Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 959: Lu Jinnan was taken away by the US police.

Chapter 959 Lu Jinnan was taken away by the US police

Especially in China's missiles can already be said to be the world's top level, this time the bomber is not only invisible, but also the missiles, this deterrent will multiply.

The bomber-hanging missiles are not in the world, but the hanging missiles are also invisible or vertical take-off and landing. The battery life is still so strong, fearing that it is the only one in the world.

Lin Wen saw the news, as a national, but also with the honor, especially this engine or the Kaide Group and the government to study, Lin Han's sense of honor is even stronger.

"Thanks to the Kaide Group, we have tried to get Mr. Yu Chaoqian to return to the country!" Lin Wen expressed his heartfelt feelings.

Fu Huai'an beheaded: "The original Mr. Yu Qiang Qian was very keen to return to China to serve, but... it was pressed by Droni, and could not go!"

It was also because Li Muyang came to Haicheng and spared no effort to die. This made Fu Huai'an want to clean up Li Muyang and control Li Muyang. Fu Huai'an unexpectedly harvested the squat ahead and brought people back to the country.

The mobile phone on the dining table vibrates, Lin Wen looked at the incoming call, it was Bai Xiaonian, put down the chopsticks to connect...

"There is something wrong with the warmth!" Bai Xiaonian’s voice was very flustered. "Lu Jinnan was taken away by the police in the United States. When I left, let me call you and let your husband say it! I don’t know what is going on now. I received a call from Lu Jinnan, and I didn’t make it clear on the phone. I didn’t know why it was arrested. The phone was turned off and the phone was turned off. I’m looking at the embassy now. I’ll ask you what’s going on in the end?!”

Lin Wen realized the seriousness of the matter: "You wait... I will call Huai'an!"

Fu Huai'an heard Lin mentioning him on the phone and looking at Lin Wen...

"The phone of Xiaonian said that Lu Jinnan was taken away by the US police!"

Fu Huai'an was so dark that he took the phone and got up and went out: "Hey..."

On the phone, Bai Xiaonian said a lot. Fu Huai'an only said to Bai Xiaonian: "You don't worry, don't worry about it. You don't want to go to the embassy first. Hold it! What to do when going to work, old Lu Lao has sent people to protect you. When the old land is taken away, the person should show up and don’t be afraid! The rest is left to me!"

Hanging up the phone, Fu Huai'an brows wrinkled. The day before yesterday and Lu Jinnan called and returned to China as soon as possible, but Lu Jinnan still did not listen to Fu Huai'an.

It is no secret that he was taken back to their country in advance. The United States has frequently found faults in politics because of this incident. For a while, economic sanctions are tossing what their country’s companies in the United States are investigating, all of which are played.

What is the most important thing in the United States? ! It is their status as the global hegemon, and it is the military power that supports their global hegemony!

I am studying the bomber fighter engine ahead of the squad. How important is this talent, and can it be taken away by their country? !

They watched the embarrassed advance, and saw the family members who had lost their embarrassment, and now they found that the latest and most powerful engines were successfully developed and used in bombers in other countries. I can imagine how angry they are. ? !

They can be used on bombers or on fighters and transport planes...

The possession of these equipments in their country is tantamount to the fact that they already have the ability to open up the gap in the US sky and the United States has to guard against it.

Now the two countries are already hot and politically diplomatic, you don't let me, I won't let you!

I can only toss these entrepreneurs, the last time I arrested a local company in Canada, the vice president of a company!

This is really funny. The Qualcomm company in the United States forcibly obtained the 5G standard for the sake of pressure from the US government, but let the Chinese companies preemptively release the 5G commercial system and 5G chips. The United States is not convinced. Let Canada arrest the vice president of the company.

This time, it was a deliberate attempt to re-apply Lu Jinnan. Now I have to give Lu Jinnan a charge, but I don’t know!

But this time it was not communication. This time it involved the military. Fu Huai'an didn't have to know that the toss in the middle would be even bigger.

Fu Huai'an mobile phone did not have time to return to Lin Wen to go upstairs, just stepped up the stairs, his mobile phone also rang, two mobile phones ringing at the same time, one is the military's phone, one is Gu Qingcheng's phone...

The news of the military was slightly faster than Fu Huai'an and Gu Qingcheng. Almost the one who just started to take action on the other side received a call, but still couldn't have time to remind Lu Jinnan.

Fu Huai'an first took the phone of the military. The phone also said that Lu Jin was arrested. The national army had asked the embassy to arrest Lu Jinnan without asking why.

The military has also said this, in fact, the bottom line is because their engine has been successfully developed, and the American eye wants to find something.

The military here wants to appease Fu Huai'an, and then the government will definitely find a way to protect Lu Jinnan, after all, this is the face of their country!

This is Fu Huai'an.

Gu Qingcheng also received news that Fu Huai'an needs to intervene.

Fu Huai'an indulged for a moment, and said: "This matter is handed over to the government! It doesn't matter if our relationship is not suitable at this time."

Subsequently, Fu Huai'an arranged the company's affairs, let the secretary's office prepare the news manuscript, and he wanted to hold a press conference.

Because Lu Jinnan was arrested by the US police, Fu Huai'an is busy now...

Originally, I promised to go back to the Lin family for dinner with Lin Wen and Chen Mo. I am afraid that there is no time. Lu Jinnan’s work in the United States is not delayed at all, but now people are arrested and these things fall. Fu Huai'an and Tang Yan's head.

There is a bunch of things in Tang Zhen’s own side, so now I can only see Fu Huai’an.

When Fu Huai'an secretary's office received the call, it was already busy, and immediately prepared a speech. This time, Fu Huai'an personally opened a press conference. The media from the news party flocked and waited there early.

The Kade Group press conference came suddenly. Good multimedia was going to participate in other people's press conferences. When I heard that the Cade Group's side, Fu Huai'an had to personally open a press conference, all of them rushed to the Kaide Group.

The news that Lu Jinnan was arrested did not begin until the afternoon when domestic TV stations began to report that the US Embassy’s Weibo was about to be bombarded by netizens into pieces!

First, Canadian entrepreneurs were arrested. Who does not know that Canada is a running dog in the United States? !

Later, the engine was successfully developed. Lu Jinan of the Kaide Group was arrested again. What crimes have not been said yet, no one knows what it is!

The third chapter, in view of the last time when thousands of American weapons companies were written, there were readers who said that the US weapons company is just a few, and what kind of Droni company, so thousands of explanations, this is a novel... novel... ...fiction... mix some real things (such as Huawei Meng Zhouzhou), let it be fuller and three-dimensional close to life, but it is still a novel! I hope the babies don't want to be so real!

(End of this chapter)

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