Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 827: Love is sour and sour

Chapter 827 Love is sour and sour taste

But if Gu Qingcheng brings back a girlfriend, he is still ready to get married... Yun Liuli does not know how to deal with it.

Lin Wen knocked on the door and came in from the door: "What are you playing?!"

The little candy ran to the front of Lin Wen, glaring at Lin Wen’s fingers, dragging Lin Lin into the room, and the voice was clear: “The mother of the group came to play with us!”

Lin warmly smiled and sat on the carpet, and the group came over and sat down beside Lin Wen, the soft little body leaned against Lin warm lips with a sweet smile.

"It's time to open the meal, can you play it after eating?!" Lin Wen reached out and wiped the sesame that had been accidentally stained when he just ate the sesame cake.

"Little warm sister..." Cloud glass suddenly opened to look at Lin Wen, "I am not hungry, do not want to go eat!"

Yun Liuli is the same as Lin Xiaoxiao, but Lin Wen can guess how hard it is in the heart of the cloud. She does not want to go downstairs to see Gu Qingcheng’s fiancee.

"I asked Aunt Li to send you the dinner to the room..." Lin warmed.

Cloud glass shook his head: "I want to take a hot bath and then take a nap!"

Lin Wen’s heart is inexplicably stabbed by the soft voice of a cloud-colored glass kitten.

"It's snowing outside, it's best for a bath in the snow..." The cloud glazed turned to look out the window, and it was secluded.

Lin warmed his head, and sure enough, it snowed outside...

Just when Gu Qingcheng arrived, there was no snow. The weather forecast did not say that there was snow today. Lin Wen always felt that the snow was like an emotional hurricane to the cloud.

Holding two children down the stairs, Lin warm people sent a bubble bath to the cloud glaze, I hope that the cloud glaze can make a good shower and feel better.

The meal, Anzhi, was very quiet. When only the servant added juice to her, she would say a thank you, there was nothing extra.

Lin Wen looked at the Angie and Gu Qingcheng who were sitting together. The two of them didn’t look like a couple. Lin Wen felt more like a subordinate to accompany the boss to the dinner. The boss only talked with friends, and the subordinates only looked at their own eyes. The cuisine.

Lin Wen’s feelings for himself were slow, but he was very sensitive to others’ reactions. She kept her head down and looked at the dish that Fu Huai’an had piled up into a hill. The lips smacked a shallow smile and was in a good mood. Peel the shrimp into the Fu Huai'an plate.

When I heard Tang Yan telling a joke, Fu Huai'an's lips twitched. Yu Guang noticed that the Lin warming under the plate was stained with oily slender fingers. The movement naturally took the napkin next to his right hand and took the warm wrist. Carefully wipe the color that shouldn't be on her fingertips.

The little movement between the lovers did not escape the eyes of Lu Jinnan. He felt that Fu Huai'an had changed...

Fu Huai'an and Lin Wen have changed. The two of them just come together, and the surrounding is the sour taste of love, and the nose is very good.

Lu Jinnan loosened the neckline and turned to let the servant give himself a glass of ice water.

Fu Huai'an wiped the fingers of his wife's wife, put down the napkin in his hand, and looked at Lu Jinnan's direction: "Lao Lu, you take a trip to the United States before the Spring Festival."

It was quiet at the table.

Fu Huai'an looks like a temporary affair, as if he had been planning for a long time.

The United States is a place where Lu Jinnan can't avoid it...

Even the word "United States" is because there is a person who has become jealous.

Tang Hao just took a bite of the ribs, and heard the two words faintly turned to look at Lu Jinnan's gloomy face, burying his head and ribs.

"Going to do?!" Lu Jinnan picked up the chopsticks and pretended to have a rib of bones if nothing had happened. The bite went down and the boss was dyed with dark **** in the soy sauce. It was very spicy.

"Although he has already returned to China before the embarrassment, his family has been detained in the United States, thinking about ways to take people back to the country, and let the team leader have a peace of mind!" Fu Huai'an said this is a serious matter.

Lu Jinnan nodded and returned to the taste and asked: "This thing should go to you. You know a lot of military and political figures in the United States that year, there should be a way than me!"

Fu Huai'an listened to Lu Jinnan and said with a smile: "I have to stay at home with a small warm group. You are not alone."

Lu Jinnan: "..."

Fu Huai'an is really a reason for Lu Jinnan to refuse.

Lu, single dog, Jinnan thinks that his boat with Fu Huai'an is going to turn over, and it is amazing to marry! Niubi! Live a single dog for the New Year and go to the United States to fish!

At the table, Yan Anzhi heard Fu Huai's smiling voice very unexpected. I didn't think that people like Fu Huai'an would actually laugh.

But An Zhi did not dare to look up and see, Fu Huai'an's compelling gas field, Yan Anzhi has always been afraid, just like she is afraid of Gucheng...

Bai Yuyu did not come over that day, surgery for more than ten hours, the patient's spine broke, Bai Yuyu needs to take the patient's nerves one by one!

Because of the snow, I have eaten dinner Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an did not leave people, afraid that the road is not good to drive.

When I went out, the little candy was already drowsy. Don Juan wore it to the little one, and hugged her into her arms. When she was little, she closed her eyes on Tang’s shoulder.

The group also began to blink and sigh, and the soft collapse was in the warm arms of Lin, and there was no way to wave goodbye to Lu Jinnan and Tang Yan.

Going to the door, watching Tang Yan and Lu Jinnan drive away, Gu Qingcheng said to the side of the road: "You go on the train first..."

Yan Anzhi nodded with a smile.

I know that Gu Qingcheng has something to say, Lin Wen’s small head has been pulled on his shoulders and said: “I will bring the group upstairs!”

"Glass did not come down this evening?!"

Gu Qingcheng’s words were asked by Lin Wen.

Looking at Gu Qingcheng's handsome and handsome facial features, Lin warmed nodded. "Probably I don't think you can see your fiancee, there is still a glimmer of hope."

Gu Qingcheng licks his thin lips, the man who has been indulging, and his eyes seem to have a bit of struggle.

The car that was falling in the snow, parked in front of the yard, had a thin layer of snow on the hood.

For a long time, Gu Qingcheng nodded. "I will go first. I still have trouble with you here. The child has no mother since childhood. What the girl should know, I don't understand, and I know how to teach her..."

Lin Wen understands the meaning of Gu Qingcheng, dagger: "You can rest assured!"

Although I couldn't be a good elder to take care of the cloud glaze at the age of Lin Wen, Lin Wen could do it when her sister told Yun Liu that she should know the little common sense about girls.

"After I got married, I plan to leave the glass in Haicheng!" Gu Qingcheng said with a pair of leather gloves, saying that it was slow. "I bought a villa and renovated it in a few days. If you have time to help, take a look." What is missing for her to buy it!"

Yan Anzhi is curious about Lao Fu, there is really nothing else to do hahaha... Baby rest assured! Drink it every day, the baby will read the text and remember to help thousands of hits! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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