Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 898: Fu Huaian stood by the car waiting for her.

Chapter 898 Fu Huai'an standing by the car is waiting for her

Chu Fang is hearing this sentence and confirms that Chu Yu really does not know the video, and the video is even more unlikely to be deleted by Chu...

Now is the time to solve the problem, not when chasing Chu Yu, Chu Fang is right to Chu: "Ask the sun, there seems to be there in the sun!"

Chu Fangzheng and Chu Yu hung up the phone, silent for a long while and then directed the special help to check, to see who deleted the video and the "Haicheng Daily" deputy editor of Weibo.

Chu Yu here to call Chu Jiaoyang, Chu Jiaoyang quickly sent a screenshot of Weibo to Chu Yu.

Chu Jiaoyang’s hand is only the deputy editor of Haicheng Daily, which is a screenshot of Weibo with video. It’s not very clear to see the video screenshot through the picture...

As for this screenshot, or a friend of Chu Jiaoyang saw this Weibo on the Internet, and the screenshot was sent to Chu Jiaoyang. Chu Chuanyang knows if it is true, so Chu Jiaoyang has this screenshot.

When Chu Wei was seriously studying the video screenshots, Chu’s WeChat’s WeChat came again...

[Chu Sunyang: Sister, the deputy editor of Haicheng Daily reported that it is true? ! Are you really paying for the news to win the prize? ! I do not believe! Do you tell me if it is true? ! The deputy editor, are you? ! 】

Chu Yu has always been the pride of Chu Jiaoyang, and is the pride of their Chu family. Although many times Chu Chuyang and Chu Yu are unhappy, but deep inside Chu is still very admired!

If all this is false, how can Chu Chuyang accept? !

Chu Yu is not in the mood to comfort the children now, she will carefully identify after zooming in on the screenshot!

It can be seen from the screenshot that the video is a sneak shot, but who shot this location? !

Is Lin warm? !

When the terrorists attacked Jiang’s heavy industry, everyone’s brains were chaotic. Especially after seeing those people shooting and killing, who still has the mood to pay attention to who is in the position, they only care about bowing their heads to God, not to bullets. Hit yourself, pray not to be so bad, you became the chicken of the terrorists who killed the chickens and monkeys...

According to the location of this video, Chu can not tell who shot this video. She did not see the three Weibos that the deputy editor of Haicheng Daily has been deleted. I thought for a long time to guess whether this video is him or not. The film was taken, but he has never told her these years!

Chu Hao picked up the phone, just wanted to call the deputy editor, and asked him why he took the money and finally came out as a demon? ! To say that he has been uneasy in these years, Chu Yu does not believe that when he took the money to get the future, how could he not be uneasy? !

When the phone number is about to be dialed out, Chu Hao has released his finger!

Her phone calls in the past, if the other party is recording... then she is really a hundred words!

Chu Yu’s heart was a mess. She looked at the computer screen and took the cigarette case on the counter. The finger trembled and shook a bite from the mouth and bite it in the corner of the lips. She picked up the lighter and couldn’t beat the fire for a long time. Come, the annoyed Chu Yu pulled out the lip-horn cigarette, smashed the cigarette and the lighter to the floor-to-ceiling window, and the instant lighter was torn apart.

She has already left the country to come abroad, why are those people still not letting go of themselves? !

Chu Yu also stood up and succeeded!

After listening to the dialect and the words that she said, she wants to stand up again and want to use her own abilities...not relying on money, not relying on home! As with my first success, with my love and enthusiasm for the news industry, I will use my own efforts to re-open a new world!

But why are those people not willing to give her such an opportunity? ! I have to step on her mud...

Is this the so-called wall to push people? !

She is missing, but who in this world can say that he has not missed it? ! Why can't she give her a chance to start again? ! Why are you staring at her death? !

After venting, Chu Yu forced himself to calm down!

She opened the refrigerator door and took out a bottle of ice water from the inside, screwed it fiercely, and the whole person calmed down a lot...

Then who will delete Weibo, is the person’s starting point to help himself or to kill himself? !

Sitting on the arm of the sofa, Chu Yu thought about it for a long time with his mineral water in his hand. Inexplicably thought of Fu Huai'an, the hand next to the mineral water bottle was loose...

So, is Fu Huai'an trying to help her, or is it to cheer for Lin? !

It is not impossible to take Fu Huai'an's love for Lin Wen...

Or, is Fu Huai'an for Lu Xiangsi? !

The complete video is not seen, so I don't know which step the video has gone through. !

But think about it, since it is black microblogging, then... will definitely send out your own ugly and fearful death!

Chu licked his own hair, leaning against the back of the sofa and sitting on the ground, flustered.

She hesitated to make a phone call to Fu Huai'an to confirm, see if he is...

But Chu Chuan did not dare, when she was hesitating, Chu Fangzheng’s phone came over.

When connected, Chu Fangzheng said to Chu: "You call Fu Huai'an and let him read in the past, help Chu. This time, the cooperation project of Wei City will cooperate with Chu, as long as Kai The German group and Chu’s cooperation news came out, we Chu...”

"Dad! This is very likely to be done by Fu Huai'an. You now let me go to Fu Huai'an?!" Chu Yu’s voice choked.

She can already be considered Fu Huai'an...

Because in this world, besides Fu Huai'an, who else has this reason to step on the mud? !

Chu Fang was silent for a moment, and he hanged the phone without saying a word. His mind turned quickly and immediately let the driver prepare for the car to Jincheng!

At present, the two largest companies in China, one is Jiahe Group and the other is Capita Group!

Since the Kaide Group has no hope here, then Chu is planning to go to the Jiahe Group... He will come up with the current most profitable project of Chu, and invite Jiahe Group to buy shares, so that it can stabilize the Chu stocks that continue to fall.

The Chu side is an old river and lake. He understands that this kind of stocks continue to fall in rumors. If there is no strong and powerful backing force to inject, then even if Chu is safely crossed, I am afraid that it will be badly hurt!

This time, it is indeed Chu Yu’s family!

Chu Yu holding his knees and curling up behind the sofa...

She thought that she had fallen into the dust, but she did not know that the more terrible things were still waiting for her behind her.


At five o'clock in the afternoon of Morocco, Director Yang Rui made the female actors work on time.

Lin warmed off his makeup and changed his clothes. When he came out, he saw Fu Huai'an standing next to the car waiting for her...

The second is to come to the bird... ask for a monthly ticket for a monthly ticket! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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