Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 860: What should I do when I am a gentleman?

What should I do in the 860th chapter?

"What about you?!" 岑 ink arms tightened, whispered Song Song.

Song Wei thought for a moment: "I am... I am very happy now, you can be too rough in front of you, and the way you are good is rude, not gentle at all!"

Yanmo side kissed Song Wei's long hair: "Sorry, probably...because I never know how to love someone! I have a heart that loves you. If you can make you feel good, sweet words from your heart. I am also willing to tell you every day, how do you teach me how to hurt you, how do you like how we come! I am willing to do it for you, as long as... you stay with me, don't try to escape!"

Song Yu’s lips swelled shallowly and asked, “Would you really run away?!”

Yan Mo played with Song Xiao’s little hand, although he was laughing, his eyes were unusually embarrassing: “Then I will think of other ways to leave you by my side, the way I am good at...”

Song Yu looked at the innocent eyes of the ink, and inexplicably took a layer of goose bumps.

What is the way to use ink? !

Song Wei feels that it is the lightest thing to keep her in the room with her personality. Maybe she will use her more cruel way to make her never leave!

Song Hao turned and looked at the direction of the fireplace. He didn't want to let the ink see the look of his eyes. He whispered: "Even if I really run away, I will run to where you can find me. You I can bring a bunch of flowers I like, and ask me to come back... stupid!"

Yanmo kissed Song Yu’s hairline: "I have lost all my loved ones. For me, now you are the one I care most about in this world! Even if I can find somewhere, I am afraid that there will be mistakes, so don’t Any excuses to leave, I can give you what you want, I can change if you ask! As long as you don't leave me!"

岑墨 closed his eyes, sniffing the breath of Song Yu, the tone is calm...

This is a weak indication that the ink is rare. Song Yi loves this man so he understands.

Song Yu and Yan Mo’s psychologist talked about it, probably because the shadow that childhood brought to the ink was too big, and that the ink could not bear any careless person to leave him!

Song Yu is the favorite woman of Jimo, so bear the brunt!

If Song Song wants to flee, it will be the most terrible punishment for the sake of his favorite love...

"The group is also the person I care about in this world. It can be different from you. I can't live without you..." The ink is low, "Leave you... I will be crazy!"

Song Yu has taught, how terrible is it?

There is nothing wrong with Song Yu’s love of ink, but there is also fear in the depths of his heart...

This feeling of fear made Song Song instinctively want to escape, but she knew how much the man’s love for her was so deep, and she did not want to miss a man who loves herself so much in the world!

It is not Song Yi who feels that he is special, but since he chooses to love someone, he must tolerate all of this person and help him correct his character defects.

Song Wei believes that if you let Yanmo feel how much she loves him, he will definitely get better!

"Right, I reported a language class, I want to study French well, and I will start going to class the day after tomorrow... oh..."

Song Song’s words have not been finished yet, and he feels that the ink is tightening his arms, and he slams into the black scorpion. She said: “Where you are not far from home, if you are not at ease, you can accompany me! ”

"You have to learn French, I can teach you!"

"Don't make trouble!" Song Yan pushed the arm of the ink but couldn't push it. He said, "I have already said it to the teacher of the class. I can't put people in the pigeons!"

"I let my hand go down and say it, you don't have to worry!" 岑墨 finished a serious turn and turned to the outside of the living room and shouted.

Seymour, the most capable man in the ink, came in: "What do you want to say, Mr.!"

"Which language training class?!"

Song Yu frowned and looked at the strong gesture of ink: "I have to test the language certificate by the time, can you teach me how can I test?!"

"What language certificate do you want? You can send your hands to you in the future with Saihande!"

"Ink... You are trying to deprive me of my freedom?!" Song can't hold the fire in his heart.

Zhai Mo did not explain and did not refute, just quietly looking at Song Yu.

Song Xiao’s little hand was tight, and when he thought of the words that the doctor of the ink was talking about, the tight hand released it again: “I have to ask Lin to eat at night, alone... in the restaurant outside!”


This ink is very happy to promise.

Song Song got up: "Then I am going upstairs to change clothes, go to the crew to pick up Lin..."

"Lin Wen has already returned to the hotel. If I guess there is nothing wrong, Mr. Fu will take Lin Wen to see their new home. You are sure that today your friend will leave the time to take time to come to Morocco to accompany her husband. , eat with you?!"

It’s no wonder that 岑墨 promised so happy, not flustered...

Song Yuhong’s eyes are on his eyes: “Hey, you just want to make me angry, is it?!”

The ink station stood up and surrounded Song Wei’s thin waist from the back. Saihande saw it and went out...

"How can I just make you angry? You are pregnant now, not a person... We must be careful about everything. You want to go out to eat. No problem, I will accompany you! What do you want to eat?!"

Song Yu pulled open the arm of the ink, and I didn't want to go back upstairs, but I felt that the air behind it was cold, and the air in the whole room was chilly.

Song Wei supported the stair railings and looked back at the ink on the spot where the thin lips were tight. He said: "When I am angry, you should catch up and scold me!"

The frost on the bottom of the eye seems to have signs of melting, and the thin lips are slightly smothered. He walks to Song Hao and pulls Song Hand: "How?"

"I will give you fifteen minutes. If you ask someone else, I will search the Internet. I am happy when I come up. If I am not happy... I will ignore you for three days!"

After that, Song Yu pulled back his hand from the hands of Zhai Mo and walked upstairs with the stair railing.

fifteen minutes……

岑 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了 看了

Saihande immediately came in: "Mr...."

"Generally, my wife is angry. What should I do if I am a gentleman? Do you know?!"

Saihande: "..."

Saihande looked at the stairs and saw that a cold rush came. He saw him squinting at him with a scorpion. Saihande quickly lowered his head and said it was very difficult: "Mr.... I am still not married. I didn’t even have a girlfriend, I really don’t know what to do!”

岑墨 raised his eyebrows and looked at Saihande, and made two screams...

Pre-existing Jun: Happy second, do you have no time to see Mr. Fu on the second day of the New Year's Eve? !

(End of this chapter)

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