Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 923: How do you compare with the baby's little nephew? !

How does the 923 chapter compare with the baby's little nephew? !

Fu Huai'an's deep line of sight looks at the ink, and the low and mellow sound lines are peaceful, but it is especially powerful.

Although Fu Huai'an is not deliberate, but the gas field is in the nerves of the people who are oppressively silent, Saihande almost subconsciously responds to the voice, the footsteps have been raised but still look back to see the ink, the expression is asking.

Seeing the ink and ink dagger, Saihande respected Song Song: "Mrs.... I will send you upstairs!"

Song Hao nodded, his side fists slightly tightened, and looked at Fu Huai'an lips, and his eyes were grateful.

"Small warm, you will bring the group to the car first!" Fu Huai'an hand gently covered the Lin warm fiber waist, the tone is not gentle to others.

Looking at Fu Huai'an, if the lips are like a smile, they are particularly infiltrating.

Although I don’t know what Fu Huai’an wants to say to him, he can be very keen on intuition...

From the time I just came back, whether Lin Wen looked at Song Wei’s expression, or Song Wei looked at Fu Huai’an’s expression, he had already guessed that Fu Huai’an’s so-called words had to be said that it was related to Su Shi!

As early as the Song and Song Dynasties, Zhai Mo checked Song Song...

I know that Song Yu’s ex-boyfriend Su Shi and Lin Wen did not know much about their friendship, but they also know each other.

Reminiscent of today's Song Hao asked his mobile phone to call Lin Wen, and the assistant Xiao Lu, who has been following Fu Huai'an, is not there. You can't guess it, it is a fool!

Just now Saihande received a phone call, 岑墨猜... probably the phone that Fu Huai'an assistant took Su Shi from the police station.

"Su Hao, I took it away..." Fu Huai'an spoke to the ink.

Yan Mo looked at Fu Huai'an lips and picked it down: "Mr. Fu... Is this going to be against me?!"

"Since I saw that he was uncomfortable, why should I leave people in Morocco..." Fu Huai'an went to the ink and ink, "I will bring people back to China, and will not let him come to Morocco to look at you and Song Wei. Song Wei is now It’s not easy to think about pregnancy, it’s not easy to worry, you have to follow.”

There is no snoring in the ink, Fu Huai'an said: "Everyone has a past, and there is also a little warmth. If I am dead and warm, I will not be as deep as I am now, and the relationship between husband and wife. ... is to forget each other's past and only look at the common future!"

I used to be warm and warm, and I was so impressed that I didn’t want to go to Iraq for the man’s life. But now, Fu Huai’an is really kind and loving, and the two people are together in a pink bubbling atmosphere, even if it’s an outsider. As if you can see it.

Forget the past of each other, just look at the common future? !

I can't be sure that Song Wei is willing to have a future with him...

I don’t know if Lin Wen’s escape from Fu Huai’an was twice, so I’m not sure if Fu Huai’an is right.

Fu Huai'an raised his hand and pushed open his cuffs and looked at his watch. "This little land should have taken people out to the airport. Don't immerse yourself in the past! I took people away from Song Yu and Su Shi." Things are here..."

Fu Huai'an said that he took a slap on the shoulder of the ink and lifted his foot to leave.

Looking at Fu Huai'an's back, he watched him pull the door and get on the car, and he didn't have the anger that he expected.

From the upstairs, Saihande walked quickly to the back of the ink, and lowered his voice: "Sir, Mr. Su Shi was taken away. The news came over there was pressure on the top... people they had to put!"

岑 ink long breath out, hands folded, dagger: "Well, I know..."

"Mr., do you want to... deduct people?!" Saihand tempted.

Saihande knows how much the ink is in the mouth of Mr. Su Shisu. The deduction in Saihande’s mouth is to use their means to deduct people!

After a long silence, Yan Mo said: "No, it is Fu Huai'an who picks up people."

Saihande glimpsed.

If you want to force people to be detained, how can you let the group live with him in the future? !

A Susie in the district, how is it compared with the baby's little nephew? !

Nature is to cultivate feelings with the group, more important than deducting Su Shi...

Looking at the taillights of Fu Huai'an car, picking up the lips, Fu Huai'an is taking the people away without mistakes, Su Shi can see the last side of his father, but in the future ... afraid of seeing the rise of their Su Shi.

Those who have a guilty conscience about their own women will not let him get up, in order to avoid unnecessary troubles in the future.


Upstairs Song Song stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, staring at the car carrying Fu Huai'an and Lin Wen's car gradually drifting away, and the heart was still hanging in the eyes of the blind man.

She did not know whether Fu Huai'an and Zhai Mo said that it was Su Shi's case, and whether he was willing to let Su Shi return to China.

The mobile phone was taken away by the ink, and there was nothing to contact Lin Wen. She could only pray for God to change her mind and return to China.

When I heard the door of the bedroom open, Song Hao turned back.

"The doctor told you to stay in bed..." 岑墨 single-handedly unbuttoned the shirt and closed the door.

Song Yu’s heart is a thin layer of sweat. She confessed to the ink: “I asked for warmth, let her help send Su Shi back to China safely!”

I probably didn't talk to Song Wei who told me so straightforwardly that he sneered and asked: "You are afraid... Just now, Fu Huai'an said anything to me?!"

"Not..." Song Yu shook his head. "We are husband and wife. It is not right to carry you back. I don't want to stare at you. I hope... my confession can be exchanged for your trust!"

Looking at his face, his face was white and his eyes were red and red, and he walked up to the end of the bed, took off his coat and sat down, silent.

Song smashed his fist and walked to the side of the ink to sit down, reached out and hugged the neck of the ink, and put his head on the shoulder of the ink...

He felt the tide at the neck, and then listened to Song Wei’s subtle sobbing opening: “I used to flee you because I’m not swearing at Su Shi, it’s because I fell in love with you. So I feel even more embarrassed! But now I don't want to escape from you, I just want to... I just want to be with you, can you not let me be so tired! I really... very tired and tired!"

岑墨 raised his hand and grabbed Song Xiao’s little hand. The thumb was slightly moth on the back of her hand. After a long time, he whispered: “Trust... I will give you the last time, don’t let me down!”

When I heard the words of ink, Song Hao was very surprised...

The bedroom without lights is not bright, but Song Hao’s eyes are as bright as the entire room.

"岑墨..." Song Yi bit his lower lip, and his heart turned warm.

"Never hide from me, never lie to me! Do you understand?!" 岑 如同 如同 如同 如同 如同 如同 如同 如同 如同 如同 如同 如同 如同 如同 如同 如同 如同 如同 如同 如同 如同 如同 如同 如同 如同 如同 如同 如同 如同 如同 如同 如同 如同 如同 如同 如同 如同 如同 如同 如同

Stones will also be hot, not to mention Song Hao’s love for ink! The third is more! Seeking a monthly ticket...

(End of this chapter)

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