Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 848: Are the group fathers and group mothers fighting? !

Chapter 848: Is the group father and the group mother fighting? !

In her mind, the combat clothes that were damp and sweated clung to Fu Huai's honey-colored skin, and outlined the shape of his muscles. Lin Wen suddenly felt that the face was hot and fried eggs!

Hey, what did she bring to Fu Huai'an? !

"Try what, what do you say I don't understand, let's change the subject! What time do you want to sleep tonight?!"

Lin Wen’s topic turned particularly blunt.

On the other end of the phone, Fu Huaian’s low laughter, he said: “Sleep with you...”

Looking at the clock on the wall at 9:45, she said: "I plan to sleep at ten, and I will be busy all day tomorrow."

"Well, open a door!"

Lin warmly stunned: "What?!"

"Open the door, I am trying to finish it in fifteen minutes..."

Lin warmed and reluctantly reminisced about every word of Fu Huai'an. He only felt that the heart had to jump out of the chest and lifted his consciousness to look at the two closed carved wooden doors.

"Do not open the door again, I can't guarantee that ten o'clock will make you sleep!"

Gentle and with a bit of petting voice, Lin Wen was busy returning to God, panic and Zhang put the foot under the other leg into the slippers.

Jog to the door, Lin warmed to open the door, it was seen that Fu Huai'an, wearing a blue woolen coat, stood outside the door. His woolen coat was a suit vest with the same color as the coat. The chest pocket of the suit was a dark red handkerchief. The white shirt has no tie, the stiff collar is open, and the **** throat is distinct.

He held leather gloves and a scarf in one hand, and held the phone in his ear with one hand, and the temperament was particularly restrained and deep.

Seeing Lin Wen pushes the door out, Fu Huai'an chuckles and hangs up the phone, and the deep black eyes make Lin Wen fall into it.

Her small white hand grabbed Fu Huai'an's arm and pulled in people. When he closed the door, he had already picked up his toes and grabbed Fu Huaian's neck and kissed him.

Fu Huai'an was forced to step back by the violent action of Lin Wen's sudden intrusion. The back of the back hit the door panel and barely supported Lin Wen's waist.

Feeling can't be self-satisfied, Fu Huai'an kissed Lin Wen, while taking off his own woolen coat with chill, and clasping Lin's thin, thin shoulders and turning people on the wall...

"Is the group father and the group mother fighting?!"

The small candy with his hands holding the milk cup came out of the kitchen one step at a time, and looked at Fu Huai'an and Lin Wen to ask questions.

Lin Wen was shocked and panicked and pushed Fu Huai'an.

Uninai chased it out of the kitchen and picked up her daughter. She turned red face first...


The little candy caught by his mother was watching the milk sprinkled on the ground and screamed, "Mom, you pay for my milk!"

Younai Yuguang saw Fu Huai'an breathing heavy, brow wrinkled appearance, careful liver is shaking, no way ... who let Fu Huai'an build her power for a long time!

Unnai did not lift her head, and she returned to the room with a small candy, and locked the door.

Lin warms his face with a red neck. He knows that Fu Huai'an has forgotten that she has forgotten that Unnay and the little candy are also there. She feels that she will have no face to see Unnay and the little candy tomorrow.

Fu Huai'an bent over and picked up the coat, gloves and scarf on the floor and shook hands. He took off his suit and hung it in the position of the porch hanging clothes. When he turned back, he saw Lin Wen’s annoyed look standing in the same place. Sweet shrimp that has just been fished out of hot water.

Fortunately, they are on the verge of ****, except that they did not make any radical moves, but they were smashed by the little candy, and Lin’s face was thin for a long time. .

Fu Huai'an smiled low and reached out to Yulin's warm hand, but was lifted away by Lin Wen's nervousness, and the nephew went straight to the direction of the door of Younai's room.

"Younai has even locked the door! The things just happened to you, Younai also said, they probably won't come out this evening..." Fu Huai'an whispered Lin Wen warmly, forcing Lin Wen's wrist to squat. She walked to the bedroom.

Lin Wen gently closed the door, urged Fu Huai'an, carefully struggling to withdraw his arm from Fu Huai'an: "You are going to wash..."

Fu Huai'an took Lin Wen's little hand and pulled it into the bathroom with Lin Wen. When he closed the door, he took the man in his arms. The chin rested on the top of Lin Wen's head. He snorted slightly: "Don't you think of me?! ”

Lin warmed his lower lip and said carefully: "The group is still outside..."

"Asleep, it will not hinder us!"

After that, Fu Huai'an bowed his head.

Lin Wen was picked up by Fu Huai'an on the sink. During the interval of ventilation, she held the hand-washing table with one hand and avoided Fu Huai'an. The hand was accidentally pressed into the soap box, and the hands were sticky.

She couldn't care about the slippery soap that was contaminated on her hands. She gasped and asked, "How come you come to Jinjiang City?!"

Fu Huai'an was hoarse and whispered for a moment: "Know that you miss me, so the meeting is over!"

In fact, Fu Huai'an will not finish the operation, he will hand over everything to Lu Jinnan, and rushed to Jinjiang City, regardless of Lu Jinnan's stunned appearance.

Every night after Ji Yun left, Fu Huai'an knew the low crying that Lin warmed down. He didn't want him to be absent at this time.

Lin Wenxin said that no sweetness is fake, and such sweetness is unreservedly displayed on her beautiful face.

The forehead is offset, and there is a bit of sadness in the sweetness: "Now I am just in the neighboring cities. I miss you so much. I am going to Morocco soon. What can I do?!"

Fu Huai'an voice with a bit of confusion: "Can't you go?!"

Lin Wen’s expression was struggling, and then he shook his head: “They have already signed up, and it’s not good to promise others.”

"When did you promise the brothers and sisters of the group to cash in?! Ah?!"

Fu Huai'an's voice is partial, and the breath of breath is a feather, and if there is nothing like teasing her ears.

"This kind of thing..." Lin warmed his ears and itchy, "I don't want it to be there! Before Dr. Su and I said that the more anxious, the more I can't keep up, let me relax my mind..."

"When did you become so familiar with Ji Zibai's niece?!" Fu Huai'an asked.

Lin Wen’s relationship with Ji Zibai, Xie Jingyu and Lin Wen is really complicated!

Su Nian is the niece of Ji Zibai, and is the nephew of Xie Jingzhen. Ji Zibai and Xie Jingyu are also husband and wife. Don’t be too messy!

"How does Ji Zibai's family usually call each other?! Called Dr. Su's nephew, Dr. Su called Ji Zibai... What did Dr. Su call?" Lin Wen was curious.

Third, there is one more... Babys are asking for monthly tickets, monthly passes!

(End of this chapter)

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