Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 944: I am back

Chapter 944, I am back.

"We are really sincere!" Lin Wen dropped a kiss on the forehead of the group, and promised to bring a delicious cake to the group when he came back. It was only a small tear that waved to Lin Wen, and the small mouth squatted and held back and did not cry.

When Lin warmed the driver's car door, he slammed the door of the rear seat and said: "You sit in the back row, behind the driver's seat, it is safe!"

Lin Wen looked at the ink and smiled and nodded. He did not care for the good intentions of the ink: "Good!"

Turning back and waving a small tears, Lin Wen only got into the car.

岑 替 替 林 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖 暖

From Fu Zhai to the cemetery for more than 40 minutes, Zhai Mo lived for an hour, and the road was very slow and stable.

Lin Wen looked at the street scene that was slowly retreating outside the window. It was about to go to the Spring Festival. The street was already full of Chinese New Year atmosphere.

The phone vibrated, Lin warmed his head and looked at it. It was Lin Biao’s WeChat.

[Lin Wei: Are you pregnant? ! 】

Lin warm lips and lips, edit reply...

[Lin Wen: How do you know? ! 】

[Lin Wei: I know an actor from your crew, she told me secretly! You are not going to make it public? ! 】

[Lin Wen: Temporarily confidential, I plan to speak with my family before I open it to the public. 】

[Lin Wei: Then I will keep it secret for you. Go back and talk to your parents. 】

Lin warm and slender and white fingertips caressed the screen of the phone, looked up and looked at the front row: "Do you want to know the things of Mom and Dad?!"

岑 ink hands clasped the steering wheel...

"It's just not clear about my parents' things, but Lin Biao is more clear, you want to know... I have a look at her to see if she has time."

Lin Biao, Lin Biao's sister, when their biological fathers changed Lin Wen and Lin Biao, so those years have always been Lin Biao with their parents!

As Lin Wen said, if you want to know what happened to your parents, no one knows better than Lin Biao.

I want to know, I want to know...

In those days, after the loss of him, what kind of days did the parents live?

"Okay, that troubles you!"

Lin warmly stunned, and immediately smiled at the ink: "We are a family, you are so polite to feel very good."

When I heard the warmth of Lin Mo, the lips were hooked up and answered: "Well, the family should not be so polite."

Listening to the mellow and pleasant voice of the smile, Lin Wen thought of the experience of the ink...

I don't know if it is because the pregnancy mood is easy to fluctuate, or because she is connected with the blood of the ink, she can feel the same feeling. Lin Wen inexplicably feels that this sentence is too panic.

Zhai Mo is indeed very eager for family because Song Song said, eager to be careful.

Lin warmed his head and sent a message to Lin Biao...

[Lin Wen: I am taking my brother to go to worship my parents. Brother wants to know about my parents. I don’t know these things very well. If you have time, can you take a moment to make an appointment? ! 】

Lin Biao didn't know if he was busy and he never responded.

Until the ink drove to the door of the cemetery, Lin Wen received a reply from Lin Biao.

Lin Biao: Are you going now? ! I just finished busy and now I am past the cemetery. 】

[Lin Wen: I have been coming from the city for more than an hour. About a place close to you, we will pass the worship of our parents. 】

Soon, Lin Biao sent an address.

Because of the relationship between Lin and warm pregnancy, Yan Mo did not let Lin warm and he boarded the cemetery on foot, called a battery car, and the two went up.

Standing in front of the parents' tombstones, I don’t know what to do.

In the grave in front of him, his biological parents, after he lost, in order to find him almost all parents!

See Lin Bing's lower body and separate the burnt paper one by one, put it in the burning paper bucket, and the body's stiff ink has reacted. He hurried down and helped Lin warm together to separate the paper.

Before going to the cemetery, he went to the cemetery to see Lu’s grandparents and his parents, Lu Xiangsi, both carrying a bunch of flowers and not burning paper. At this time, they all looked at the movements of Lin Wen.

"With the fire?!" Lin Wen asked 岑 ink.

岑墨 took over the ignition paper in Lin Wen’s hand and said: “I am coming!”

Soon the flames in the paper barrels picked up the old high, and the ink kept the forest warm and took a step back, fearing that the fire would catch the warm clothes.

Lin warm looked at the tombstone through the swaying flame, the small hand grabbed the big hand of the ink, and the soft and rounded voice sounded: "Dad, Mom... I found my brother, you can rest in peace."

Yan Mo felt Lin Lin holding his hand and heard Lin warming his brother, his body was stiff...

The sour scorpion instantly shocked the eyes of the ink, and his gaze at the sight of his parents' gravestones was blurred!

His parents are waiting for him in this life!

He also slammed the little hands of Lin Wen, their brothers and sisters... stood in front of their biological parents, but they could not see.

Their family, scattered before their parents, gathered after their parents died.

Their family has never lived together.

You can't help but shed your tears, and you can't help it.

"Brother is living very well, married. My wife is a very very caring friend in college. She is a kind and derogatory girl. My nephew is already pregnant with my brother. I am pregnant. When they are born, you remember to come back." Look at them!" Lin Wenmei is a warm smile than the sun.

岑 紧 紧 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"Brother, call a parent! I think... they have been waiting." Lin warmed his head to look at the high-legged long temperament and straight ink opening.

The thin lips of the ink squatted tightly, and the body shivered slightly.

Lin Wen did not urge, waited quietly...

For a long time, Yan Mo loosened Lin Wen’s little hand and kneeled in front of his parents’ tombstone. He looked at his parents’ tombstone and filled his head with a dagger: “Mom, Dad, sorry, I am back.”

The last four words, the sound of snoring is so sullen...

Sorry, come back now!

Sorry, let you find it for so long!

Sorry, I can't catch up with you on the last side!

Sorry, a good home fell apart because of his loss!

岑 ink hands on the legs, tightly licking his pants, bowed his head...

After so many years, I learned that Lu Xiangsi’s death never shed tears, and in front of her parents’ tombstones, the sobs could not be hidden.

Lin warm stood next to the ink, quietly listening, red eyes, lips and smiles, she seems to see parents standing in front of them!

Lin Wen feels that there is nothing in this world that is more than just standing in front of their parents, and they are more happy!

The third is more... ask for a monthly ticket, ah!

(End of this chapter)

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