Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 888: Then I will proceed!

Chapter 888, I will proceed!

They sell their women and children to the black market. Those women or children who are treated as goods will become the source of organ sales and one of the sources of their large funds.

It was only during that time that their line was found by Interpol, and the US asylum-seekers were preparing for the mid-term elections, so they were temporarily taken care of.

Their angry leaders took another route and planned to use their past US lawmakers to shelter their evidence... to threaten US lawmakers to help them make their business bigger, otherwise they would use the evidence to directly pull the member off. !

One of the militants did not believe that the other was arrested by foreigners, and they boldly said that the evidence was in the room where they executed the people. When he was helping to take photos, he had not had time to pass it to the member. Their boss received news that Jiang Ming'an had killed their leader's brother!

When the boss was angry, he set off to kill Jiang Ming'an. Although he did not catch Jiang Ming'an, it was a revenge for Jiang's heavy machinery construction company to kill Jiang Ming'an's wife...

Later, Lin Wenhe was rescued, and Fu Huai'an left with a group. Lin Wen heard that they were arranged to be sent to the warships parked at the port to return home.

Although Lin Wen had heard from Fu Huai'an that there had never been a survivor of T-324 flights in Tikrit City, Lin Fen decided to work hard again for the last time, to find a warm and deep city in Tikrit. If she can't find warm ink again this time, she will die.

Before being sent to the car, Lin Wen used the excuse to go to the bathroom. He wanted to leave quietly, but he was caught by the special forces soldier Liu Hong. She said what she heard on the car and said that she wanted Going and seeing the information on the people who buy and sell can save more people.

Liu Hong frowned and asked to accompany Lin Wen to find the information. Although some were incomplete and insane, it was good to get the original.

The original Liu Hong did not take it away.

He is a soldier. He only performs orders. The things outside the order are not within his duties. He subconsciously thinks that Lin Wen is a reporter, so he wants to collect information to get the news, so he has not asked.

On the way to the warship, Lin warmed up and left the search for the heart, hesitated to hand over the information to a reporter, hope that he can expose this matter after returning to China, so as to avoid more people suffering, this The reporter was the assistant of Chu Wei at the beginning, and now the deputy editor of Haicheng Daily.

But later, Lin Wen was sent to the warship and returned to the country, failing to stay in Iraq.

"On the car that sent you to the port warship, you gave the information you collected to a reporter. The reporter was the assistant of Chu Hao. The deputy editor of Haicheng Daily now drank more wine at the dinner. Chu Chu and you, he couldn’t help but say this, it was Chu Yu who took your information, gave him a huge sealing fee, and fabricated a story that is not afraid of danger and deep inside the terrorists, plus Chu When I was in Iraq, I was rescued with you. Because of her identity as Miss Chu, I was still in the news, and the story was more authentic. Everyone also believed!"

Lin Wen accident, she was immersed in her closed world for a long time after returning to China, and did not pay attention to these news.

"On the day at the wine bureau, I happened to be sitting opposite the deputy editor of the Haicheng Daily. He was told that he and you were not listening to me. Just like Mu Taotao, I took a little shot with my mobile phone!" There is a smile in the voice. "So warm, I intend... to make you a benchmark for women in the new era, not like now, when everyone mentions you think of your marriage! Do you believe me?!"


If Lin is warm and does not believe in dialects, he will not hand over the studio to the dialect and give his own affairs to the dialect.

"I believe in you!" Lin warmed.

"I hope that this film has the highest heat, not only about you, but also about Fu Tianci..." The dialect sneered. "I have already discussed with Director Yang Rui. The theme song of the film is composed by Fu Tianci." I have to pay the sample tape, not bad! I have a hunch that this movie will win the prize. Once the film is nominated at the film festival, as the theme song singer, it will be invited to the live concert, and Fu Tianci can also be stunned. Heat, when it’s hot, hit his first album!”

The dialect is an action faction. Since it has been signed with Fu Tianci, it is planned to build Fu Tianci!

During this time, the dialect has been urging Fu Tianci to step up training, but also busy looking for famous producers to create a song for Fu Huai'an!

Fu Tianci has his own originality, but the lyrics are still lacking and need professionals to do it.

When Lin Wen heard this, she knew what the dialect would say next. She had a smile on her lips: "I know, you think I promised that the actor's substitute is Fu Huai'an, making a move for the film..."

"Know me, Lin Wen also..." The dialect also laughed.

"Well, I agree!" Lin warmed his mouth.

"Okay, then I will go and do it!"

Hanging up the phone, Song Yu frowned and waited for Lin Wen's explanation. Lin warmed all the things that happened in Iraq before, as well as the words of the deputy editor of the Shanghai City Daily, the wine bureau said in the dialect.

Song Yu’s face was shocked and unexpected. After she slowed down, she opened her mouth: “And... I’m so warm, so I don’t know!”

Lin Wen: "..."

Lin Wen did not think that she would like her husband in the social status of the world, and she would like her husband. The news of Chu Yu’s award is actually related to Lin Wen.

It seems that starting from Iraq, Lin Wen has an indissoluble bond with those who have met there...

The dress-changing group flew downstairs, and the group wearing white sweaters was like a flying glutinous rice group. It flew directly to Lin’s warm legs, looked up at the baby’s face, and pulled his clothes to make Lin warm. Look: "Mom!"

The group wore a three-person family-friendly sweater that Lin warmed before...

"Mom, change..." The little girl would take Lin Wen to go upstairs. When he came, he stuffed their family of three in the father’s suitcase. When I changed clothes, I suddenly remembered the family. I want a family of three to wear this dress.

"I will go upstairs with the group first..." Lin Wen was bent down from a small one, and turned back to say something to Song Yu.

Song Hao nodded.

Lin Wen and his dialect were explained by telephone, and Song Yu was relieved.

Song Yu’s age is better than Lin Wen’s and Bai Xiaonian’s, and he always subconsciously regards Lin Wen and Bai Xiaonian as his sister...

The second is to come to the bird, ask for the monthly ticket, baby! There is one more, and even later, today thousands of children see the welfare ... update will delay the sorry sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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