Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 835: a sneak peek

Chapter 835, the posture of a sinner

Lin warmed the bird's nest porridge in his hand and smiled and asked: "Are you still you?!"

Lin Biao's brows are tight, his eyes are flashing and he is talking about him. "I plan to take my mother to warm up a little bit. Relatively speaking, the temperature in Australia is more suitable. The air there is also good. It is better to take the mother away." !"

"If you go together, I can rest assured that you are alone!" Lin Wen is mostly a temptation.

"Together we will……"

Lin Wen looked at Lin Biao straight smile, Lin Biao was embarrassed to be laughed: "You don't think about it, we are friends now!"

Lin Shangyu nodded in something, catering to Lin Biao: "Well! Friends!"

"You..." Lin Biao was blocked by Lin Wen’s expression, and his ears became more and more red.

Lin Wen originally planned to eat dinner at Qingshan Villa with Ji Yun, but before he could wait for the meal, Fu Zhai called and said that Yun Liuli and the two children had to go out, and Lu Qingmei got caught, Lu Qingmei stopped. The car has to search for a car, not to mention Fu Tianci in the car!

The driver got off the bus and Lu Qingmei was strong. I haven’t said that the two cars are not good enough.

Seeing the secretary of Song, Lu Qingmei is as crazy as it is, pushing the driver to search for the car, and the little candy and the group are not scared by Lu Qingmei’s fierce look.

Yun Liuli is also a temper, Lu Qingmei opened the door, Yun Liuli got off the car, blocking the door is not to let Lu Qingmei search for the car, saying that Lu Qingmei does not have this power.

Two people shoved, and the cloud glazed body slammed into the bumper of the car.

Yun Liuli did not let Lin Wenhe and Fu Huai'an call. The driver did not disturb them if they saw no bleeding. Who knows that when they go back to rest for a while, the cloud glass begins to spit, even the water is spit!

Fu Tianci looked at this situation, regardless of the blocking of Song Secretary, and angered out the door. As a result, he quarreled with Lu Qingmei at the door. Li Ayi panicked and called Lin Wen.

In the case of Aunt Li’s symptoms, it should be a concussion.

"If you have something, go first! I am here with Shao Ting to accompany my mother!" Lin Biao saw Lin Wen looked worried and said.

Lin Wen asked the family to pick up the car and send the glass to the hospital. Fu Huaian gave Bai Yuyu a phone call and asked Bai Yuyu to check with Yun Liu, saying that this matter should not tell Gu Qingcheng for the time being.

Fu Huaian and Lin Wenren went to the hospital, saw small candy and group sitting side by side on the bench, waiting for Bai Yuyu to take the cloud to check.

"Group, little candy!"

Hearing Lin warmed their names, the two little children ran to Lin warm.

The little candy talks to the sorrow. When I see Lin Wen, I just like the scorpion. If you open it, let’s make it clear to Lin Wen.

The cloud glaze is not in a good mood. The small candy thinks that the cloud glaze is the same as itself. If you want to buy a toy mom, don’t buy it, then you can go to the ice cream shop...

She said that Haicheng has an ice cream shop called the Magic House. The little candy said that every time she wants her mother to take her to the magic house without buying it, then she makes a loud wish in front of the wishing elf in the magic house. Her Wish can be achieved!

For example, she wants the latest version of the toy pistol, the Transformers and the big dinosaurs she wants, every time!

When I saw the cloud, I felt my heart, and nodded and took two children out...

Fu Tianci originally wanted to follow, and Lu Qingmei was still waiting for the door, and gave up the idea of ​​going out.

Later, Yun Liuli went out to Lu Qingmei to stop the car. Lu Qingmei saw Yunjingli, a beautiful girl like a doll. She decided that Yunhuai was Fu Huai'an uneasy and arranged to seduce her son Fu Tianci!

The face of Lu Qingmei, who had been hanging out of Fu Zhaimen for a long time, couldn’t stand it. The heart went to the top of the evil fire and decided that Fu Tianci was in the car. He couldn’t help but say that the cloud glaze was a little fox seduce her son, so I had to search for one. Search!

Cloud glaze is also a temper. Last night and Gu Qingcheng were not happy, and my heart was very hot. When Lu Qingmei’s mouth was not dry, it was not stopped, and Yun Liuli probably did not expect Lu Qingmei to do it. I didn't expect that I would be pushed down by the push and hit the front bumper.

The bodyguards at home are not inaction. It is because today, after Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an left, some people used drones to investigate Fu Zhai. Their nerves were like clockwork... The heart was on this matter!

In addition, before seeing Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an from the family and Lu Qingmei said, the bodyguards did not care too much about Lu Qingmei's behavior, who knows that there was a problem.

On the way to the hospital, the security captain escorted the cloud glaze to the hospital. He was uneasy and saw what Fu Huai'an and Lin Wen wanted to say, but the little candy ran over and said a lot, no security at all. Captain opportunity.

Seeing Fu Huai'an's deep and dark vision as he looked in his direction, the security captain was busy with a look that had something to say: "Mr...."

Fu Huai'an beheaded, bending over to Lin Wendao in front of two children: "I will go through the situation first!"

Lin warmed nodded: "Good!"

The security captain followed Fu Huai’an and looked back at him and said: "Sir, someone used a drone to detect the entire manor this morning..."

Fu Huai'an took a step at the foot and looked back at Lin Wen, who was talking to the group and the little candy. He said, "Go out and say!"

The little candy learned the expression of Lu Qingmei at that time, and made a push action to push Lin warm: "It’s terrible! The grandmother is like an old witch of a fairy tale, so I pushed the glass sister!"

"Little candy!" Unnay's eyes quickly bent over and held Lin Wen, frowning and screaming at the little candy.

The little candy also realized that he was wrong and was busy: "I'm sorry, my mother..."

Lin warmed and smiled and licked the small head of the little candy: "It doesn't matter, let's go see the sister of the glass, okay?!"

The group drank a little candy and nodded.

Because Lu Qingmei started to push the cloud, so the security captain did not dare to let people go, just to give Lu Qingmei to "please" to the hospital, even Fu Tianci and Song Secretary came along.

Lu Qingmei has been deliberately arranged by Fu Huai'an and Lin Wen to seduce Fu Tianci, so Fu Tianci is not willing to marry Muman彤! She is going crazy in the same way as she is going crazy!

Aunt Li’s hands akimbo, the imposing threatened to say that Lu Qingmei tried hard in the middle, and Lu Qingmei pulled the arms of Fu Tianci to the side.

When Lu Qingmei saw that Lin Wen came, he thought that the cloud glaze, which is similar to his son’s age, had a face that was soothing, and immediately did not hit a place. He stepped on the high heels and walked in the direction of Lin Wen and Fu Huai’an. Xingshi asked the sin of the posture.

The third is more complete! Lu Qingmei also has a box lunch...

(End of this chapter)

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