"Gu! Nine! Farewell

Who's calling me?

On her deathbed, Gu jiuci's consciousness gradually thinned in the blank of chaos. Suddenly, she heard a chilling voice calling her name!

Who is it?

In the dazzling white light, Gu jiuci suddenly opened his eyes, and his blurred vision gradually became clear. In front of him was a clear-cut, deep and cold face,

there is no man's face in the world that can be half amazing, but it is the face that Gu jiuci is most afraid of!

Huo Mingche?!

The man's cold fingers seemed to have no human temperature. They tightly held her slender neck, and as long as she exerted a little more force...

Gu jiuci wanted to make a sound, but the other side's hand against her neck was very hard, and it was difficult to breathe. The suffocation almost killed her again!

She's reborn?!

In a flash, Gu jiuci's eyes widened, pupil earthquake! But she did not have time for ecstasy, suffocation let her pain of tightening eyebrows.

"Still running away www.biquger.me ]Is it? "

Huo Mingche's deep and magnetic voice is still like a cello, but his three words make Gu jiuci habitually get goose bumps.

Her fear of Huo Mingche is as deep as bone marrow.

Gu jiuci suddenly remembered that he was born again on the day when he was engaged to Huo Mingche!

That day, cousin Xu yun'er told her that Jiang Yutang would elope with her. She packed up happily and headed for the airport.

As a result, Jiang Yutang didn't wait for him. What he was waiting for was the angry Huo Mingche!


The temperature around him suddenly drops like the ice in the cold pool of ten thousand years. The patience of the man is lost rapidly. His dark eyes are a little gloomy. The hand that holds her neck is constantly tightened.

In the past life, Huo Mingche had a deep obsession with her, even close to abnormal paranoia. Gu jiuci really believed that at the moment, he would die with himself!

Survival instinct let her tightly pull Huo Mingche's wrist, but the power disparity, she can only shake a cent, fight for a little oxygen!

At the moment of electric light and flint, Gu jiuci spits out three words.

"Che... Brother... Brother!"

Hear these three words, Huo Mingche very obvious Zheng for a while, immediately on the hand strength way a loose.

Gu jiuci breathed the air, survived the disaster, bet right!

She met Huo Mingche at the age of six, and always called him brother Che. But since she fell in love with Jiang Yutang and her elders asked her to marry Huo Mingche, her attitude towards Huo Mingche became worse and she never called him brother Che again.

Sure enough, Huo Mingche cares very much!

Huo Mingche's dark eyes are still staring at her deeply, but the hand slowly retracts. At the moment when his fingertip leaves Gu jiuci, Gu jiuci suddenly reaches out and holds his hand.

"I will not run away again!"

Gu jiuci almost greedily gazed at Huo Mingche, and his tears fell down.

In her previous life, she thought Xu yun'er was a good cousin for her, Jiang Yutang was her first love, and Huo Mingche was the devil who destroyed her happiness.

But what about the facts? She was so wrong!

Seven years later, Xu Yuner's mother and daughter turned her into a vicious girl with violent character by means of holding hands and killing. She even combined with Jiang Yutang to cheat her feelings and play her around!

Finally, she took everything from her family, killed her brothers, and ruined her family!

At the age of 25, she was in prison, tortured to death, and her body was left in the dump! From the beginning to the end, there is only one Huo Mingche.

"Gu jiuci, you are shaking."

Hearing her words, Huo Mingche's expression didn't even change. His cold face and eyes clearly said that he didn't believe it.

"I tremble because..."

I am reborn, I am excited!

Gu jiuci cried in his heart, but if he really said it, Huo Mingche would definitely regard her as a monster?

"I swear, I won't run away again! Otherwise, I will be struck by thunder

Gu jiuci seriously raised three fingers, the voice just fell, a loud bang outside, fell a thunderbolt!

Gu jiuci: "the door of SVIP waiting room slammed and was kicked open from the outside!

A beautiful and sunny boy appeared at the door.

"Second brother?"

Gu jiuci's eyes widened. Like the previous life, Gu Qijue, the second elder brother, rushed to the airport to inform her.

But that second elder brother's front foot walks, Huo Mingche rear foot comes, this life how is different? Did her rebirth trigger a chain reaction?

"Adieu! Huo Mingche is coming. Run away

Gu jiuci: "in a word, Huo Mingche's ferocity suddenly wantonly envelops Gu jiuci like night.As if she was not in the airport, but at the bottom of the eighteenth floor of hell!

Gu jiuci's scalp felt numb. Just after she was reborn, she chose a hell breakthrough mode, didn't she?

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