Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 926: He hated himself at that time!

Chapter 926, he hated himself at that time!

"How do you say?!" Fu Huai'an picked up the teapot and added a tea to Su Shi.

“The Capita Group is a rising star, but now it will develop into a large group that can compete with the Golden Harvest Group within a short period of this year. The Golden Harvest Group is bound to find ways to suppress the CapitaLand Group to ensure its leading position, so...”

Su Shi looked up and saw Fu Huai's self-satisfying cup of tea, long legs overlapping, casual and casual, and then stopped talking, some words can not be said too much, Fu Huai'an understands.

"We have not received the signing of the Golden Harvest Group and Chu's contract here!" Fu Huai'an put down the teacup in his hand and only said such a sentence.

Since both of them want to cooperate with the Golden Harvest Group, it is unreasonable that the Golden Harvest Group and Chu have signed the reason that the Kaide Group does not know this!

Su Shi nodded and knew that Fu Huai'an had something to mention him. He smiled and said: "Thank you for your advice!"

The more I look at it, the more Fu Huai'an feels that Su Shi is a bit interesting, but it is relatively transparent.

"If it is like opening up overseas markets, Morocco is not suitable, change places!" Fu Huai'an looks to Su Shi, "For your good, and for Song Hao!"

When Fu Huai'an said this, Lin Wen just came in. Su Shi stood up and smiled and thanked Lin Wendao: "Lin Wen, this time thanks to you and Mr. Fu!"

"All acquaintances don't have to be so polite!" Lin Wen sat next to Fu Huai'an and looked at Su Shi. "We are all old friends. I don't talk in my eyes. Su Shi... Morocco, you still don't come, don't. Let Song Song be embarrassed, and now Song Wei’s pregnancy can’t be fluctuating! Song’s husband has a little psychological problem, and his suspicion is very serious. Just because he met you today, Song Yu entered the hospital...”

"How is she?!" Su Shi's face was white.

"You can rest assured that she doesn't matter for the time being, but if it still appears in Morocco, there is a gap between Song and her husband!" Lin Wen said to Su Shi that there is no simple and straightforward way to let Su Shi know Song Wei's The difficulty is that he will not step into the land of Morocco.

"Song Wei is not... is it bad?!" Su Shi hesitated and asked, the bottom of his eyes was the distressed color that he tried to hide.

Lin warmed his head: "When I was with Fu Huai'an in Morocco, I lived in Song's house. Song and her husband had a good time, but when you appeared, it was not very good. Do you understand?!"

Su Shi's face is more and more ugly.

He didn't expect that things would be like this. I didn't even think that Lin Wen, who had always been introverted and whispered, would say so straightforwardly, so embarrassing!

But Su Shi is not angry at all, the embarrassing truth is better than the false words!

"Su Wei... Song Yu loves her husband very much! But she has always been guilty of you. She used to escape from her husband because of this embarrassment, so when his husband sees you, he will think of it! Leading to the disagreement between the two... ”

Su Shi hangs his throat and doesn't say a word.

"I want to know, Song Hao and that person are together, have been good..."

Lin Wen did not answer Su Shi: "Good and bad, the original road was chosen by her own, even if the front is thorny, she has to walk barefoot!"

"Lin warm, you don't say, my heart is always worried..."

"That, I am afraid that your heart is not good!" Lin warmed.

That Su Shi understood, as long as there is no such thing, Song Hao will be very good!

"I know!" Su Shi looked up and smiled at Lin Wen. "I don't ask about Song Song, it is good for her!"

Lin nodded warmly, she could not deny that Su Shi really loves Song Hao, very love!

The plane flew very smoothly all the way, and the unsteady one was Su Shi’s heart...

Su Shi returned to the room, although not large but full of luxury and luxury, he sat at the window and looked at the flashing light outside the wing, and fell into meditation.

He always thought that Song Yu was succumbing to power and reality, but now listening to Lin Wen's words... It seems that this is not the case!

Did Song Hao really fall in love with her husband? !

He stared at the flashing radio and television, as if he had returned to the past!

Once he and Song Hao have also had a vow of the League, but also have expectations for the future!

In Su Shi’s heart, his future and Song Yu’s future are tightly tied together!

Once, parents did not like Song Yu, especially the mother was extremely opposed to Su Shi’s resignation to Song Yu. He said that Song Yu is a play and the play is ruthless...

Later, Su Shi gave the family business of Sujia to join a small company. He said that it is for the sake of study. If you want to go out, you need to start your own company. But it is obviously not enough for Su Shi’s experience in the home business. So I plan to go to another company to study and start my own business.

At the time of starting a business, Su Shi did not start the funds, and the funds were given by Song Yu! From that time on, Su Shi intends to give all his life's life to Song Hao! Always with Song Hao forever!

Later, Su Shi’s mother fell down to the hospital and was busy with the gyro-like Su Shi rushed to the hospital. Su Shi’s mother saw her son lose a few laps, and even her cheeks and eye sockets were sunken. The only child was distressed, crying and shouting to let Su Shi go home, and did not insist on the matter of Song Yu, saying that as long as Su Shi was thirty years old, Song Yu still kept Su Shi and never gave up, they recognized Song Hao’s daughter-in-law!

Su Shi has never been so happy in this life, but he refused to go home. He said that his company's start-up funds are all given by Song Yu, that is the world he wants to lay for Song Hao, he must complete!

Su Shi’s mother is only Su Shi, she can only go with Su Shi, but Su Shi is willing to go home, she can always take care of her points.

However, Su Shi wanted to give Song Hao the world, but before he could lay it down, Song Hao left him...

The value and power of that person is so large that Su Shi can’t imagine it, even if Su Shi immediately returns to the Su family, he will give it nothing!

When he first put Song Song away, he really wanted Song Song to get what she wanted to have!

Nowadays, I am so desperate, with a hint of hope, I really want Song Hao to return to my side!

He never resented Song Wei’s departure at that time. He always thought that it was his fault at that time. At that time, don’t say that he would carry Song’s dream. He simply could protect Song Song. He couldn’t do it. He hated it. Self at that time!

But if, Song Hao really fell in love with that person...

What is the meaning of his current efforts? !

What is it for him to sleep for a few days? !

What is it for the vomiting shock? !

Song Wei... That is the meaning of all his life!

Watches and wallets, as well as photos, were sent back by Song Yu, but the new home he prepared for them was filled with old things that Song Yu once had.

Their photos, their lovers are loaded!

Third, ask the moon tickets for the babies! This month is only 28 days, the baby should not expire the monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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