Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 921: Isn't it going to die now? !

Chapter 921 is not going to die now? !

Until one day, Song Wei’s mobile phone had no electricity. When he called his classmates on his mother’s mobile phone to ask for homework, it happened that the woman’s text message to Song’s mother’s mother came in and let Song Hao see one.

When the anger slammed the Song Zhi’s reason, she directly used her mother’s mobile phone to look back, and the words were a hundred times more expensive than the woman!

But the little three actually took the text message and went to Song Wei’s father’s complaint. Song’s father was partially indulged. He saw the message sent by Song’s mother’s mobile phone number. He returned to Song Song’s mother and fought a song. It accuses Song Song’s mother of being vicious.

Originally, the ugliness should not be promoted, but Song Hao couldn’t help but look for it. Let him help check this phone number. She cried and told her father that because this woman was derailed, she had to divorce her mother. This woman is still sending information to insult her mother. After she replied... Xiaosan took a text message to her father who complained that her mother had sent her, and her father came back and beat her mother!

When I heard that Song’s father bullied his sister and used the public security system to find the phone number, he found that his brother-in-law also used his family’s money to buy a house for Xiaosan!

Thinking of my sister's hard work to make money day by day, the young and flamboyant swearing did not say that people would kill the residence, and the small three blocked a meal in the house.

This incident became the biggest fuse of Song Yu’s father. When he went home, he pointed to the mother of Song Yu, a heartless and sinister woman, who murdered his child!

Song Yu’s father said that the woman outside of him was pregnant, and that he was beaten by such a child!

That is the second child that the woman is pregnant with Song Yu's father! The first child is a boy who is two years old.

The father still had a sentence to divorce. Xiaosan proudly sent a message saying that she was not pregnant at all. However, it was a small means to let the mother of Song Yu’s mother know how to get divorced. But that is the black number. Song’s father saw it. After that, I only felt that Song Yu’s mother had more and more means, and it became more and more apparent that Song’s mother had a deep heart!

On the sixth day after Song’s father left, Xiaosan called again and told Song’s mother that Song’s father and her went to bed, saying that Song’s mother was like a dead fish in the bed, wearing a hole in the panties. appetite.

This intimate thing was shaken out by Xiao San, and the emotionally unstable Song Yu mother jumped from the balcony.

On that day, the sunset almost dyed the sky bright red. The school uniforms of Song Yu were all mother's blood. She was shuddering and not only sitting in the hospital corridor, but all the smell of the disinfectant was the smell of the members... even the smell of blood on her body. They are covered up!

It was clear in the summer that Song Song sat there but shuddered coldly.

For three days, Song Hao was wearing the **** clothes and stayed in the hospital for three days. Whoever told her that she could not hear it.

She had been sitting in front of her mother's bed, looking at her cheeks pale to a bloodless mother, from the beginning of panic, until later she hated the little three, hating her father, can't wait to hack with a knife now. They are with them!

Then, until now, the body and heart have become numb...

She only hopes that her mother can get better, as long as her mother can get better, she can do it!

She can sever the relationship between her father and daughter from her own biological father, as long as she is!

She can also not find revenge for the dogs and men! As long as her mother can get better!

Song Yu said innumerable times in the ear of her mother, as long as the mother can wake up, she will not care about anything!

But three days later, Song’s mother still didn’t come over. She didn’t even have a single sentence to leave with Song Yu, and Song Hao fainted...

When I woke up, Song Hao had already been sent to the home of the cockroach. It seemed to always linger in the smell of disinfecting water in the hospital, and it has not dissipated.

Grandpa whitened his hair overnight, his mother died, and went to Xiaosan’s house with anger. He killed Xiaosan and injured Song’s father. He was also injured and admitted to hospital...

That summer Song Song’s memory is the smell of hospital disinfection. She went to the hospital to see her. He told her... He can’t run a death sentence. Let Song Song grow up and take care of his grandfather for him and Song Wei. Mother is full of filial piety.

Soon the embarrassing judgment came down, the death penalty!

Song Yu’s grandparents took Xiao San’s father’s boy home, but because Song Song broke the Song’s father, Song Song’s father had no hope in his life, and refused to accept Song’s “losing money”.

This is a good thing for Song Hao’s grandfather. They raised Song Song as a pearl, but they couldn’t be physically good. They stayed in hospital for three days. Song Yi always went to the hospital to give meals to him. Song Yu became a frequent visitor to the hospital, and his performance fell from the age of the second!

Later, he died in the hospital...

Later, the grandfather died in the hospital. It seems that there is only one person in the world.

Therefore, Song Hao hates the hospital very much, hates the taste in the hospital, full of the smell of disinfectant water, which represents the parting in Song Xin's heart!

She really, hates this taste!

"Emotion is still the key, and now Mrs. Yu's situation is still unstable, especially in the first three months... still pay more attention!"

"Okay, hard work!" 岑墨 nodded to the doctor, "Sehander, send a doctor!"

Song Yu vaguely heard the dialogue between the doctor and Yan Mo, and his brows wrinkled and gradually woke up.

She opened her eyes to the white ceiling of the hospital.

Song Yu frowned, his mouth was bitter, and his throat was also hot and dry.

"岑墨,水..." Song Song opened his mouth and his voice was hoarse.

See Song Song woke up, nervous and tight, busy with the water on the bedside table, holding Song Hao sitting up, sent the cup to Song Yu mouth.

After drinking a few mouthfuls of warm water, the discomfort in Song’s mouth and throat was relieved. She raised her hand over her lower abdomen and listened to her innocence without saying anything: “The child is fine, with a little bit of bleeding. The doctor said that your emotional ups and downs can't be too big. From today on, you need to stay in bed!"

"Emotional ups and downs can't be too big..." Song Song asked for a swallowing of saliva. "Can you let Su Shi return to China?!"

Saihande, who was about to enter the door, heard this sentence and didn’t dare to come in outside...

I haven't opened the door to Saihande and I feel that the sensation from the ward is cold. Isn't it going to die now? !

Saihande hesitated for a moment, released the doorknob, called Xiaolu, and let Xiaolu not know that Lin Wei was hospitalized, and asked Lin Wen to come to the rescue!

The first is more...

(End of this chapter)

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