Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 853: What is the difference between this behavior and scum? !

What is the difference between this behavior and scum in Chapter 853? !

"Dog!" Song squinted his eyes and turned his head toward the door.

Sure enough, she saw a white Samoyed being taken and sitting outside...

Uninai is not Lin Wen, and the relationship with Song Yu is so good that he can be at home!

She took the dog and walked to the roof where she could shelter from the rain. She did not bring the dog in. After all, as the owner of the house, the owner of the house was disgusted with the look of the dog. Younai could understand it.

"Can you ask your domestic servant to take care of the dog and let Nana advanced?" Lin warmed.

Song Yu can see that the dog is very clever sitting next to Younai. At first glance, it has been trained, should it be abandoned? !

Song Yu hated this kind of abandonment from his heart. Although they are pets, they gave them a home when they were cute, but they abandoned it without mercy when they didn't need it or didn't like it. What is the difference between this behavior and scum? ? !

Give them love, and finally abandon them when they are left in the world, really... too cruel!

"How do you keep a dog when you live in a hotel? Otherwise, put the dog here for me?!" Song Wei and Lin Wen discuss.

Song Wei has never had time, but he is a person who really likes dogs. In the past few years, Song Yi’s income has donated one-third to the dog association.

"Or let this dog live in the hotel! I allowed it!" 岑墨 opened his mouth, "but only a few days..."

Seeing the little eyes of Song Yu’s doubts, he explained: “They’re in the Moroccan house are being packed, and they will move in a few days!”

It’s only a moment when Lin’s warmth is awkward. Is it the hotel that she lives in? !

Lin warmed his eyes and turned to Fu Huai'an. When did Fu Huai'an buy a house in Morocco, why didn't she know? !

"Mrs. Hey, congratulations..." Fu Huai'an smiled and heavy voice came. He reached out and took the red wine box from Xiaolu and handed it to Song Wei.

Song Yan’s face was red.

For Fu Huai'an, in addition to Lin Han's husband, Song Wei still had some kind of enthusiasm for Fu Huai'an. She handed the flowers and chocolates to the maid, and took Fu Huai's gift and nodded: "Thank you!"

Lin Wen felt that this congratulations came without a head, and saw Song Song holding her arm. Sorry, "I invite you to come today. I wanted to sue you at the table... I married Yumo!"

Unexpectedly, it is reasonable!

Lin warmed his lips and smiled and said: "I have to say this to Xiaonian. We will get together and give you a big gift! When will the wedding be held?!"

"The wedding is not in a hurry..." When Song Song spoke, the eyebrows could not hide the joy and gentleness. She hugged the flowers in her arms. "I mean the wedding will not be done. ......"

Lin warmed the dagger, she remembered that Song Yu had said that the biggest wish of marriage is to go to the South Pole with her lover, she does not like the complicated wedding.

"The wedding must have! The Antarctic you want to go will also accompany you..." The ink is ringing Song Song's thin waist, and the mood is obviously very good. It is very pleasant to Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an. "Sit in the living room for a while."

Jimo arranged for the servant to take care of Lin’s stray dog. The word was polite and said, “Let’s take care of the dog and ask the lady to come in!”

The servant hurriedly went out and asked Unnay to go in with the extremely bad Mandarin. She said that she came to take care of the dog. Unnei reacted for a long time. When she looked back at the house, Lin Lin warmed up and waved her to understand the meaning. The dog was handed over to the servant. Walking inside the house.

"This is my friend Younai..." Lin Wen introduced Songnai to Songnai.

Song Hao nodded: "I know, listened to Xiaonian mentioned! Hello... I am Song Hao!"

Song Hao had no shelves at all. Bai Xiaonian and Lin Wenhe and Song Yu said that Younai said that he was a friend, and Song Yu also regarded Bai Xiaonian as a friend.

"Hello!" Uninai is not very good at dealing with people, and I am embarrassed.

"Go! Go ahead, dinner is ready soon!" Song Wei asked people to go inside.

Lin Weng embraced the group and thanked the maid who gave her tea. He asked Fu Huai'an: "When did you buy a house in Morocco?!"

Fu Huai'an took a cup of tea and looked at the curious Lin Wen, opening his mouth: "When you decide to come to Morocco..."

The group’s white face was tender and tender, and looked at Fu Huai’an and Lin Wen who were talking. The black, bright and bright eyes were squatting.

Lin Lin accident, subconsciously opened his mouth: "You decided to come to Morocco to accompany me at that time?!"

Fu Huai'an lips evoked: "There was this plan at the time, but it was not certain, so I didn't tell you..."

Lin warm and beautiful eyes looked at Fu Huai'an, and his lips also picked up the pear nest.

Sitting in Lin Wen’s arms, I looked at my father and looked at my mother. I felt that the feeling of being together in such a family of three was really happy and happy. The little ones also followed the smile and revealed a row of white teeth.

"Little guy, what are you happy?!" Song Wei looked at the group and couldn't help but ask.

When I heard Song Yu’s words, Fu Huai’an’s eyes were also looking at Lin Xiao’s little smile. He was in a good mood and stretched out his bones to distinguish the slender fingers from the small face of the soft meat.

The little ones don't resist, and they have a pair of small short legs. It seems that they are enjoying the feeling of being chewed by Fu Huai'an. The eyes of the laughter are like the small air of the surrounding air.

Song Yu was overwhelmed by the little mother-in-law, and he was holding a snack in front of the group: "Do you want to eat snacks?!"

"Yes!" The group was in a good mood, and the answer was crisp. He took a piece of snack and handed it to Fu Huai'an and handed it to Lin Wen. Then he took a piece of it and thanked Song Song. "Thank you!"

"It's polite and cute!" Song Yu looked at the group and looked forward to the children in his stomach. "In the future, I also want to have a child like a group! No matter men or women..."

Two small chubby hands holding the snacks, carefully taking a bite, sweet but not greasy softness from the lips and teeth, the group smiled and praised: "Good!"

"It’s delicious!" Song Yan’s eyes could not be removed from the face of the small group. “When the group is going away, Song Auntie will bring you a box?! This is what the Aunt Song’s chef did. It’s not sold outside! It’s the only one!”

The group frowned and thought, Dad said that good children should not give trouble to others, this can be difficult... This snack is really delicious!

"If you like, you can trouble Aunt Song, it doesn't matter!" Lin Wen said to the arms of his arms.

The group laughed and nodded: "Good! Thank you!"

Pre-existing Jun: Yes, today, the pre-existing monarch serves the broad-minded fairies, and thousands go out to party again. Pre-existing Jun still has to do his duty to find thousands of monthly tickets! In addition, there should be thousands of strong demands, pre-existing for thousands of thousands of thank you little fairies for thousands of hits list!

(End of this chapter)

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