Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 990: Hide the emotions too deep

Chapter 990 hides emotions too deeply

"Old Gu! What should you play?" Tang Yan's foot kicked the opposite side of Gu Qingcheng.

Gu Qingcheng did not look at the cards in the hands directly, and Tang Yan looked at his eyes: "Bar!"

Lu Jinnan fiddled with the cards in his hand and glanced at Gu Qingcheng: "You are all feeding the Tang dynasty, and you are giving the Tang dynasty a bar. Do you want to replace the Tang dynasty as a prostitute boy?!"

Tang Hao touched a card and smiled and said: "Today, the little glass brought a classmate, hehe... One meter and eight big men should be playing basketball, and they are tall and straight, the big boy and the youth. Little girl, standing together is called a match!"

Lu Jinnan looked at Gu Qingcheng. Could it be because this thing is uncomfortable? ! But he couldn’t see any emotion from the indifferent face of Gu Qingcheng...

Gu Qingcheng untied untiedly untied the collar of the shirt collar, took a sip of the teacup, and the black line of sight stared at the mahjong card in front of him. It was not salty and said: "It is quite good..."

Tang Yan raised his eyebrows and could not see any emotion from the eyes of Gu Qingcheng.

After replacing Fu Huai'an in Gu Qingcheng these years, my mind became more and more elusive, and the emotions were hidden too deeply. There was no clue in front of their brothers, which made people more and more obscured.

Originally, Tang Yan still thought about whether Gu Qingcheng had the meaning of cloud glaze, but now I listen to Qingcheng’s words... It seems that I really think of Yunxiaoli as a foster girl? !

If it is true that it is a foster daughter, it will be fine. If the cloud glaze now has no thoughts on Gu Qingcheng, it will be better to talk about love in college life.

However, since Gu Qingcheng does not like cloud glaze, is this life really ready to be a lonely man? !

Tang Jin just tried to test the words. Lu Jinnan also heard the meaning. There was no outsider sitting, watching Bai Yuyu play a 20,000. After Lu Jinnan touched it, he couldn’t help but say: "A good little glass is your adopted daughter, otherwise it still makes People look up the little glassy classmate, what if it is not a good bird?!"

Lu Jinnan played a five-tube, Gu Qingcheng still had nothing to do, and he did so flat and pushed the cards to Hu.

Gu Qingcheng took a cigarette from Tang Yan's cigarette case and placed it on the corner of his lips. After ignition, he highlighted a mist and indifferently opened his mouth: "Children have their own friends to make friends, and I don't interfere."

Bai Yuyu endured the smile and did not speak, thinking of his love history with his young girlfriend...

At the beginning, Bai Xiaoyu's little girlfriend chased Bai Yuyu. After being rejected by Bai Yuyu for different reasons, the little girl first deliberately brought a little white face to his eyes. He said so at the time, just his own students. Can someone else manage a friend? !

As a result, Bai Yuyu was properly beaten. Later, when she drove back to the hospital to collect information, she saw that the boy had placed a candle in the hospital flower bed for courtship. He sat in the car for a long while, and saw that the little girl had to reach out to pick it up. After the flowers, I finally couldn’t help but call the little girl and said to her for a minute at the school gate.

Then, Bai Yuyu was with his little girlfriend.

Later, Bai Yuyu’s girlfriend was honestly accounted for... The male student was simply a buddy of her. On that day, she suddenly heard that Bai Yuyu had called back to the hospital to ask for information in the office. She suspected that Bai Yuyu would definitely come back to collect information. .

So, a group of people made this plan. Bai Xiaoyu’s little girlfriend still watched Bai Yuyu’s car parked in the parking lot, and then urged the students to help arrange it. For the sake of Bai Yuyu’s appearance, she saw her little girlfriend being courted. A scene.

Therefore, Bai Yuyu heard that Yun Liuli brought a male student on such a day, and vaguely smelled the routine of his own little girlfriend, and smiled silently.

On the day of the full moon, Gu Qingcheng will definitely come back. In the days when he will definitely see Gu Qingcheng, Yun Liuli brings a male student. This is not a heart!

However, Bai Yuyu really does not know what Gu Qingcheng thinks, so it is not easy to say it directly.

Bai Yuyu and Tang Yan Lu Jinnan feel the same, I feel that Gu Qingcheng's mind is now more and more elusive, even their friends who grew up together, watching him look like a fog.

Seeing that Lu Jinnan gave the Gu Qingcheng brand, Bai Yuyu said: "Small glass can be brought over, presumably not as simple as ordinary friends, it is a boyfriend, the girl is too embarrassed to say!"

"I think so too. Today, we are all ourselves. Besides the two big scorpions of Lao Fu and the other little scorpions of Xiaozi, I know each other... I still need someone to be with her!" Tang Yan deliberately said "This is obviously to introduce to us all this is her boyfriend!"

The two big scorpions in Tang's mouth are Lin Biao and Yan Mo, and the little scorpion is naturally Lin Biao.

The relationship between Yan Mo and Lin Wen Tang Yi Lu Jinnan They already know, because they all like the relationship of Lin Wen, and even with it, they are still waiting to see.

Lu Jinnan couldn't help but screamed at Gu Qingcheng: "I said that the first time that a small glass of glaze brought a boyfriend to your door, can your father adopt a big red envelope to express it?!"

"Yeah... Lao Gu, how do you prepare for a big red envelope?!" Bai Yuyu followed suit. "Also let the kid know that our little glass has a backstage! We also have a red envelope for these uncles! How much do you lose our bags?!"

Gu Qingcheng, who has already signed a good card, did not take a look. The line of sight stared at the card in front of him. It seemed to be really focused on his mahjong card. The hand with the cigarette was thrown back and forth a few hands, and the cards were not directly knocked down... Hu Now! Tianhu!

"Cushing trough!" Don Juan lived, what is this luck, the legendary love of the frustrated casino is proud? !

Tianhu 168, Tang Yan feels that he has not lost a few pants and feels that he will lose.

"What kind of ghost luck are you?!" Bai Yuyu is also a face.

Lu Jinnan’s mouth has always been unforgiving. What is his brother’s heart to say: “Frustration in the mood, the casino is proud! Oh... the ancients don’t deceive me!”

Gu Qingcheng ordered a little ash, and the cards like Tianhu did not see much emotion, and the eyes were calm and distant.

"If you are really a boyfriend, use your wallet with a red envelope!" Gu Qingcheng's voice is not salty.

“Hey...” Lu Jinnan took a breath. “You can be a real old man, and take our money to reward the future son-in-law!”

Second, the third is a little bit late, change it...

(End of this chapter)

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