Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 830: I love you!

Chapter 830 I love you!

The cloud glaze just had to open its mouth, and Gu Qingcheng took the first step and said: "The topic you talked to me, every word makes me feel that you are scorning!"

Gu Qingcheng’s words are as sharp as a knife.

The words "Be self-satisfied" are so unprepared to enter the heart of the cloud!

The most beautiful years of Huai Chun girl is also the most vulnerable and the age of the glass heart. Even if Yun Lanli knows that this is a hard battle, even if he has already put on his own heart, he has not resisted the Gu Qingcheng personally. Knife.

The cloud glazed to hold the fog at the bottom of the eye, but couldn’t help but **** the nose. She dared to look straight into the deep eyes of Gu Qingcheng that others could not see. Her heart was clean and calm, she was not afraid of Gu Qingcheng sharp. The eyes wear to see through her heart, she just fell in love with a person, and her heart has never been concealed.

In her eyes... Love a person, she loves the light and lofty, can't wait to figure out her own heart to give Gu Qingcheng a thorough understanding, let him know how firm she is, and how serious she is!

Knowing that it is a moth to fight fire, but still obsessed with all the courage of his own, carrying the courage to move forward, such love is called Gu Qingcheng by Gu Qingcheng? !

The fingers of the cloud glass resting on the knees moved slightly, and the courage to open, it was difficult to cover up: "In your eyes, I love you is self-satisfied?! What are you?! You love me... I You know! You don't have to lie to me! You are not brave, you can't admit that you love me... You even want to find someone you don't love to marry, isn't it just scorn?! In the are lying around A woman, hiding another woman, you are not self-satisfied?!"

After that, the cloud glaze is close to the lips, and the thick eyelashes are stained with water vapor...

Age is never a problem, cloud glaze doesn't care, why is Gu Qingcheng not accepting himself? !

"You are not me...glare, the most ugly thing in the world is the human heart. I love who doesn't love anyone, you don't know, don't use your own to take it for granted."

Hearing the anger in Gu Qingcheng's low voice, the fog of the cloud glass is even worse. Her legs are still numb, and the scorpion is also hurting: "You love me, I feel it! I am not a fool..."

"I love you!"

The cloud glare heard the four words and the heart jumped twice.

But the next words are like throwing the cloud into hell: "The kind of love that father loves daughter..."

This has been heard twice in the cloud, once she gave Gu Qingcheng a sleeping pill, and I wanted to cook rice for cooking, once today!

Every time I listened, Yun Liuli felt that my heart was torn into two halves and bloody.

She said: "I have a father! Although he is dead, but I have a father! I don't need a second father! I need a lover! Think of me as a woman's lover!"

"Then go to the one who treats you as a woman and loves you!" Gu Qingcheng's chest is like a fire, and the voice is inevitably a bit bigger. "That person can be anyone in the world, but it can never be me!" ”

Seeing a little girl with a white face and a white face, Gu Qingcheng’s throat was slightly swayed. The line of sight fell on the well-packaged cake. I ordered some ash to ask: “Give me?!”

Yun Liuli looked at the five senses of Gu Qingcheng and nodded.

Gu Qingcheng nodded: "The cake is left, I will let you send you back..."

Said, Gu Qingcheng took out his mobile phone from his pocket and prepared to let his hand **** the cloud glaze back to Fu Zhai. Just unlocked the screen and the thin white hand of the screen, and took the mobile phone out of Gu Qingcheng’s hand, like a weak child hiding the mobile phone. Behind me.

"Cloud glaze..." Gu Qingcheng's voice sank.

Gu Qingcheng's voice is not big, low and heavy with a few hoarse voice lines, is the kind of deterrent power of a special shock, let the cloud glazed tears 嗒 嗒 down: "Gu Qingcheng, I know that you love me! I know! If you don't love me, why are you so good to me?!"

Looking at the little girl's tears, Gu Qingcheng was inexplicably annoyed, and pressed a half-cut cigarette into the ashtray. He put his elbows on his knees, and his body squatted deep into the clouds, a pair of clouds and clouds. Glass talks about the posture.

But he couldn't suppress his emotions: "How old are you and I say love?! You are only willing to trap yourself in this small world. Fictional world is only you and me. You have not touched other. People, how do you know that you are love is not a misunderstanding of family?!"

"You have never loved anyone like me. Do you have any power and position to judge whether my feelings for you are love?!" The voice of the cloud is as stubborn as her expression at this time.

The little girl blocked Gu Qingcheng’s heart and hurt.

"Whether I have loved or not, I will not love you, glazed... Don't leave your best years on me. You are a beautiful girl. You should not miss the best season of your life! Life can have How many 18 years old?! You are now wasting your time on me and not enjoying your life. You will regret it in the future!"

"You are not me! How do you know that I will regret it?! You don't even give me the opportunity to waste time on you. Why do you want to use me to take advantage of it?!" Yun Liuli put the words of Gu Qingcheng just now. Gave him.

The atmosphere became so loud as the sound of the cloud glass suddenly rose.

Gu Qingcheng's blood gas burst into the head, and the blue veins on his forehead are very obvious. He suddenly jumped: "Your father gave you the name of the glass, I hope that you have a clear heart in this complicated world, and you can keep your mind." And calmly, let your life shine! Not letting you ruin your life on an old man! Cloud glaze... You have to be worthy of your name, worthy of your father's spirit in heaven, don't let him cold!"

"I just like to put a lifetime on you! If my father is in heaven, he must hope to see me happy. I will be happy with you when I am with you! If the father is really in the sky, please bless him. I, even if I live for twenty years! Fifty years! As long as I can make you a woman, I can only live to be thirty years old... I am willing to be even twenty-five years old!"

In the large suite, the loud slap sound and the scream of the cloud screamed quietly.

Gu Qingcheng has a gloomy face like the Haicheng Night at the window.

This is the first time that Gu Qingcheng hit the glare of the cloud, and the anger is unstoppable. The fire between the eyebrows is rolling.

"Remove your words to me!" Gu Qingcheng's gloomy temperament pressed people.

Cloud stalks stalked the neck, tears smashed and smashed down.

The first is more...

(End of this chapter)

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