Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 995: Revealing some dangerous coolness

Chapter 995 reveals some dangerous coolness

"Second top floor owner, Gu Qingcheng." Gu Qingcheng Road.

After the identity verification, the security guards opened the door to Gu Qingcheng and asked Gu Qingcheng to enter.

After entering the elevator, after the fingerprint is input, the elevator starts up to the top floor.

Gu Qingcheng put his hands in his pocket and stared at himself on the mirror wall of the elevator. He couldn't help but think of the picture of the little boy's hand trotting to Lin Wen today.

Or feel that the ceiling light in the elevator is too glaring, Gu Qingcheng's quiet scorpion slightly picked up, revealing some dangerous coolness.


The elevator door opens and the entrance is bright living room.

The lights of Yunding Apartment are all intelligently inductive. When the elevator rises, the lights in the room are already lit, so Gu Qingcheng is not suspicious.

The sofa floor in the living room is very clean. Usually, even if the cloud glaze is not there, there will always be a housekeeper who will come to clean it, in case the cloud will come back to live, but the home is dirty.

Did not change shoes, Gu Qingcheng lifted his foot up the steps, the diameter went to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator door to take out a bottle of water, drank two ice water, people lazily sitting on the sofa, remembering today the cloud glazed holding the boy The smile of Can Ruo Xinghe is inexplicably boring.

He unbuttoned the shirt button, placed the water bottle on the coffee table, called to let him send him clothes, and he plans to live here today.

The phone called and Gu Qingcheng’s assistant said that when it was renovated and arranged, it was thought that Gu Qingcheng and Yunlili lived together... So the master bedroom was decorated according to Gu Qingcheng, and Gu Qing was also placed in the cloakroom. The clothing of the city is to prevent Gu Qingcheng from going back to China.

Only Gu Qingcheng never stayed in the Yunding apartment, and his assistant did not mention this.

Gu Qingcheng hung up the phone and got up and went to the cloakroom to take a change of laundry to take a shower.

The glaze of the glass lying on the big bed wrapped in a green quilt silently cried for an afternoon, tired and fell asleep.

Nothing to eat at noon, has been sleeping until now, the cloud glaze is almost hungry, open the eyes, the mobile phone at hand began to vibrate, she licked the sore eyes and looked at the caller, is Zhong Qingyi... ...

Cloud glazed sat up, connected to the phone, screaming at the swelled temple: "Hey..."

The voice is with a nasal sound and a thick hoarse voice.

"Just awake?!" Zhong Qing's voice was smiling.


When I heard the answer from Yun Liuli, Zhong Qingyu asked, "Have you got something done?! I picked you up in the past, it’s getting dark, and it’s not safe for a girl to go back to school alone..."

The cloud glazed on the bed and looked out at the side. The sky was getting dark.

At the end of the phone, Zhong Qing’s companion tweeted Zhong Qing’s voice and asked if Zhong Qingyi would call someone else’s cloud glass...

Zhong Qing smiled and didn't take care of it. He only said to the cloud: "Do you have more things?!"

"Not much, I can go back to the car by myself. It is very hard for you to accompany me to the full moon banquet today! I am sorry to trouble you again!" Yun Liuli said that he was very polite and somewhat guilty.

Today, Yun Liuli knows that Gu Qingcheng is there. He thinks that Gu Qingcheng wants her to fall in love with a boy of similar age, so she brought Zhong Qingyi to the past.

Yun Liuli always feels that he is using Zhong Qingyi, and his heart is very embarrassing.

"It doesn't matter, we are all friends, saying that trouble is too much..."

On the other end of the phone, Zhong Qing’s voice was laughter, and the words “friends” were heard.

She smashed the broken edge behind her ear and stared at the corner opening: "I'm sorry, Zhong Qing, today... let you accompany me to the little warm sister to attend the full moon feast, in fact, to make my uncle feel relieved, my uncle ... He wants me to fall in love with a boy of similar age and think that it is the life of a normal girl. I want him to see if I can, so..."

Zhong Qingyi thought of the unsmiling man he saw in Fu Zhai today, and the steady gas field was particularly pressing.

When the family is in college, they are not allowed to fall in love. Why is it that the uncle of Yunli Glass wants to let the cloud glass fall in love? !

Looking at the uncle of Yunliang Glass, Zhong Qingyi feels that it is not as open-minded as thought.

Yun Liuli grew up around her uncle, Zhong Qingyi listened to the cloud glaze dormitory classmates said, but did not listen to the cloud glazed mentioned...

Today, the man is the uncle of Yunlili? ! I think that this Zhong Qing’s heart is inevitable.

Zhong Qingyi remembered that today, when he saw the man’s cloud, he pulled his hand and ran over it. The guess is probably it!

Zhong Qingyi looked at his hand that had been pulled by the cloud glaze. He only felt that the place that had been touched by the cloud glaze had left a residue and the temperature of the cloud glaze. The whole person became restless. !

I don’t know if Uncle Yun Liu’s uncle saw himself today, is there any dissatisfaction...

Zhong Qingyi also carefully guessed whether the uncle of Yunli Glass said something to Yunlili. Is it not good for him to do anything today, and the uncle of Yunlili does not agree with Yunlili and his own? !

Zhong Qingyi thought that the scalp was tightened here: "Glass, isn't it what I did today, my uncle...I have opinions for me?!"

Regarding Gu Qingcheng Yun Liuli, I don’t want to say more, every time I mention my heart, it hurts.

"I won't go back to the dormitory this evening. I have no class tomorrow morning. I will hang up first..."

Yunshui didn’t notice the phone’s bell. Is it clear that there is something to say, she can’t hold the phone and huddled on the bed with her mobile phone, thinking of the tall and straight figure of Gu Qingcheng today, red Eyes.

She and Gu Qingcheng have really disappeared for a long time. The people who think about it are close to the eyes today, but the cloud glaze does not have the courage to talk to Gu Qingcheng.

She admits that the action of pulling Zhong Qing’s pickpocket is deliberate. In order to make him feel at ease in the face of Gu Qingcheng, he is also trying to test...

If Gu Qingcheng really only acts as a friend's child, now that he is willing to fall in love with someone of the same age, Gu Qingcheng should be satisfied.

If he has other feelings about himself, he should call to ask if he is in love with Zhong Qingyi.

But now, Yunlili has not received any calls from Gu Qingcheng. Does it mean that she is now an irrelevant person to Gu Qingcheng? !

I have tried it, and I am only disappointed.

Hearing a thunder, the cloud glazed back to the window and looked out the window...

The raindrops of the beans went straight to the glass, so the heavy rain, inexplicably let the clouds and glass remember the days before they met Gu Qingcheng.

Yun Liuli's usual personality is less introverted than people, so he put all his thoughts on learning.

The first is more...

(End of this chapter)

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