Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 992: Don't you go see it? !

Chapter 992, don't you go see it? !

Before Lin Wen and Bai Xiaonian said that they directly came to Fu Zhai with Bai Xiaonian's father, but Bai Xiaonian's father smiled and said that they were young, he would not bother to disturb, so Bai Xiaonian refused for his father.

Bai Xiaonian’s father did not see his daughter for a long time, and took Bai Xiaonian to the airport to pick up the plane. It really gave Bai Xiaonian a surprise.

Bai Xiaonian, who has not returned to China for a long time, couldn’t help but tears when he saw his father...

Although she was very happy, she couldn't help but frown and blame her father: "Isn't it that I went back? How come you are too old to come over?! If I didn't notice, I staggered. Isn't it for you to run white?!"

"Dad knows you, I got off the plane and gave my dad a call." Bai Xiaonian's father reached out to pick up Bai Xiaonian's suitcase. "Moreover, Dad, this is not thinking of you! I know you are coming back and want to see you soon." You. The taxi is outside, and when you get on the bus, you will be sent to Lin Wen, and today Lin will warm the child to the full moon. There are many people and you are warm and haven’t seen for a long time. There are definitely many words to say, the rice must not be eaten well. Dad is going home to cook for you... the sweet and sour pork ribs you like to eat and the steamed steamed fish are ready for you!"

Bai Xiaonian saw her father only pick up her suitcase and sullenly headed forward. I said so much that I still want to cover up his red eyes!

At this point, Bai Xiaonian felt that his father had a lot of white hair, and even his back was a little embarrassed.

His father has only one child in her life. How can I not want to? !

I am afraid that when I wake up at night, I have to worry that she is alone abroad. What should I do if I kick the quilt at night? ! Will it catch cold!

Father is old enough!

Bai Xiaonian’s eyes were hot. He walked two steps and took his father’s arm. It was rare to show his little daughter in front of his father: “What are the delicious foods prepared?! Are there any fish-flavored pork?! It’s not terribly ridiculous, it’s hard to eat! I just want that smell...”

"There are some!" Bai Xiaonian’s father nodded again and again. "And you have to eat the fried meat, there are!"

"That line, I will come back to dinner early in the evening, Dad, I will bring you something in this box. Go back and look at it first!" Bai Xiaonian said, adding, "Only one notebook is for my work!"

"How come back and still work?!" Bai Xiaonian's father frowned and said, "What do you buy for me, why not bring something of your own!"

"What do you want to bring back to your home?! There is nothing in the family... Can you miss me?!" Bai Xiaonian smiled and played with his father.

Today, although both the father and the daughter are red-eyed, but the meaning of the day of separation is different, today both people are happy... The speech is not as heavy as Bai Xiaonian went abroad.

In the taxi, Bai Xiaonian called Lin Wen. When he didn't pay attention, he said that he was vultured and said his father was in a taxi. Lin warmly asked Uncle Bai to come over.

Bai Xiaonian’s father took the call and said to Lin Wen’s congratulations. On the phone, Lin Wen warmly invited Bai’s father to live together and said that there are no other people, they are their own family...

Bai Xiaonian’s father is the most impatient of this kind of human face. For Lin Wen’s father, Bai Xiaonian’s father is a true uncle, but other people may not be like this. Bai Xiaonian’s father said the words straightforward and the words were warm. invite……

It was also Bai’s father and Bai Xiaonian who left a heart and did not say that they would send Bai Xiaonian’s door to Fu Zhai. Bai Xiaonian knew that according to Lin Wen’s personality, if he really said it... Lin Wenfei came to pick up the white father.

If Lin Wen is just a person who has just left the moon, if he really greets him at the door, how can Bai Bai’s fun? !

Hanging up the phone, Bai Fu and Bai Xiaonian said that she was not in this period, Lin Wen could not find time to see him, but often called him, and also let people give him some nutritious products, Baifu is a trustworthy person. I can't help but tell my daughter to let her daughter remember Lin Wen alone.

"Before the child was born at the end of September, I said that I planted some peanuts in the backyard of my home. After I received it, I remembered to send me a box."

"I know!" Bai Xiaonian smiled and nodded. This matter, White Father said to himself on the phone that Lin Wen did not mention a word with himself.

Lin Wen has always been that temper, Bai Xiaonian knows.

When I arrived at the door of Fu Zhai, Bai Xiaonian got out of the car and rolled down the window. The white father’s head stretched out from the window and frowned. “Are you empty?!”

Bai Xiaonian took a picture of his backpack: "Reassured me with it!"

The white father nodded and the driver said that he could drive.

In those years of the university, Bai Xiaonian and Song Yu help lining Lin Wen. Later, Lin Wen has been helping Bai Xiaonian. Other things don’t say... It’s said that Bai’s father had to use the money when he got the disease. Song Yulin said nothing to save his savings. She, she remembered.

Now, after a long time, my father’s condition has been stabilized because of the cheaper version of Abidowini’s cheaper version. This is a white-year-old note, but it still doesn’t matter. Anyway, I’m going to stay with Lin’s Song Song for a lifetime. It must be returned.

I know that Bai Xiaonian is a very good friend of Lin Wen. The doorman has a small battery car to send Bai Xiaonian to the door of the house.

Xiao Lu heard that Bai Xiaonian had come, and he went to the chess room with knowledge and interest. Although he lowered his voice and told Bai Xiaonian in the mouth of Fu Huai'an, the person at the table of this voice could hear it clearly.

Both Tang Yin and Bai Yuyu looked in the direction of Lu Jinnan, and even the twins of Gu Qingcheng also headed toward Lu Jinnan.

Fu Huai'an sat flat on the sofa, holding the mobile phone dagger with one hand: "Know it!"

Said, Fu Huai'an took the phone and said to the people at the table: "I am going to talk to Xiaowen..."

Fu Huai'an's usual tone can't be normal again. Everyone looks at Lu Jinnan, just to Lu Jinnan's card. Lu Jinnan is holding a 80,000 round-back Mosuo in his hand, staring at his own card, as if he is back to Bai Xiaonian. Therefore, if you gossip, you will hit 80,000 in your hand and react to touch a card, or 80,000.

The cards have touched the circle, but Lu Jinnan is still silent.

Lu Jinnan’s thoughts on others could not be seen, but the cigarette on his finger was already burning for a long time. He didn’t smoke, and his thoughts seemed to drift.

"People are coming back, don't you go see?!" Bai Yuyu ate six questions from Lu Jinnan.

Lu Jinnan’s eyebrows were tight and he played the ash, but he was able to sit on his face: “Wait a minute...”

The first is more...

(End of this chapter)

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