"I also strongly suggest, Mr. Huo. I hope you will consider the suggestion of my partner."

Gillian immediately opened the mouth God to assist, especially in the partner three words, she also deliberately accentuated the tone.

The man nodded and looked at Gu jiuci's eyes with warmth.

"From today on, Xiao jiu'er has entered the core group of the project."


Everyone applauded Gu jiuci. Lin Shujing did not show any flaw. She only frowned slightly when she heard the sentence "Xiao Jiu Er".

Later, the focus and highlight of the meeting completely shifted from Lin Shujing to Gu jiuci. Although everyone didn't make it clear, every time Gu jiuci spoke, everyone was very serious and focused.

"That's all for today's meeting. I hope that Hoechst will speed up the research and development of new systems, and we will also pay close attention to the diffusion of offline outlets."

Clock came to five o'clock, Gillian smile toward Huo Mingche hand, and he just slightly nodded, no next step action.

"Oh, forget that you have misogyny. Wish me a happy cooperation."

Jiao slightly pick eyebrows, graceful take back the hand, and then a hold of Gu jiuci.

"Next is personal time. Can you lend me your assistant?"

Gu answered her phone with a smile today.

"Ah Jiao's requirements, I am sure 100% to meet."

"S city is a very good city. I hope you have a good time."

Lin Shujing smilingly agreed, and then a pair of nothing happened, looking at Huo Mingche.

"Ah Che, let's go to dinner with you, too?"

Gu jiuci was going to pull out her heel and Ajiao to leave. When she heard Lin Shujing's words, she deliberately stopped and pretended to sweep the big devil.

I'll see how you react to childhood sweethearts.

"No, you get together."

The man didn't even look at Lin Shujing, so he went out to the outside. The executives on the scene were used to Huo Mingche's style and didn't take this incident to heart.

We check each other [biqu Pavilion 5200 www.bqg5200.xyz ]Shoulder to shoulder, chatting out of the conference hall.

Gu jiuci just came out, suddenly remembered that her notebook had fallen in the meeting room, and then turned to Ah Jiao and said.

"You go to the room to clean up. I left something in the meeting room. I need to get it."

"Well, I'll give you ten minutes."

Jiao left by herself, Gu jiuci immediately turned back to the conference room.

At this time, only Lin Shujing and her assistant were left in the conference room.

As the sun sets, Lin Shujing's face is deep in the shadow, which is even more terrible.

"That's what you're saying, get her involved in the project and let everyone see her incompetence?"

Her cold voice sounded in the empty conference room, as if from the voice of hell, let a person's back cold.

The young assistant immediately knelt down and pleaded.

"Boss, I'm wrong. We've checked her previous information. I didn't expect Gu jiuci to be the most thoughtful. She's hiding so deep. Please give me another chance!

I will not let you down! "

The more quiet the atmosphere is and the longer the time is delayed, the more he feels that his life is rapidly passing away!

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