Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 819: I am flustered for you.

Chapter 819, I am flustered for you.

Without deliberate description, passers-by can create a love story that makes people feel insulted.

Under the hood, the vibration of the engine, Lu Lili can feel, the heart is numb along with the shock, she clenched her teeth and slammed around the front of the car and knocked on the driver's lathe glass...

Fu Huai'an black 瞳 幽 幽 deep, a mess, he put down the window, looking sideways to the direction of Lu Lili, only a look at Lu Lili's face has been pale.

"You believe me, Huai'an! I really don't want to hurt you. If I have a child who knows that the group is Lu Xiangsi and Jiang Ming'an, why don't I tell the truth, but only say that the group is not your child! I have never seen you and I can't see Lin Wen. There are people around you. I have been deported before I am close! I can only use this method to let you meet me!"

Lu Yuli’s voice choked. She looked up at Lin’s direction and panicked. “I didn’t want to see Huai’an. I just want to see you. I want to tell you that Fu Tianci’s mother is not good for Huai’an. She I have already found out that Huai’s undercover mission was that she was so angry that she was threatening to use this thing because of the things of the Kaide Group. I want to buy Huai’an’s shares at a low price! I just want to tell you about it. !"

Looking at Lu Yuli's flustered and full of sincerity, Lin Wen only smiled and listened to Lu Yuli's voice.

"I just think that I have done too many wrong things before, so I want to make up... I want to ask you to forgive me. I have no way to make this decision. I have not caused any substantial harm to you. Isn't it?!" Lu Yuli’s eyes are hard to cover the grievances and complain to Lin Wen. “Why don’t you listen to me and let Huai’s come to me!”

Fu Huai'an was dark and sullen, and was about to push the door open. Lin warmed up Fu Huai's big hand...

"I can be regarded as a teacher today, what is called a pig eight ring fight!" Lin warmed down and laughed, one hand elbows on the center console, laughing at Lu Lili, "If really like you said, you are just If you want to redeem, you want to tell us that Fu Tianci’s mother wants to use the undercover things of Huai’an to threaten us to make atonement. Can’t you call, even if the phone doesn’t pick up the message, don’t we read it?! You want to Use this threat to force me to see you, you said that you don't have ulterior motives... Do you believe in yourself?!"

"Why don't you believe?! I don't have any benefit to me! And I volunteered to tell you that this is what I did! I like Huai'an! But I can break you and Huai'an." ?! Can it?! I did this... Instead, I made Huaian more resentful to me! What did I figure out?! Not just to meet you! Tell you about it and let them pay attention!"

Lu Yili said that there is something wrong with it, tears are smashing: "I don't want me to be kind, not only can not get your understanding, but it is deeply misunderstood, I am the cousin of the group ... I want to often Go and see the group, I didn’t get your forgiveness. How can I go to see the group?! I can’t get close to the 50m range!”

Lin warmly chuckled: "You said... you are all for the group?!"

Lu Yuli Zheng focused on the head.

Lin Wen also nodded: "Well, if you really want to be a group, you can use the way of hurting me, hurting Huai'an way to draw our attention, but you have chosen to hurt the group to attract attention... ..."

"Because I only have this in my hand..." Lu Yuli did not wait until Lin Wen finished speaking.

Lin Wen looked at Lu Lili's lips: "So... are you really concerned about the group?! If you really care about the group, you will not think about the kind of things you are doing today, what kind of heart shadow will be left to the group? The group is the child of me and Huai'an. The thing we care about most is the group. You know this in your heart, so you catch this and want to hurt us, or say me, you only think of revenge and injury, you never ... never considered the situation of the group!"

"Lu Lili, don't say that you care about the group! Think about the one million deposits that your bank suddenly made four days ago, and then think about the care group you said, I am panicking for you..." Lin Wen looked at Lu Lili The eyes are not good.

The soft forest has always been warm, and the rare toughness is all for the group.

Lu Yili’s wife was slightly trembling, her face was a little stiff, like the cold wind blowing, she quickly calmed down: “The money in my account is the money I sell the house! Don’t mess around! Let’s say... ...If it wasn't for the people around you who kept stopping, I couldn't see you, can I make a decision?! Huai'an is nothing... We are different from men and women, but for Huai'an, I can always see you?! What can I do if I can't see you?!"

When Lin Wen heard this, it was on fire. She restrained her temper, and she was blind for a while...

"Lu Yuli..." Fu Huai'an just opened his hand and was slammed by Lin Wen.

The matter between women, Lin Wen does not intend to let Fu Huai'an participate in it, too reducing the style of Fu Huai'an, especially to people like Lu Lili!

"Miss Lu's face is too big! You want to see me... I have to see?! Whose truth?! I want to see the president. Is the president not seeing me... I am going to use the means to force the president to see me?!"

Who gave Lu Xiaoli's face, and then dared to go out!

She thought she was who!

Lu Yuli was blocked by Lin Wen’s heart. In the face of Fu Huai’an’s face, she did not dare to attack. She bit her lower lip with a pitiful look. “I am here for Huai’an, you are the wife of Huai’an. Don't you care?!"

"Miss Lu remembers that I am the wife of Huai'an?!" Lin warmed his lips and laughed and laughed at the bottom of his eyes. "The thing in Huai'an is that Miss Lu is too concerned about crossing the border!"

Lu Yuli bit her lower lip: "But I haven't seen how much you care about Huai'an!"

"What about our husband and wife, do you still need to know everything?!" Fu Huai'an's dark vision looked toward Lu Yili, his brows were slightly tight, and he was impatient. "You can't help yourself too!"

Fu Huaian's mellow and heavy voice is not deliberately degraded. It can be said that every time it shocks the heart and trembles, it is not difficult for people to hear the slightest anger in the heart. The strong pressure of the upper person can't open the mouth.

Lu Yuli’s fingers holding the window were shaking, and I wanted to call Fu Huai’an’s name but I didn’t dare to...

"Hand..." Fu Huai'an voice is heavy.

Lu Xiaoli almost subconsciously raised her hand and stepped back. Seeing that Fu Huai'an's car disappeared from his own eyes, the cold spine was stiff and trembled.

The third is more... ask for the monthly ticket! Baby! ! ! ! At the end of the month, at the end of the month! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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