Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 957: 岑墨 has already checked the clear two

Chapter 957, the ink has been checked, clear and clear

"A while Song Song woke up and I said something to Song Song! She should have no problem..." 岑墨 asked Lin Wen, "What do you want for breakfast?! I will do it for you and Song Wei’s breakfast for a while!"

Lin warm wrapped his coat and looked at the ink with a look of disbelief. He chuckled: "Can you eat?!"

岑墨: "..."

"I have tasted it, the taste is really good!" Fu Huai'an held back his smile and told Lin.

The earliest waking ink today, let the chef of Fu Huai'an here to make fried poached eggs and bacon, the result is not very close to the appetite, he simply cooked himself and made a copy!

Just waiting for the table to eat, I saw Fu Huai'an downstairs, he was just kindly asked Fu Huai'an whether to taste his breakfast, I did not expect Fu Huai'an to be really rude.

Therefore, 岑墨才拉傅怀安 went out to play golf, want to abuse the abuse of a lot of Fu Huai, or who thinks that Fu Huai'an is so powerful, and he is comparable.

"What do you want to eat?!" 岑墨问林暖,大有有有的生活, the chef will personally cook today.

The voice of Song Wei upstairs passed down first: "Warm me and you said, your brother's egg steamed a must! There is also a tomato egg noodles, especially in the morning to eat a bowl of absolute I have a good mood all day, your brother's tomato egg noodles are different from others's. The clear soup is poured on the fried half-ripe sugar heart eggs. Several slices of thin tomato slices and white onion flowers are dotted in white. On the surface, the soup is hot and turned upside down. A little bit of oil makes you invisible. The taste in your mouth is absolutely smooth and delicious. It is clearly a clear soup, which can be tasted at the entrance. It is to challenge your taste buds! The feeling of flowering on the tip of your tongue is super delicious!"

Lin Wenguang is listening to Song Wei’s live interpretation of the food on the tip of his tongue, and he can’t help but drool!

This face is still Song Yu began to have a morning sickness reaction, nausea began to smack to Song Song to do, at that time, what to eat in the stomach, the song smashed Song Yu to eat this face ... stomach is miraculously conquered, honestly Digested these faces properly and did not make any demon.

In the words of Song Yu, after ink conquered her heart, she further conquered her stomach.

Lin warmed and nodded, from the good to the flow of ink on the opening: "Then I listen to you, choose a tomato egg noodles! Eat steamed egg **** tomorrow."

In fact, Lin Wen is still very emotional on the tomato egg noodles. Once her biological mother Ji Yun made a meal for her is the tomato egg noodles, and now her first brother made her first meal for her, or tomato egg noodles.

岑墨颔首: "Well, wait for me..."

Looking at Song Hao, I seem to want to ask what Song Wei wants to eat...

"I want tomato noodles, thank you!" Song Xiao smiled very sweetly.

岑墨 looked at Song Yu’s eyes with indulgence and favor, and nodded: “Good!”

Since I know that I have never given up my biological parents, I know that I have been deeply loved by people when I don’t know. The personality and psychological symptoms of the ink seem to ease a lot!

When Lin Wen looked at the tomato egg noodles as described by Song Wei, he couldn’t tell the taste in his heart. The face was very beautiful... Anything that Lin Bing had eaten was beautiful, but it was the one in her mind. In the summer, Ji Yun took her to sit in the dirty room and give herself a bowl of egg noodles.

"How not to eat?!"

After washing the hand back, I saw Lin Bing’s chopsticks in a daze, and wiped his hand with a paper towel.

Lin Wen felt that she was particularly prone to sentimentality after she was pregnant. She looked up and her hair was a little red. She said to her: "The first time I had the only thing I had to eat with my mother, it was the tomato egg noodles. I didn't expect it... after so long. The first time I ate something that my brother’s hands-on, it’s actually an egg noodle!”

The action of rubbing his hands and wiping his hands reminds me of the inevitable heart of Ji Yun.

"Okay! Let's eat noodles!" Fu Huai'an licked the top of Yulin's warm hair, and the sound of the sound was so good.

I have to say that the craftsmanship of ink is really good. Lin Wen has also eaten the food of the Michelin restaurant. It can make the egg noodles so extreme. Lin Wen is really the first one.

"How can it be so delicious?!" Lin Wen was originally a calm girl, and now her eyes are bright.

Yanmo smiled and said: "Probably the inheritance of Grandpa!"

After he was beaten by Lu Bo, he investigated the life and past of his biological parents. Of course, Ji Yun’s life was troublesome, but his father’s life was much simpler to check.

Originally, I wanted to wait until the mother’s life experience was also found, and then shared it with Lin Wen, but today Lin Wen said that the tomato egg noodles made by the ink are delicious, and the ink can’t help but have a mouthful. .

In fact, since Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an together, Fu Huai'an did not want to help Lin Wen check her parents' past.

It’s just... Fu Huai’an thinks that Lin’s parents have passed away. The past things are sporadic in the mother’s letter. It’s enough to let Lin Wen see how his parents have lost their children’s life. Lin’s heart must be uncomfortable. .

For the relatives of Ji Yun, Fu Huai'an asked for the meaning of Lin Wen, to see if you want to find it, Xiao Lu also found it, but because of the time, I did not find any news, Lin Wen let Fu Huai'an not check.

Lin Wen was afraid that the result was not satisfactory. In the event of the accident, only Ji Yun was left alone. !

If Lin Hu’s grandfather’s grandmother is still there, Lin Wen believes that they will definitely look for Ji Yun’s, and will not even report the alarm, and let his daughter lose it.

And from the letter of the letter of Lin Yun Lin can be seen, the conditions may be very good at the beginning of the Ji Yun family, Ji Yun's teenage years ... home can drive to the hospital to receive the child's mother and brother, home Life can be imagined!

But nothing can be found in this way. The Ministry of Public Security has no records. The people who Xiaolu is looking for have no audio. Lin Wen guess can guess what the final outcome is, so I don’t know if I don’t know. Let’s just let Fu Huai'an don't check it out.

But for the lack of care for the young, he is very curious about his parents' lives, and his parents' life is also very concerned about their parents, so it is really a matter of checking.

Although Ji Yun’s life experience is still not a bit of eyebrows, the situation of Lu’s father has been checked.

Seeing Lin's warm eyes, Yan Mola opened the stool and sat down to give Lin Wen popular: "Our grandfather used to be the chef of Tianxianglou. Our grandfather's grandfather was a royal chef. Later, he came out from the palace and opened the incense. floor……"

The first is more... ask for the monthly ticket, baby! ! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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