Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 872: Let him chase back Bai Xiaonian

Chapter 872 lets him chase back Bai Xiaonian

What he did was to create an opportunity for Lu Jinnan to let him catch up with Bai Xiaonian.

No other Fu Huai'an asked, silence continued until Fu Huai'an read the information on hand...

He told Lu Jinnan where the lawyer should start, and also Lu Jinnan. If the situation is not good enough to be prepared, the preparation for secretly sending people back to China should be done well.

"Bai Xiaonian said, I want to start from the media side..."

Lu Jinnan listened to Fu Huai'an and said that he would open his mouth.

Fu Huai's lips were a little bit smirked and looked up: "It seems that Bai Xiaonian has talked about this matter..."

“It’s not a deep talk. She said that she was a famous scientist and sent his family back to China safely. It’s not just our company but also what their media people should do! She is now famous in the United States and hopes to make a copy. force."

Fu Huai'an nodded: "What preparations are all done, it is a last resort... I can only steal people back!"

"I know!"

And Lu Jinnan closed the video, Fu Huai'an had not had time to get up from the chair, Lin Wen pushed the book door and brought a glass of milk in.

"I warmed up the salty salt cake I bought on the road today and gave you a cup of milk. You put a pad..."

Lin warmly wore a black nightdress, and a short robes with bat sleeves on the outside, loosely tied with a belt, nightdress and nightgown are just the length of the buttocks, a pair of long and straight white legs, very eye-catching .

Her long hair shawl, a white tender face like tender can be like water, under the light ... eyebrows light, such as the same Wang Qingquan, the water is shining, like the galaxy of the night starry sky.

Watching his little wife walked to the side, bending over to put the milk and cake on the desk, the long curly black hair slides down like a satin, the big neckline of the nightgown is open, and the beautiful scenery of the white looms is looming.

After Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an are together, they become more and more feminine and more and more beautiful!

Words and demeanor show the style and charm that only mature women have.

Fu Huai'an reached out and pulled people into his arms.


Lin warmed a sigh, and the small hand climbed Fu Huai'an's neck, coveted... thick and long eyelashes blocked the light of the eye, the wide neckline of the gown slipped from her round and delicate shoulders, and the **** collarbone was near. Fu Huaian’s eyes.

Lin Wen pulled his neckline and looked at the computer with a black screen: "Have you been busy?!"

Fu Huai'an did not tell Lin Wen that he still had a meeting to open.

"What about the group?!" Fu Huai'an asked.

"I just went to see my eyes. The group was licking their buttocks and slept very well in bed... no one is not used to recognizing the bed!"

Lin Wen was tired today by Fu Huai'an, so after the group and Xiaolu came back, Lin Wen had been asleep and didn't wake up. When Lin Wen felt hungry, the group had already fallen asleep. When he came over, Lin Wen was still in the group. I kissed my little face.

"Since it is busy, let's take a break early!!" Lin Wen asked.

Fu Huai'an fingers swayed around Lin Lin's hair and whispered: "You go to rest first, and I have a meeting for a while."

Although Fu Huai'an came to Morocco, most of the things were arranged for Lu Jinnan and Tang Yan, but in the end some things need Fu Huai'an to personally handle.

Because I came to Morocco, Fu Huai’an came over and surely fell a lot of work to do. Lin’s heart was awkward and said: “I’m not sleepy at this time, or else I will work with you... you are busy with you, I am Watching the script next to you will never bother you!"

"Not sleepy?!" Fu Huai'an asked Lin Wen's black hair to ask.

"I go downstairs to wash some fruit, get some snacks!" Lin warmly excited.

Fu Huai'an piece of Lin Wen warmly nodded and said: "Good! Wear clothes again! It's cooler at night..."

Mainly Lin Wen wears this clothes too sexy, such Lin warm sitting here... How can Fu Huai'an work with peace of mind? !

Lin Wengang just went out, Fu Huai'an dialed the phone of Gu Qingcheng...

"At three o'clock in Morocco time, Li Muyang's side of the exhibition to call the ink on the side of this side, you send a reliable person to stare, I suspect that the group may be bought!" Fu Huai'an voice calm.

When I had just finished talking about this matter, Fu Huai’an thought that it was different from Jimo. Fu Huai’an thought that it was not their people who searched Li Muyang’s house for being dirty, but someone was bought. .

After all, Li Muyang is the only owner of the Droni family.

If anyone is relying on Li Muyang at this time, Li Muyang once turned away from the monitoring scope of Gu Qingcheng, and with the ability and means of Li Muyang, Fu Huai'an Gu Qingcheng will fall into endless troubles.

Of course, those who have turned to Li Muyang do not say that they are rich and prosperous in this life, they must have a future than now...

"Take people out and handle them carefully..." Fu Huai'an.

"Reassured, I can use it to make good use of it..." Gu Qingcheng's voice is gloomy.

According to Gu Qingcheng's thoughts, Li Muyang had gone a hundred times, especially knowing that Li Muyang had wanted to take away Lin Wen's wedding at the beginning of his wedding. Gu Qingcheng wanted to make Li Muyang's heart and weight.

However, once you kill Li Muyang, there will be more problems.

Because Li Muyang's Droni family is a arms business, the US government has long been eyeing, especially when Li Muyang is not really controlled by the US, the country, the government, and the government.

Once Li Muyang dies, the United States will find a person related to the Droni family and become their cockroach to control the Drony Arms Company!

Therefore, Li Muyang must be optimistic, but also have to wait on the scene, and must not let Li Muyang have an accident...

Fu Huai'an stood up in front of the bed, holding the phone in one hand, and pointed his fingers to the corner of the curtain to look out to the deep night outside: "On the heirs of the Droni family, we can also prepare..."

The meaning of this is that I am not prepared to stay in Li Muyang!

Gu Qingcheng at the end of the phone indulged for a moment: "I have already started to prepare..."

This matter since the last time I discussed with Fu Huai'an, Gu Qingcheng has already begun to prepare, but at the time, Fu Huai'an still thought about leaving Li Muyang's life, so he did not nod his consent, but did not say no.

Now Li Muyang has acted here, and he has acted so fast, and it is almost unexpected. Gu Qingcheng guessed that this is the most important reason for Fu Huai'an to decide on Li Muyang's life.

"The Moroccan side is still safe, but it is a land of ink. Do you want me to send people in the past?!" Gu Qingcheng is most worried about the safety of Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an.

Second more...

(End of this chapter)

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