Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 895: Just to poke the lie of Chu Yu!

Chapter 895 is to poke the lie of Chu!

Chu said that this trip to Iraq is not only protected by the government forces, but also the mercenaries that the Chu family invited her, so this road will be very safe... It can be said that for those who can go There is a business that makes no compensation!

But in the end it is going to the front line of Iraq. There is a battlefield, or it is inevitable. Chu asked them who would like to go with her.

Even if Chu said that it is safe, there are still many people who dare not follow the adventures of Chu. In the end, only he and another colleague will follow Chu to go to Iraq.

It was indeed very smooth at the beginning. There were government soldiers and companions, even if they were in a war, their lives were innocent!

Later, when they moved to the front line, they encountered an accidental rebel attack on the way...

Under the joint protection of the government and mercenaries, Chu and his colleagues and two mercenaries fled, but they were separated from the remaining two mercenaries in the middle of the escape!

On the battlefield, they were almost arrogant and hungry. After a day and a night, they met Jiang Mingan, the head of Jiang’s heavy machinery construction company on the afternoon of the 22nd. Jiang Ming’an was carrying a team of people. Waiting for helicopter rescue.

I know that Jiang will send helicopters to rescue. At that time, they did not kneel on the ground and thanked God for blessing, thinking that they would be able to return to China!

Going to Jiang’s heavy work, Jiang Ming’an’s wife, Lu Xiangsi, gave them food and gently comforted their emotions. He really grateful to Jiang Ming’an and thanked Jiang Ming’an’s wife.

However, on the 23rd, they did not have the helicopter to wait for the rescue, and there was no way to contact the country.

No. 24 early in the morning, JiangMingAn decided to put all employees and transferred to overseas Chinese to come to the refuge shelters, JiangMingAn wife Lu Acacia order to stabilize the mood, decided to stay the last batch of retreat.

After Jiang Mingan stepped on the route, the second batch said that it was necessary to let all the women and children evacuate, but the second batch of Chu can go, but in order to take some news material in Jiang’s heavy work, it was left.

No one expected that the second batch of teams had just left. The militants broke into Jiang’s heavy industry and pointed out that they wanted to find Jiang’s wife, Lu Xiangsi, to shoot and kill at will. His companions died under armed guns.

Later, the militants found Lu Xiangsi to shoot and kill them and brought them to the base...

Later, the special forces soldiers came to save them, and the Lin Wen, who was familiar with the Arabic language, went out with the special forces soldiers and did not come back for a long time!

On the way to send them to the port, Lin Wen gave him a package of temporarily packaged information, saying that it is very important information about the sale of the population. Lin Wen heard him and Lu Xiangsi in Jiang’s heavy industry. Talk, know that he is a reporter, so give this to him, I hope he can make the evidence public after returning.

He was very confused at the time, why did Lin Wen not go to do it himself, but he thought about whether it was more convenient for Lin Wen to think that he was a reporter.

Then he went to the warship, and he told Chu Yu about it.

On the day of returning home, Chu Yu asked him to go to the Chu family to pick up her car, gave him a lot of money and a promise for the future, let him hand over those things to her!

At that time, he did not know the name of Lin Wen. I was afraid that when the news came out, Lin Wen would jump out and say that the evidence was actually found by her!

Chu said that if this happens, Chu Jia will deal with it, and he will not be tired of him...

The money was touching, and he said that he was so fascinated that he gave these things to Chu.

Then, there will be a sneak peek into the terrorist dens, find out the clues of the population, and praise the admirable events.

Later, after a long, long time, I have never seen the little girl jump out to say this!

But this year, this thing is like a big stone that is pressing on his heart. He didn't have a peace of mind one day.

Until one day, Lin Wen suddenly got angry. He saw Lin Wen’s eyes and recognized that she was the little girl who gave her information in Iraq. He panicked.

He had picked up the phone and wanted to tell Chu Yu about this, and he was afraid that the Chu family would do anything to hurt Lin Wen, so he always chose to be silent!

He has taken away the glory that belonged to her from Lin Wen's hands, and can no longer bring Lin Wen to danger!

He has been waiting for Lin Wen to tell the truth of the year, but Lin Wen has never said that he is as uneasy as the head of the sword!

Nowadays, because of the movie "Sea Eagle", everyone is saying the honor of Chu, even if there is no child, Mrs. Lin Wenfu’s position originally belonged to Chu Yu...

He can't stand it anymore.

He stood up today to poke the lie of Chu Yu!

Chu Yu has never been as alone as she described, and she sneaked into terrorist dens to find clues and behind-the-scenes helpers in the sale of the population.

She was only a princess under the protection of government troops and mercenaries. She was lucky enough to get help from the Jiang family. Then Jiang Ming's wife, Lu Xiangsi, was shot and killed because she was protected. Then she was rescued by the special forces soldiers!

He believes that Chu Yu should be grateful to Lu Xiangsi, but she has not mentioned Lu Xiangsi in these years, as if she has never encountered such a person!

Chu Qian's behavior because he feels shame, for her own glory, in front of the media and even his rescuers have not mentioned a word.

Everything is just a lie!

He hopes that the netizens can see a real Chu Yu. He also apologized to Lin Wen today. I am sorry that he had stolen the glory that belonged to her for Chu and his for the sake of money and future.

He said that everyone can say that life and death can see a person's character!

He didn't have much time with Lin, but what he saw was a girl with a tough heart and a high morality!

When the second batch of women and children were transferred, Lu Xiangsi was willing to leave the last batch of time to go. Lin Wen resolutely left to stay with Lu Xiangsi, without utilitarianism, simply to take care of the weak body of Lu Xiangsi.

He also said that cyber violence is too terrible. I hope that before everyone knows the truth of the matter, don't just send some factual stories based on their own guesses, which will cause great harm to the parties! The movie is just a story, please don't completely substitute it!

The second Weibo is a video...

The video content is in Samara Jiang's heavy machinery construction company. The picture seems to be somewhat unstable. It has been silenced and placed on the Internet, but the picture has not been processed. The **** images of the militants shooting and killing are clearly visible. And... the terrorists grabbed the collar of Chu Yu and asked where Lu Xiangsi was!

Second more...

(End of this chapter)

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