Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 907: What qualifications does she have now to lose her temper? !

Chapter 907 What qualifications does she have now to lose her temper? !

It can be seen that Zhai Mo’s mood is very good today, and Song Yu knows that it must be related to the progress of revenge.

Song Wei has seen it in today's news, Chu Yu is dead...

What surprised Song Song was that the Chu family did not say that he was killing him. Instead, he said that it was Chu Yu’s suicide!

It was Chu’s father, Chu Fangzheng, who personally gave the news to the media. No ceremony was held...

Chu Yu’s father apologized to the mass media and Lin Bingzhen at the press conference, saying that Chu Yu finally passed away in this way because he hoped that the media and the public could forgive Chu and stop chasing a dead person. Don't let go, she already knows it wrong!

A person asks for forgiveness by death... Even if there are some people on the Internet, there will be some people chasing Chu, but in the end, the deceased is big, and most of the people on the Internet have already died down, and some people will regret it. Before, wasn’t it too embarrassing?

With the death of Chu Yu, the number of people who talked about the ignorance of Chu Yu and the news of stealing others' news were significantly reduced.

Just, is Chu Wei really dead? ! Song Yu looked at the expression of 岑墨 does not feel like...

If you are really dead, you may not be so happy!

With Song Yu’s understanding of Zhai Mo, even if Zhai Mo saw the video in a hurry and wanted to kill, but that person killed Lu Xiangsi, how could Chen Mo will let her suffer and die again!

In fact, on the way to Chu to the airport that day, she gave her her biological father, Chu Fangzheng, and said that she was already dead...

One is to keep the Chu's stock from falling because of the image of Chu.

The second is also to let the murderer kill her, thinking that she is really dead, no longer holding her back!

Originally, I just wanted to let Chu Yu start to run out of life. But I didn’t think that Chu Yu would have such a fainting, and let her father declare her death...

Yan Mo also thought that Chu Yu would flee to the country, or call to ask for help at home, as before, let the family help arrange mercenaries beside her to protect her safety!

In fact, it is not the stun of Chu Yu, but Chu Yu is too clear about his father Chu Fangzheng...

At the beginning, Chu Fang was willing to spend a large price to arrange mercenaries to protect Chu, because Chu is the pride of Chu, the youngest Pulitzer Prize in history and Ronald. Female reporter at the Reagan News Awards.

This kind of honor makes Chu Yu the pride of the Chu family, and it is also a sign of Chu!

But now, Chu's reputation has become stinking like this, coupled with Chu's stocks all the way down, Chu Fang is now busy because of Chu's things, where can you care about Chu? !

Chu Yugang and Chu Fangzheng said that someone wants to kill her. Chu Fangzheng is guilty of murderous rumors. Who would want to kill Chu, first of all, the news that was originally bought and sold by the population? The people of Chu Yu have already disappeared, and now everyone knows that it is the evidence found by Lin Wen. Those who want to kill will only kill Lin Wen, and will never be Chu Yu, so that Chu Yu does not add chaos. He is now working for Chu. upset!

There was no reply from the Jiahe Group. Every minute and every second was a torment to Chu.

Chu family... The family is weak, it is because Chu Yu saw this point, so he did not continue to explain to Chu Fangzheng, but a second note, saying that Chu Fangzheng announced that he had died, with a repentance The image, so how many Chu can save some image.

Chu Fang is swearing at Chu’s meal, and Chu Yu has once again mentioned the things he has been chased. She said that she wants to live and does not want to trouble the family. This is the best way...

This is also to make those who took the money to let her rest assured, otherwise those who said that they would kill the Chu family, this is what Chu and Chu Fangzheng do not want to see!

After hesitating for a long time, Chu Fang was still agreeing to Chu.

In the end, Chu Yu is the daughter of Chu Fangzheng. Chu Fangzheng is still paying attention to safety outside the court, letting the assistant transfer money to Chu’s bank card, saying that he will pay the living expenses of Chu, and let Chu Yu change his status in time. Say, let him know if Chu Yu is still alive, where is the man...

Chu Yu bought the ticket from New York to Missouri in the United States.

St. Louis, Missouri, is the most insecure city in the United States in these years. The United States has a house there. When the plane landed at the airport, she changed her mind and chose the first in Missouri. A hotel in a large city of Kansas City temporarily settled down!

Chu Yu settled in the hotel. When I came out from the bathroom after washing, I smelled the smoke. The hotel quickly sounded a fire alarm.

Chu Yu was wearing a bathrobe and couldn’t pick up anything, only to grab his bag and escape to the building in the smoke.

Downstairs are all guests who live in the hotel. The fire is very big. The black smoked Chu Wei looked down at the downstairs and looked at the only shoulder bag that he had taken when he escaped. The other five passports were gone, only one. Philippine identity passports and pistol wallets are still...

Soon the fire and the police came!

The hotel staff cooperated with the police to check the identity of the guests, and then sent the guests to other hotels to settle down, saying that the police would then find them to register for financial losses, and also help foreign guests to contact the embassy.

Chu took the bag in her hand, her identity passport is fake, how dare to register with the police!

The name of Chu Yu can never be seen in this world. She looks at the police who are still registered in the distance, biting the dirty towel and leaving the bag in her hand.

In the evening, Chu Hao dared to find a small hotel with very poor conditions to stay. Fortunately, the cards and wallets brought out the money.

After a long day, the nerves were so tired that she didn't want to sleep in the bed of a small hotel. Who knows what little couples have done in bed and whether the sheets have been cleaned.

The tired Chu Hao lay down on the sofa, she wrapped her bathrobe and curled up there, not knowing how she fell to this step.

She couldn't help but tear the wet handrail of the sofa, and Chu sighed and cried. After a while, she felt that she could not wear her breath. She sat up and reached for the paper, but found that the paper box was empty.

Chu Yu’s mood collapsed, and the violently grabbed the tray to get rid of it, but the high-lifting tray was put down by her. What qualifications does she have to lose her temper now? !

Chu Yu swallowed and put down the paper tray in his hand, helpless and desperately curled up on the sofa in the dark room, the blurred vision faintly saw the light from the underground door from the corridor outside seems to be covered by something.

Second more...

(End of this chapter)

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