Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 976: Mom didn't say what this is?

Chapter 976 Mom did not say what this is?

"Hey, I just talked about it!" Lin Biao was awkward. "I just said that I imagined the life of the rich second generation, not that I thought about life!"

"Receive Lin Biao, that is what I compensated for your parents!"

Lin Biao knows that the parents in the mouth of the ink are the parents of the Lu family, and they are inexplicably red eyes...

She thought that in the small broken house of Lujia, Lin Biao shouted and said that he hated such a poor life. The tall man always leaned down and looked at her, apologetically saying that he would live better afterwards... ...will satisfy all the wishes of Lin Biao!

But the man, who returned Lin Biao to the Lin family, left without helping Lin Biao realize his wish, so now his son... came to help him fulfill this promise? !

She licked her lips and listened to the phone's low-pitched magnetic voice: "This is... my parents owe you! It's what you deserve!"

Lin Biao frowned and looked down at the toes of the sun, and she couldn't help but tear her tears. For a long time, she exhaled a breath, fearing that the nose that was not ventilated exposed her current emotions, and simply "hmm", she handed over the phone. To Saihande, it was very neat to sign the name behind the document.

Saihande smiled at Lin Biao's signature and made a phone call. Then the two black doors of the Lin Family House opened and two trucks came in.

Lin Biao frowned and asked: "What is that?!"

"That is the classic of several big bag brands and the bags that have been popular in the past two years. Our wife said that girls like bags, there is nothing that can't be solved by the package, and there are spring fashions of major brands this year. I hope Miss Lin. I can like it!"

Lin Biao stood in the sun and felt a bit dazzling. She watched two large trucks parked at the door of Lin's house. The staff carefully took the expensive bags and fashions to Lin Family with gloves.

Liang Shuming obviously already knows what is going on. There is no question to ask the servant to bring the staff to Lin Biao’s room.

Lin Biao seems to have got what every girl wants. I remember reading high-school romance novels. When they saw what the man gave the woman the Lord wanted, he always said that he also hoped to get such a Prince Charming. .

But now, Lin Biao really gets what she wanted to get when she was young, just like the woman in the novel, but these are her brothers who have no blood relationship to her!

This feeling, how to say... is very wonderful, very warm, and warm as if all the things that Lin Biao felt hated and wandering in the past years have all become beautiful.

After Saihande and the staff members left, Lin Biao stood in her room and looked at the dazzling bags and fashion in front of her eyes. Liang Shuo knocked on the door with a coffee cup and came in from outside...

"When you are a brother, you have to be more qualified than a younger sister!" Liang Shuo stood beside Lin Biao and looked at the brand-name bags and clothes in the room. The bottoms were all warm, "岑墨...是一个The top child is a bitter and painful. After you have a small beggar, you must treat your ink as a brother. Do you know?!"

Lin Biao’s current ability is not affordable, and Lin’s family has already relaxed Lin Biao’s use of the hand. These things are placed on anyone who buys Lin Biao, and Lin Biao and Liang Shu are not so moved.

It can be placed in the case of a child who has experienced such a experience when he was young. It is really commendable that he can have such a pity for others.

"Well, I know Mom!" Lin Biao took Liang Shu's arm and nodded. He asked, "How do you deal with these bags?! How do I carry so many bags?"

"It's all your brother's mind, let's stay! Your cloakroom returns to the mother to let you expand and put these bags in!" Liang Xiao smiled and patted Lin Biao's back. "Mom is also here. Something, if you have time to help your mother give me ink and warmth to send it..."

"What?!" Lin Biao looked at Liang Shu.

Liang Shuming smiled softly at Lin Biao: "You know when you send it!"


When he was settled in Song Song, he heard that Lin Biao was coming. He frowned and thought that Lin Biao had repented and sent the gifts he gave her back. After going downstairs, he saw Lin Biao’s arms holding a box. Only then did she know that Liang Shun let her send things.

"Mom didn't say what this is?!" Lin Wen asked.

Lin Biao shook his head: "I asked, Mom said I will come over and know!"

Lin Wengang just had to reach out and take the box in the hands of Lin Biao. Fu Huai'an had already taken it one step at a time: "I will take the heavy things..."

Lin Biao: "..."

She is not coming to eat dog food.

Fu Huai'an put the box on the coffee table, and the ink was bent over to open it.

In the box, there are some old things that used to be Lujia. The top part is a group photo of the Ji Yun couple and Lin Biao when they were young. Other things are also some memorable little things taken out from the small house.

Liang Shuming originally replaced these things with Lin Biao, thinking that Lin Biao would want to see one day, but later... knowing that Lin Biao hated the extremes of Lu Jia, Liang Shu has never taken these things. Come out and let people into the storage room.

Later, when Ji Yun died, Liang Shuo was afraid that Lin Biao would see these things sad, and he smashed it up. He hoped that one day Lin Biao would reduce the ambiguity of Ji Yun and then come out. Who knows today? After sending so many things to Lin Biao, Liang Shu suddenly remembered the box that was hidden by himself!

Liang Shuming thinks that Yan Mo should be very eager to know his parents' previous life. He should... want to see what his parents used to be, and the traces that their parents used to live.

Yan Mo took out the photo of the family of three from the box. When she was a child, Lin Biao sat in the arms of Ji Yun. His father sat next to two of their mother and daughter. The family of three had a smile on the face of Lin Biao. Ji Yun’s eyes seem to have no hollows of focal length, and the man with a stalwart is sitting in danger, close to this thin lip, even if it is a happy family to take a family portrait, his brows are screwed...

I guess the reason why there is no smile on his face, probably when he wants to take a family portrait, where is his son!

Lin Wen saw a moment of silence in the photo. This family portrait was seen when Lin Wen went to Lujia for the first time. She knew that Liang Shu’s sending these things was to see the ink, this is Liang Shu Awkward kindness.

Lin Biao, who had been holding his hands in his pockets, said that he had been blinded for a moment. She stood beside the ink, and drooped into the box, all of which she was familiar with.

The second is more... ask for a monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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