Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 824: I want my little sweet wife!

Chapter 824 I want my little sweet wife!

Said, Lin Wen circled Fu Huai's slim waist and tightened his arms, the small mouth is as sweet as the honey.

Fu Huai'an couldn't help but smack her lips and kissed Lin Wen's hair.

The pleasant mood has not lasted for a few seconds. Lin warmed again: "My sister sent me a schedule, and I will enter the crew next week in Morocco. Then I will return to the troops every Saturday to shoot troops. On the show, as well as "Warm Words" and "After the Heroes", I have to take two days to shoot! I counted the next time, the next day, I am not at work, or on the way to work..."

Fu Huai'an is also busy, busy enough to be stunned, he is hard to press the work or give Lu Jinnan and Tang Yan, to give him and Lin warm time.

You can warm up these programs, you need to be personally involved, after all, it is on the TV.

"If you are too tired, you will push the film off..." Fu Huai'an said.

Fu Huai'an knows that Lin Wen is not interested in filming...

"I originally wanted to push it. In foreign countries... I always feel unsafe. I can say that this movie has helped me greatly. I advised me to take it!" Lin Wen's chin rested on Fu Huai'an. On the chest, he looked at him in Fu Huai'an's arms. "The people who are too comfortable in life will not have anything to do. People must learn to work hard, just like you... you have worked hard to get it today, You can understand more than any other taste! I am already lucky too much compared to you, because I have you! I hope that I can grow into a woman who can stand side by side with you!"

Fu Huai'an's distinct and slender fingers bounced on Lin Wen's brain: "I don't want a female warrior, I want my little sweet wife!"

Lin Wen’s ear was red, and asked: “Is there a conflict between the two?! I am not sweet now?!”

Fu Huai'an looked at Lin Wen, a serious opening: "I taste sweet and not sweet..."

Lin warms the brain because of the lack of oxygen.

Fortunately, Fu Huai'an has a lot of heart, knowing that today's tossing from Yunding Apartment to Fu House bathroom is too hot, and it is no longer difficult for Lin Wen.

"Do you have a lot of movies in the movie?!" Fu Huai'an loosened Lin Wenwen.

Lin warmed his breath and was still very messy. He couldn’t help but smile and said: "The heroine..."

Fu Huai'an: "..."

Seeing Fu Huai'an's expression, Lin Wen described: "I told my sister, after this movie, I will not pick up the movie. At most, it is the invitation of a friend. There is no problem with one or two shots of a small guest!"

Lin Wenzhi is not in the film and television circle. This time, if it is not a dialect that does not need acting skills, it only allows Lin Wen to play in the true colors, and it is indeed a good thing for the opposites. Lin Wen does not want to pick up.

It’s not that Lin Wen’s ambition doesn’t want to stand at the top of a circle. It’s a fame. Her career planning has never been a film and television circle.

Morocco is the site of the ink, Fu Huai'an is very clear, and the ink is more capable in Morocco, Fu Huai'an is also very clear...

There is Song Song, Lin Wen will never have any problems in filming in Morocco, Fu Huai'an sent two groups to follow, Lin Wen's safety does not have to worry.

"I have time to go to Morocco to visit the class..." Fu Huaian played a little hair with Lin Wen.

Lin warmed his lips and smiled and nodded: "Then you go ahead and say, I can do a good job in Raiders and we can play in Morocco!"

"Good!" Fu Huaian gently pressed Lin Wen's head into his arms. "Sleep for a while!"


When Lin warmed up in the morning, there was no Fu Huai'an figure in the position around him.

When she finished washing out of the bedroom, she saw the glazed glass sitting cross-legged at the door of Fu Huai'an study, holding a tablet in her hand to play with music.

"How do you sit here with small glass, have you eaten breakfast?!" Lin asked.

The cloud glazed up, the clean scorpion looks like a warm spring, and the lips squint and smiles: "Gu Qingcheng is back, in the study..."

When the little girl spoke of Lu Qingcheng, her eyes did not hide her love and embarrassment.

Lin warmed nodded: "Have you had breakfast?!"

"Yeah!" Yunluoli nodded. "When I was eating with the group, the group went out to play with his little friend today. I talked with Mr. Fu. After Mr. Fu agreed, Aunt Li and Hu Shu took the group out. It!"

The cloud glaze is in a good mood, and Lin Wen has said two things about the group.

Lin warm dagger: "Okay, I know..."

The group was supposed to say something to Lin Wen, but Fu Huai'an was afraid that the group would influence Lin Wen's rest, and promised that the group would tell Lin Wen, and that it would be a little bit to go to the car and a small candy and a small happy appointment.

Looking up at the closed study door, Lin warmed and said to the cloud glass: "It's better for you and me to go downstairs. I let the kitchen prepare you some snacks and milk, or fruit snacks. You eat while waiting for Gu Qing. City is good?! Gu Qingcheng can't run..."

Lin warms the fun cloud glaze.

The innocent and clean scorpion of the cloud glaze looked at Lin’s warm nod, and did not hear the jokes in Lin’s warm words. A heart was all in Gu Qingcheng’s body. She blinked and asked Lin Wen: “Little warm sister, he can’t run. ?!"

The little girl asked sincerely, Lin warmed and stared at the eyes of the cloud, she understood what the cloud was talking about.

They all said that the authorities were fascinated by the observers.

Lin Wen does not know what Gu Qingcheng thinks about Yunli Glass, but if Gu Qingcheng is only a younger generation, he will still leave this younger generation when he discovers that this younger generation has different feelings and emotions for himself. By yourself? !

Lin Wen feels no!

If only when Yun Liu is a younger generation, and knows that this younger generation is pregnant with himself, how can he remember to send her the gift she wants at each festival? !

She reached out to the cloud and nodded. "At least today, he can't run..."

This is not the answer that Yunlili wants, but at least the cloud glass is also very satisfying today!

She was afraid that Gu Qingcheng and Fu Huai'an would leave after finishing the matter, and would not even give her a redundant sentence.

Pulling Lin Wen’s hand to stand up, Yun Liuli stood up and said: “Then I am going to prepare a cake for him. Can I use the kitchen?!”


Cloud glazed nodded: "Tomorrow is Gu Qingcheng's birthday! I want to celebrate him in the early hours of the morning! Only us!"

The girl’s eyes are hard to hide...

She did not deliberately refuse to be a thousand miles away. She did not hide her thoughts on Lin Wen. The little girl just wanted to give Gu Qingcheng a complete birthday alone, just like before!

The love of Yun Liuli is hot. On the road to love, she is like a warrior...

(End of this chapter)

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