Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 963: Bai Xiaonian’s speech has always been sharp

Chapter 963 Bai Xiaonian speaks sharply

Liang Shuxian was surprised and screamed. It seemed to be a little excited. Then she restrained her emotions and red eyes.

Liang Shu and Lin Wen were separated by a long table in the middle. Her smile was both happy and gratifying. The line of sight was swept over Lin Wen and Yan Mo and Song Yi, and nodded: "It's so good!"

Yeah, that’s great, what better than now!

I found my brother, my nephew was pregnant, and I was pregnant!

When Lin Lin warmed them away, Liang Shu gave the big red envelopes that had been prepared with Lin Jingquan to Yan Mo and Song Yu. They said to Yan Mo and Song Yu that they will be their own homes in the future and will come back when they want to come back.

I know that Lin Wen’s pregnancy is very special, and I’m packing a bunch of pregnant women’s good-filled car trunks. I’m not sure, it’s not safe, indicating that I’m going to take care of Lin’s warmth. Song Hao!

Both children are pregnant. Originally, Fu Zhai also had an experienced Li Ayi. But Aunt Li is now retiring, and with a little bit of a group, how can Liang Shu think how not to worry, saying that he is looking for good. Before the aunt took care of Lin Wen and Song Song, no one should stop her from going to Fu Zhai.

Lin Jingquan also let the servant take the toy that he bought at the airport and went to the airport to buy a toy at the airport. He said that after seeing it, he felt that this aerial drone was very novel and brought it back to the baby grandson to play.

Yan Mo stood in the side of the hand and took a big red envelope from the Lin family. His heart was warm.

When Lin Jingquan had an accident, Yan Mo heard that Lin Jingquan had made the worst plan. He divided the property in his hand into three parts. Lin Biao and Lin Biao were one copy, and Lin Wen also had it!

Before the ink was still not believed, he did not believe that Lin Jingquan had raised his daughter for so many years, how to give back this kind of feeling that can be given to the family!

But now, watching Lin Jingquan and Liang Shuming's good for Lin Wen, 岑墨信!

It turns out that there is really a family relationship outside the blood in this world, such as the Lin family's warmth to Lin.

On the way back from the Lin family, the drive of the ink saw Lin warmed off the Lin Jia, the gentle smile, the phone did not stop.

Although, I don’t have to worry about Lin’s parents, Lin Wen is really worried about Lu Jinnan and worried about Bai Xiaonian.

Lin Wen phone calls several times, Bai Xiaonian did not pick up, Lin warm put down the phone and called the dialect and miss summer, hoping to do something.

There is also a familiar government relationship, and Lin Wen also called to find out about the situation.

Lin Lin is still a reward on the phone. Probably because Lin Wen is the wife of Mr. Fu Huai'an, the chairman of CapitaLand Group, there is no Lin Wen, and the son of the Consul of the US Consulate is estimated to have been arrested.

After Lin Wen received the news, miss summer phone also came over, saying that almost all the media now know that the son of the US consulate was arrested, and they flocked to the house of the son of the US consulate, and even photographed the United States. The picture of the consul’s son being arrested is estimated to be on the news soon.

And when the consul son was taken away and Lu Jinnan was taken away in the United States, the official did not give any reason!

The only difference is that Lu Jinnan was quietly taken away. This time, the son of the Consul of the US Consulate was taken away by the law enforcement officers of their country.

A missing summer dialect, the two people in the circle of the network can definitely be called the roots of the tree, the news is absolutely reliable.

Lin Wen heard the news and exhaled a long breath.

Regardless of whether the son of the consul of the US consulate has committed anything, this section has caught the eye and it shows the attitude of the country!

This time, since the American face is not going to be used, it is embarrassing that we are not welcome. Your son of consul has to go to the country of our country!

As for why you are the son of our consul, it is very simple, why do you catch the president of our national enterprise, why do we arrest the son of your consul!

Online because of this matter, I said that the country’s operation is too loud! But they like it very much.

Although Bai Xiaonian did not answer the phone, Lin Wen sent the news to Bai Xiaonian.

At this time, according to Fu Huai'an, Bai Xiaonian said how to go through the daily routine. He participated in the invitation of the American talk show according to the itinerary. The topic naturally came to Lu Jinnan.

Bai Xiaonian’s speech has always been sharp. She wore a small white suit and folded her legs on the sofa. She smiled and scorned. The fluent American accent was very slippery. She said in a humorous joke: “The last time because of one 5G's thing, the United States hides behind Canada, engages in the wind and rains, and kidnapped the vice president of China's enterprises! This time the news of the successful development of China's engine has just been released, the president of CapitaLand Group was arrested, hehe..."

Bai Xiaonian’s audience under the “啧” stage smiled and applauded...

"I don't know when the kidnapping of the ticket has become the diplomatic norm of the United States. I finally realized why... The United States is a strong country!" Bai Xiaonian spread his hands and hands, and he was not afraid of stumbling things. "We have a saying in our country called 'stubborn bullying'. I think that the so-called strong in the United States should be said to be this strong word."

In the United States, the most annoying thing for politicians is the radio media workers. They seem to be born to sing against the government. Even the United States trusts the president to express dissatisfaction with several TV stations and media people in a joke.

Therefore, Bai Xiaonian is particularly popular with media workers.

After the host laughed, he said: "But we heard that this time your engine research project was led by Mr. Qi Chaoqian, the leader of the engine research team of the former US Droni company. Some people pointed out that your engine It was stolen from the United States!"

Bai Xiaonian put on a blank expression: "After a while, the United States also said that we stole the US 5G technology, 5G technology chips and system programs. Did the US make it before China?! This time the engine is also the first in the United States. Come out?! So we stole the engine that the United States did not make?! I admit that the United States is the country with the most developed military power and scientific and technological strength in the world. Can you not because you developed something that you can’t do? Others have stolen yours! According to this logic...the world has not invented something in the United States, other countries have invented stealing the United States?!"

The first is... The identity of Xiaonian is related to politics...

(End of this chapter)

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