you at home!

Azhan is already the fifth phone call, but the person who left him behind Li Muyang has not been picked up. Ah Zhan is inexplicably worried about what happened to Li Muyang.

"I can't do 10 million?! You... can't be too greedy! If you are too greedy, my dad can't get anything for you!" Fu Tianci bite his teeth, "15 million! No more!" ”

"You shut me up!" Azhan pointed a gun at Fu Tianci.

Fu Tianci’s throat slides up and down, and his hands raise his hands. He can think of Azhan’s use of him to warm the forest. He boldly used his hand to open the muzzle of Azhan, so he made a calm smile: “You killed. I, what threatens Lin Wen?!"

Seeing that Azhan was biting the shape of the masseter, Fu Tianci understood that he had said the heart of Azhan, and the whole body was relaxed. He seriously discussed with Azhan...

"How much does your boss give you to sell for you?! 15 million your boss can give you so much?! You don't think that I am a child, I don't speak, I know that I am my father's only child. When you call, don't say that you use me to warm the forest, just say that I kidnapped me, my dad will definitely give it! I promise you not to call the police!"

"Gap my mouth to seal me!" A show a headache to his own hand.

"I said... oh... oh..."

After Fu Tianci’s mouth was blocked, Azhan felt that the world was clean. He dialed the phone again, but there was still no one on the phone.

A show irritated and pulled the neckline.


Green light...

Lin warmed the car they used to ride steady and straight forward, the small CMB went to the right turn and slowly turned right, carrying the business of Azhan and Fu Tianci quickly followed the car in front.

Seeing that Fu Tianci is getting farther and farther away from him, Lin warmed the hand of Mu Taotao: "I am gone, what about Fu Tianci?!"

"Warm sister, you can rest assured! Will be saved!" Mu Taotao calms Lin.

"Peach peach, I don't want to add chaos to you, but there is a ** in the exhibition, in case the exhibition is mad... I am really worried!" Lin warmed the temple suddenly jumped.

"So you must save one by one! Warm sister, you believe me! We will surely save Fu Tianci!" Mu Taotao warmed his lips and his chest was well-fed.

Mu Taotao is confident in their captains. Although their captains are like a little milk dog, they are a calm person and never do anything unsure.

Lin nodded warmly, restrained his emotions and calmed himself down. She couldn't help but didn't want to mess with Mu Taotao.

The CMB car turned right from Qujiang Road to the third ring, and then turned into the more remote Wenyi Road, stopping by the roadside.

"The big boss changed the car..." The driver turned his head and said to Lin Wen.

Lin nodded warmly, and together with Unnai, followed Mu Taotao and got off.

Mu Taotao and Unnei together with Lin Wen warmed up the black Lincoln MKC parked in front of the small CMB.

Lin was so upset that he sat down in the car, and Younai did not trace the hand that Lin Wen was full of sweat and did not loosen.

In the back seat, there was a bag that Lin warmed down in the dressing room and didn't have time to take it out. Lin warmed up and took it in his arms.

Mu Taotao took the co-pilot, Lincoln MKC slowly started, Mu Taotao took out a box from the storage box to open, the guns were assembled neatly, loaded with clips, handed to Younai.

This silent atmosphere makes Lin warm nerves tight in a straight line.

Unnai nodded, not behind her waist.

The phone vibration, the highly concentrated Lin Wen was shocked.

The front row of drivers connected to the phone, Lin Lin looked at the driver and looked at the driver.

Isn't this the staff who just greeted Jinjiang TV and Mu Taotao, clumsily overturned the props box? !

The man wearing a blue cardigan sweater handed the phone to Lin Wen: "Big boss, call!"

Lin warm saw the driver handing the phone to himself, hesitated for a moment, and saw the encrypted number on the screen. She held the phone in her ear and put it in her ear: "Hey..."

For a long time, because of the tension, the whole body muscles are tight, and the sound of a warm forest is a little hoarse and broken.

"Little warm..."

Fu Huai'an mellow and low voice came from the end of the microphone, Lin Wen only felt the nose is pantothenic.

It was too late to complain about grievances. Lin warmly said to Fu Huai'an: "Azhan has a **, and he holds Fu Tianci, but if Azhan finds that I am not in the car, will it be bad for Fu Tianci?!"

"Reassured, Fu Tianci will not have anything to do. You should go home with Younai and wait for me at home!"

Lin Wen always believed in Fu Huai'an's words. Fu Huai'an said that Fu Tianci would not have anything to do, Lin Wen wrote!

Lin warmly looked at the driver who drove, and Yu Guangli was the figure of Mu Taotao...

She remembered that the dialect said that Mu Taotao was a relative of Xiaolu. It was Xiao Lu who called the dialect and asked the dialect to arrange Mu Taotao to become the makeup artist of Lin Wen!

Lin Wen thinks again that the last time in the new home filming the propaganda film, Lin warm invited Jinjiang TV staff to eat, others toast Fu Huai'an did not touch, but Mu Taotao toasted when said that will certainly take care of Lin Wen, Fu Huai'an took the cup of tea One bite.

Linking these two things together, plus the staff of the Jinjiang TV station, Lin Wen seems to have something to figure out...

Her palms slightly tightened her hem and asked Fu Huai'an: "Mu Taotao and these people, are you arranged by my side?!"

Mu Taotao carried a gun with him. The little girl was very talented, and the staff of the Jinjiang TV station, as well as Fu Huai'an, who was on her side.

This is obviously at home, it should be the safest, and Fu Huai'an is arranging so many people around her!

Lin warmed and worried, guessing whether this was because of Li Muyang, or because Fu Huai'an's identity leaked the wind, Fu Huai'an protects her but does not let her know the danger around her.

"This is the necessary protection for you. Didn't tell you that you are angry?!" Fu Huai'an lowered his voice and asked.

Lin warmed his head and his eyes were more dignified: "I am afraid that you are in danger, but you are glaring at me!"

"Arranged around you is just in case, I don't have any danger, don't be afraid!" Fu Huai'an mature voice is gentle, "Let's go back and say."

Lin nodded warmly, realizing that Fu Huai'an couldn't see the phone: "Well, I am waiting for you at home!"

Hanging up the phone, Lin Wen handed the phone to the man in the driver's seat, and listened to Mu Taotao. "Boss, where are we going to take the warm sister now?! Go back to Jinjiang TV station to record the show?!"

The man driving the car looked at Mu Taotao with a sullen face: "Go to Haicheng!"

At this time, Jinjiang TV station blew up the pot because of the news that Lin Wen and Fu Tianci were suddenly taken away. Everyone speculated whether Lin Wen was offended by anyone on the black side.

Ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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