Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 983: The ghost knows what I have experienced!

Chapter 983 Ghosts know what I have experienced!

The legacy of Mrs. Fu’s legacy, Fu Huai’an established the Fu Fu Foundation to help families who have lost their children and to find their children.

Fu Huai'an believes that the last regret of Mrs. Fu's life in this life is that after Fu Xiao left home, he did not find Fu Wei in time because of the anger. He used the entire estate of Mrs. Fu to set up the foundation. Fu Huai'an felt that Mrs. Fu was drinking Fu Wei. Seeing it in heaven, I will feel that this will be the best choice.

Unexpectedly, Fu Qingquan also participated in the funeral of Mrs. Fu. At the funeral, Fu Qingquan took Mrs. Fu’s favorite little daisy in front of her tombstone and saw Fu in the next door to Mrs. Fu’s tombstone. Oh, I can’t tell the taste in my heart.

After Mrs. Fu’s funeral, she involved Fu Qingquan’s derailment and the fact that she had a son with Xiao Sanyu. Everyone was chasing the children who wanted to find Fu Qingquan and Xiao San...

However, Fu Huai'an has a heart to press the news, Fu Qingquan also let the Secretary of Song to operate, in the end is to Fu Tianci's life experience.

In addition, Fu Tianci debuted in the name of Lu Tianbiao, and no one would think that Lu Tian Bath is the illegitimate child.

Even if he knew Fu Tianci’s true identity, he did not dare to speak because of Fu Huai’an’s sake.

In mid-August, because she had reached the end of pregnancy, Song Yu relaxed her vigilance. The weather was really hot. She secretly went to the kitchen to eat ice cream. In the afternoon, she suffered from abdominal pain and went to the hospital doctor to prepare for labor.

Originally, Zhai Mo had an appointment with Dr. Su Nian Su, and he was ready to go to Jincheng to wait for the day after tomorrow. Dr. Su is now the most famous obstetrician and gynaecologist in the country, but anyone who has a little way does not want Dr. Su Nian to help with the production.

At this moment, Song Yu suddenly launched, and it was unrealistic to rush to Jincheng. Lin Wen called Dr. Su. Dr. Su said that she would call her at the Haicheng Medical University, and let Professor Chen help the nurse to warm up. Come.

It is not so easy to have a child, especially in the ward. In the VIP ward, accompanied by Song Wei, Song Wei is so delicate and afraid of people who are afraid of swearing and worrying about it, and then can’t stand it, let the nurse check it. But only opened half finger...

Dr. Chen said that the conditions of Song Yu were very good, so that Yan Mo helped Song Song to walk in the corridor, and he could speed up his fingers.

岑 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶

Dr. Chen is a very responsible doctor. Song Yu’s condition is very good, and recovery will be faster. Although it hurts now, it is better than caesarean section to cause too much physical harm. In addition, the wound pain after caesarean section is unbearable. .

Dr. Chen appeased Zhai Mo: "You don't have to worry about Mr. Qi, wait a while, Mrs. 开 开 开 开 开 开 开 开 开 开 开 开 开 开 开 开 开 开 开 开 开 开 开 开 开 开 开 开

Therefore, painlessness became all the hopes of Song Yu. After a period of contraction, Song Yu was already full of sweat. She endured tears and licked her hand and asked: "When can I fight without pain?! Can you let? Nurse to check?!"

The nurse came in again to check, open a finger, still have to wait...

Song Hao couldn't help but scream at the ink hand: "I want to call the warmth!"

In fact, this time, Jimo did not want Song Song to call Lin Wen, because Lin Wen is also producing soon, and he is afraid of scaring Lin Wen.

Can see Song Song hurt a cold sweat and a cold sweat, 岑 ink distressed, and finally passed the meaning of Song Yu to call Lin Wen warm.

As soon as the phone was connected, Song Wei warmed up to Lin: "Warm, I am sore and dead! I can't remember the breathing method..."

Song Hao has already suffered from the collapse and deformation, and I feel that someone has used a sledgehammer to force her waist.

Before Song Zhen and Lin Wen both came together, they said that if the doctor said that he needed a caesarean section, he must insist on the birth!

After the birth, it’s good to recover, not to the children!

Therefore, the two agreed that if they want to ask the doctor for a Caesarean section, they should call the other party and use Lamaze's breathing method to relieve the pain.

"Don't shout when you are contracting, keep your physical strength and have children!" Lin Lin warmed down and calmed Song Song, let Song Song cooperate with her tone to breathe...

The next wave of contractions came quickly and urgently. Zhai Mo helped Song Song to hold the mobile phone, and Song Song took the breath. Soon Song Song opened the **** into the delivery room and hanged painlessly.

Hanging up the painless Song Song soon became like entering heaven, she sent WeChat to Lin Wen...

[Song Wei: I said that it is a pain to have a child. I have to experience how much pain I have experienced. I just want to say... Ghost knows what I have experienced! 】

Subsequently, Song Wei was lying in the maternity room, and he sent a microblog, and his fans said that he had been hurt and painless, hoping to be a good mother!

The outside world has long been rumored about the news of Song Yu’s marriage, but the Lord has never responded positively. This time, the response is the big news of having children. The fans below all congratulate Song Yu, and they all say that the baby is jealous. Born a little bit fast and fast, don't toss a beautiful mother!

Hanging up with Song Hao, the small group swayed and brought a glass of water to Lin Wen: "Mom drinks..."

At this time, Lin Wen’s mouth was dry, but it was not scared by Song Yu’s hysterical cry. After all, Lin Wen was personally guarding Lu Xiang’s production. She was prepared for the future of the child’s heart, just to appease Song Hao’s mouth has been incessantly stopped.

The small group that had been accompanying Lin Wen just heard the aunt’s shouting. He never knew that the baby was so painful. Looking at Lin’s round belly, it’s really a distress.

The group gathered in front of Lin’s warm stomach, and the little hand caressed Lin’s stomach: “Baby, you oh! Don’t... don’t... um...”

The group thought about how to use the words, and said: "Do not bully the mother! Brother... delicious, give the baby! Fun, give the baby! Baby!"

A little bit of a little bit of seriousness, I laughed at Lin Wen.

The little warmth in Lin’s belly moved a little. The group felt that this was the baby’s promise to him, so the black eyes were all smiling, and the warmth of Lin’s stomach was said: “The baby is the most embarrassing!”

For so long, Lin Wen insisted on letting the group read the picture book every night. Now the group is not as good as the small candy and the little happy, but it is much better than before.

Fu Huai'an came back from the company's meeting and arranged the things behind. He planned to accompany Mrs. Fu at home today.

"What are you laughing so happy?!"

When Fu Huai'an entered the door, he heard Lin's warm laughter, handed the suit jacket to the maid, untied the tie, and walked toward the inner room.

When we are born in a round, the family is safe and happy, and the warmth is a complete one... ask for a monthly ticket! ! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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