Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 874: Do not picky eaters

Chapter 874 Do not picky eaters

Lin warmed and dragged the arms of the group to pick up the little ones. Before he could say anything, Fu Huai'an had already come in from outside...

Lin Wenfu explained to Fu Tuan's group: "Dad is going to pick up the mother..."

As soon as the group heard more and more grievances, Fu Huai'an came in and said: "Dad big bad guy!"

I don’t take him with my mom... Dad is a big bad guy!

Fu Huai'an lips smacked the big hand and buckled Lin Wen's shoulder. He reached out and bounced on the small brain of the group. Every time he was born, Fu Huai'an's gas would say that Fu Huai'an was a big bad guy.

The group was straight and straight, and the wet eyes glared at Fu Huai'an. He rubbed his red eyes with his little hand and held the neck of Lin Wen with one hand. The sound was louder. He pointed out the white fat and fat little index finger pointing to Fu Huai'an: Dad is a bad guy!"

Looking at the little guy with a small mouth, the lower eyelashes were bent by the tears of the big drops, and the way of tears was about to end, Fu Huai'an opened his mouth: "No cry!"

The small group used a cuff to wipe their tears and said it again: "Dad big bad guy!"

Little did not turn around, hands clasped Lin Wen's neck did not let go, leaving Fu Huai's a small buttocks, sad sucking nose.

Not far from the ink, looking at Lin Wen, Fu Huai'an and the group of three, the lips are not consciously tilted up, and the mind can not help but outline the future of him and Song Yu children.

Song Yu noticed that a big hand had caught his hand, and his eyes turned to him. When he saw him looking at the Lin Wen family, he smiled and said: "Our children will be as cute as the group!"

"Of course, all said that the foreigner is like a beggar! If we are a daughter, it must be like me! The two children will naturally be like..."

Song Hao didn't talk about this, just looking at the direction of Fu Huaian's family: "It seems that the group still likes mom most!"

"Dinner is ready, just wait for you both!" 岑墨 stood up and lifted Song Song. "Since it is back... then open the meal!"

"Yeah! Open the meal! The group should be hungry. After leaving Mr. Fu, the snacks don't eat cakes, don't drink milk, don't drink, and swell like a little puffer fish and play games with us!" He walked to Lin Wen’s side and looked at the cute little meat buns to caress his little back. “It’s really a hard work to accompany the aunt and play with the aunt!”

The group didn't say anything, but the little arm tightened the forest tighter.

"I will take the group to wash my hands first..." Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an said.

Fu Huai'an shallow dagger.

"I will take you there!" Song Yu volunteered to accompany Lin Wen.

For the things that Lin warm belts lived in the house, the most happy thing is Song Song.

Every day she can only stay in this house, and she can't go out. In fact, Song Wei is not lonely, just to make him feel at ease, Song Yu is willing to stay here and not go out.

Song Yu leaned against the door frame and watched Lin Wenbang’s group roll up his sleeves and said: “I was going to call you this morning. The phone has not been called. I’m getting a call from your husband saying that you moved over today. You don't know how happy I am, here... I don't even have a friend who talks, you just come..."

Lin Wen looked at the little ones and stepped on the small stool to wash his little claws on his toes. Nod: "Yes! You can also find the feeling of being a mother in the group!"

"Look at how you care for the group, I already have it!" Song Yu caressed his stomach, remembering that the old man said that when he was a child, the children in the belly were the most accurate male or female. She bent over and asked about the group. ", group, do you say that your aunt's belly is a younger brother or a younger sister?!"

Song Yu’s pregnancy month is too small. The child is still only a small fetal bud. Even if he is doing B-ultrasound, he can’t see it. Asking the group is to satisfy curiosity.

After the group wiped their hands with a towel, the milk was milky: "Brother!"

Song Yiyi, thinking that before she said that she wanted a daughter, she bent over and asked the group: "Why is the younger brother not a sister?!"

"Sister is like a dad... not good!"

The small group has a hand in hand...

Song Yu was teased by Xiaozheng’s serious look, and reached out to the small head of the group: "You don’t know how much you know! Do you think it’s ugly?!"

"What is it?!"

The voice of the ink came from behind the Song Dynasty. Song Yi looked back and quickly described it: "I just said it, and it is relatively speaking! You also said... I want a son because my son is like me. Don't you think that I am beautiful?! It is more beautiful than you!"

This statement... I can’t refute it.

"Yes! You are beautiful! The most beautiful!" 岑 ink clasped Song Hao's shoulders and took her to the restaurant direction.

Lin Wen also took the group's little hand to the restaurant...

The change of the ink today is in the eyes of the forest, and I feel that it will continue to develop in this way. The days of Song Yu will be better every day!

Lin Wen and Song Yu have already found each other's destination, only Bai Xiaonian!

Lin Wen thinks that Fu Huai'an seems to have sent Lu Jinnan to the United States, and I don't know that Lu Jinnan and Bai Xiaonian have seen it. Bai Xiaonian has not responded to Lin Wein's WeChat these days.

In the dining room.

After Fu Huai's habitually peeled the shrimp from Lin Wen, he also peeled off a small plate that was put into the group. The group looked at it without a sigh, and used an arm to firmly protect his small bowl and bowed his bowl. Rice in the rice.

"Don't picky eaters, shrimps must eat!" Fu Huai'an tone is serious.

See also Fu Huai'an put a chopsticks in his plate, and the group began to push the plate forward, not to eat the dish that Fu Huaian gave him to the plate: "Dad big bad guy!"

Lin warmly looked down at the red-eyed group sitting on the baby chair next to her, and lowered the voice in the ear: "Tonight, my mother will accompany you until you fall asleep, don't be angry, okay?!"

When I was young, I saw Lin Weng put Fu Huai's peeled shrimp into the small bowl that he was protecting. He looked down and thought about using a small fork to get a bite...

I noticed that Fu Huai'an was licking his head, and he tried hard to struggle. He was serious: "Dad Bad Guy!"

At least not a big bad guy, it’s still progressing!

Fu Huai’an’s eyes are all smiles: “Let you sleep between your father and mother at night!”

Little did not bite a bite of shrimp, nodded, the tip of the ear was a little red, thinking that at night can sleep in the middle of the mother is still a little shy.

"Would you like to sleep in the middle of your aunt and aunt?! Aunt and aunt can tell you stories and read pictures!" Song Yan asked the eyes of Yan Mo's eyes and asked.

First, today, thousands of people are busy hanging up... Going to the relatives’ home and still entertaining guests, so I didn’t have time to finish writing! The update will be later, but it will be updated before the baby wakes up tomorrow morning! Update the two more first, and one more soon! In addition... the countdown to the romance contest is three days, the last three days of the baby! We rushed the ducks! Thank you for your reward! Thousands have seen it... what? ! ! ! ! ! ! Special thanks to the villas of Don Juan and Dondo and the many diamonds! What?

(End of this chapter)

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