Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 846: Strong and kind girl

Chapter 846 Strong and kind girl

After the death of Ji Yun, I will probably tie the two girls together in the future. I think that Ji Yun will see it in heaven and I will feel gratified.

Liang Shu sees Lin Biao sideways and let Lin warm in. The door is closed again, and the lips can't keep up.

The pain is hidden in the heart and the gas that accumulates in the heart is uncomfortable... From time to time in the body, Lin Biao urgently needs to find a venting mouth to solve.

She sat back in front of Lin Wen’s desk and talked about Lin’s childhood...

“When I was a child, I always completed my homework at school, not because I was diligent because I didn’t have heating at home. The amount of coal was limited. I used to use it when I used it. I was cold in my home. Like the hail, it is not much warmer than the outside! So I chose to finish my homework in school, so I insisted on it in spring, summer, autumn and winter. I was afraid to be seen by other students. What is different about my spring, summer, autumn and winter! I am afraid that I will be different. Let them know that I have a mentally ill mother..."

"I used to envy other classmates to raise a dog. In the days when I was too tight, my mother still tried to hold back a garden dog. I will give my meal to Xiaobai every day. I feel small. White is my family. Xiaobai went to school to pick me up from school that afternoon. I watched the classmates chasing white with sticks and stones and calling it a mad dog! It saw me... I was obviously beaten with blood. But I still wag the tail at me! I will never forget the clean and beautiful scorpion of Xiaobai! I hate myself because I was afraid of being discovered that my mother is the madman, and I can’t run it to save the white! I will never see a little white again..."

"I really... because vanity has done too many wrong things! But neither mother nor white will ever give me the opportunity to make up for it!"

The cautiousness of Lin Biao in those years has now become a bundle of fairy locks that bind her. The tighter the struggling struggle is, so that she can't breathe.

Lin Biao stared at the small table lamp, and the soft light seemed so dazzling.

Her eyes are sore and sore, choked and said: "Grandma always said that I can't compare with you, I admit it! Because I am not as good at treating you as mom! I am careful every day, every day, like a nerve, I am afraid that I will be known by others! In the school, there were only boys who liked me. Rainy Mother came to pick me up. I was especially afraid of being known by the boy I like. I walked away like a plague to hide from her!"

"But you... you dare to bring your mother to the person you love, even with your lover, take your mother out of the mental hospital and place the mother! I think if it is me... I don’t want to kill it like that. A mother brings to the person she loves, and in front of the boy who likes me, I have to maintain my ridiculous image, let alone in front of my lover!"

It is not as good for Lin Biao to admit that it is not as good as Lin Biao!

They were born on the same day, and their identities were wrong. They couldn’t make good sisters and they had to be a dead-end for a lifetime.

The death of Ji Yun has changed everything.

Lin Biao painfully covered his face with both hands...

She heard Lin Wenqing and a gentle voice screaming slowly: "You and my situation are different, we have no comparability, and no one is nobler than anyone!"

Lin Wen was sitting on the sofa in Lin Biao's room, and the broken hair scattered on his shoulders was behind his ear. A small face appeared very soft against the pink coat...

"Because I occupy the living environment that you should have, you have been living in that family for so many years of hardship. If you are in your position, I will not do better than you! I was a child when I was young. I don’t want to live a good life for money. I never worry about others because my family and parents look at me. I don’t have the experience of being chased by crazy girls like you, so my self-esteem has always been peaceful.”

Lin Wen see Lin Biao looking at her through the round mirror on the desk, she continued: "And at that time ... parents can give you the best life, is to solve the most common problem of food and clothing! Surroundings And the pity of the neighbors will make your self-esteem more and more sensitive, not vanity... but don't want people to look down!"

"Now you have a good family, you will go to see your mother with your lover, and even want to go abroad with your lover to play with your mother, so Lin Biao... This is the reason for the environment, not your reason! You have been a strong and kind girl!"

In the mirror, Lin warm expression is sincere, reddish eyes in the middle, black eyes are translucent, there is no meaning of perfunctory comfort.

Looking at the Lin Wen, Lin Biao suddenly chuckled, and the heavy emotions eased a little. Thank you, Lin Biao, who has never said anything.


The little bit of the group benefited from sleeping well last night, and it is so early today!

The snow was flying outside, the sky was not fully lit, and only a small table lamp was lit in the house.

As soon as the group rolled over his hands and held the mattress, he stood up on the bed with his little buttocks. He licked his sleepy eyes and found that it was not his room, nor the room of his father and mother. He had round eyes and a little horror. The little expression, you can look back and see that Mom and Dad are all there. Dad even puts his index finger on his mouth and makes a "嘘..." action!

The group is calm down...

When I was young, I thought about sleeping with my mom and dad on a bed last night. When I was young, I was happy and my ears were red.

He saw that the forest that was still asleep was warm and red, and the little finger was a little overwhelmed by his own clothes. The little brain turned and thought how to comfort Lin Wen.

Seeing my mother's arm in the father's arm, the group carefully walked to Lin Wen's side and sat down, staring at Lin's warm sleep.

The small group feels that the mother's eyelashes are really super long, and the long ones are super white and super beautiful. It is really the most beautiful mother in the world. I can’t help but secretly kissed Lin’s eyes, and then I’m afraid of being Fu Huai’an. Like the reprimand, the chubby hand is also placed on the lips, making a squeaky voice, indicating that he will be embarrassed next, and the **** eyes are looking around.

"This is the room before my mother..." Fu Huai'an was in a good mood to confuse the small group.

The group unexpectedly nodded, then slid down from the bed, stepped barefoot on the carpet and ran around the room to visit.

When the little one stood in front of Lin Wen’s trophy and certificate bookcase with glass doors, he looked back two steps upwards... really many trophies and certificates, he had to look up at his neck. .

First, ask for the monthly ticket! Baby! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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