Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 891: Don't you want to give it a try? !

Chapter 891 Are you not willing to give it a try? !

She ran to the bed, and the photo was handed to the ink to go to bed in the silent arms: "Do you think this is a childhood acacia..."

In the photo, she is a single photo of Lu Xiangsi when she was a child. She wore a princess dress and tied two small scorpions... beautiful like a doll.

Yanmo smiled and looked at the photos, and looked at the group in the phone, nodded: "Well... if the group wears this clothes, it must be exactly the same as Acacia!"

Song Wei put his head in front of the chest of the ink, took a photo of Lu Xiangsi, and his eyes fell on the mobile phone in the hands of the ink, and the face of the smiling face.

She said: "I feel that the smile of the group is more splendid than Acacia! So it is said that the warmth and Fu Huai'an really take care of the group very well!"

I nodded a little, and nodded.

In the past, I saw that Lin Wen was shot with a gun on his head. He was not willing to let go of the photo of the group. He only thought that this woman was stupid!

But later, Zhai Mo knew that Lin Wen’s arms were holding a group, which was the child of Lu Xiangsi. He was more grateful to Lin Wen’s gratitude...

Ask yourself, if you change the Lin warmer at that time, he will not hesitate to hand over the child!

The experience of these years will guide him, and don't give up his life for a child who has no blood relationship with him.

岑 ink squeezed the thin shoulders of Song Song: "I will take care of you and your children very well!"

Song Hao nodded: "Well, I believe in you!"

Song Hao likes the feeling of getting along with the ink, as long as she does not ask to leave the house, as long as she does not let the ink feel that she wants to escape, the ink is normal, and very gentle.

"Tomorrow I am going to learn French. When I am in class, I will take the time to think about you!"

"I think about this question..." 岑墨 put Lu Xiang's photo on the bed and locked the phone screen. "It's better to study at home. I will give you the teacher to go home, you want a colloquial environment... I can also ask a dozen tutors to accompany you to practice at home!"

"Don't we all say that?" Song Song held up his chest and straightened up. "How can you go back and forth?!"

"You are pregnant, go out, I don't worry!" When he said this, even if he had a smile, he could let Song Hao see that his attitude was firm. This is not a plan to discuss with Song Yu, it is an order.

Song Yuke restrained the anger of his heart and asked him: "You are actually afraid that I will leave you, right?!"

The original warm atmosphere disappeared, and Song’s cool voice made the atmosphere a little nervous.

"Oh, we got married, we have children, I don't know what you don't care about in the end?! Do you want to keep me in this family for a lifetime, and I can't go anywhere except you?" !"

"You are too nervous about Song Wei!"

"It’s you nervous!" Song Yu’s voice was accused.

Seeing that the smog of the ink slid down in an instant, Song Hao did not want to make the state of the two people more rigid.

She calmed her mind, pulled off the rubber band on her hair, re-attached her hair, sat on the bed, pulled the inked hand on her heart, and softened her voice as much as possible: "You are too nervous." We are married, I want to live with normal people with you, I know that you are insecure, I am willing to try with you, we find ways to make us feel comfortable with each other! Ok?!"

Song Wei’s attitude is extraordinarily sincere.

Not waiting for the rejection of the ink, Song Hao has been sitting on the body of the ink, his hands clasped the ink neck and his forehead: "You don't want to try it for me?! You don't want to try me." Love you more, will you leave you when you turn around?!"

I noticed that the ink licked her thin waist and tightened her hand. Song Hao endured the lips of the ink, and the voice was like a newborn baby cat. "With your ability, even if I escaped." You will catch me right in the end of the world! But you can loosen me, even let go, you will know how much I love you...will not leave you, don't you want to try it?!"

Silence is silent, which is a good phenomenon for Song Yu.

"You don't like it. I talk to you in such a soft voice. I don't like me. I am holding you like this. I like you and your temper. I always want to escape from you?!" asked Song.

岑 ink brows wrinkle: "Song 窈..."

"Or..." Song Yan's slender and beautiful fingers dispel the smudged pajamas button. "Do you like the Song Song like the hedgehog, not the Song Song?!"

Song Yu said that he kissed the ink of the mandible and kissed his neck...

"Oh... don't make trouble!" 岑墨攥 窈 窈 窈 窈 窈 窈 窈 窈 窈 窈 窈 窈 窈 窈 窈 窈 窈 窈 窈 窈 窈 窈 窈 窈 窈 窈 窈 窈 窈 窈 窈

"Then tell me, which song do you like?!"

The ink-stained heart feels like being gently swept by the cat's tail. Turning over and pressing Song Yu under his body, his elbows support his body to avoid pressing Song's stomach, and he is very heavy. He said: "I like... Song Hao, who was crying by me!"

Song Yu’s ear is red, and he has to endure his heartbeat and his eyes have been dyed with a thin layer of color: "Exactly, I like to cry my ink!"

At the bottom of my heart, there was almost a wave of sorrows and waves. In the original wave, in order to scare off Song Yu, I didn’t want to evoke his beast...

The last sensible support for the strong body that was smothered by Song Mo, he straightened up and walked toward the bathroom. He approached the door and said, "Try this time, I hope that you are ashamed of what you said. Uh... I don’t think you want to be in this room for future activities."

After the ink is finished, slam the door of the bathroom.

His voice is like a rough yarn, with a grainy texture, deep and sexy.

Song Hao pulled his pajamas off his shoulders and propped up and looked at the sound of the bathroom. He couldn’t help but laugh, with a faint blush on his cheeks.

Ming knows what the ink is doing, but she still walks to the front door with a bad heart and reaches out and knocks on the door of the bathroom: "Is it... Do you want me to help you?!"

Even though there is a sound of water inside, Lin Wen can still hear the heavy breathing of the ink...

"No! Go far!"

God knows that Song Song’s voice is a torture to Yan Mo. At this time, if she helps, he is afraid that he will not be able to put Song Song on the wall and enter and leave, which will hurt the child.

The sound of swearing and swearing at this time has no deterrent effect on Song Yu. She even has some smug smugness: "I can lend you a hand."

The man in the bathroom thought of Song Min’s delicate, boneless, delicate little hand, and his forehead was violently violent, jumping with the heart’s beat...

The first is more... ask for a monthly ticket! Baby!

(End of this chapter)

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