"Hum! Jiang Yutang, see what you've done

Without waiting for Jiang Yutang to talk about borrowing money, Li Feihong on the other end of the phone immediately swore.

Jiang Yutang's body was slightly stiff, and he heard Li Feihong's gloomy voice on the phone.

"Before the development of this project, you obviously have the opportunity to check it. Why didn't you check it?! And your construction team. Even the mayor's son dares to fight. I think you are very brave! "

"Uncle Li, it's all my fault. Now things have happened. Our two families are grasshoppers on a rope. If I fall down, you Li's family will not be able to do it. Then... Jiang's capital is a little difficult now. Can you turn it around for me..."

"give you a week's transfer?!!! In addition to so much labor and technology in my Li family, do you think these are all free of money? Now that you're in trouble, do you want me to clean up the mess for you?

I tell you, if the first project of Li's entering the imperial capital was broken because of you, I would never let you go! Li Feihong did not promise to borrow money, but hung up the phone in a short temper.

Jiang Yutang's heart choked explosion, listening to the busy tone in the phone, he suddenly smashed the microphone on the landline.

The old house of Li family in Jiangnan.

Li Feihong hung up the phone, his face did not have the slightest anger, but also appeared a smile.

"It seems that a CI is right. Jiang Yutang really has no brain. You arranged reporters to point out that day at the press conference. He didn't even know to keep an eye on it."

Jiao sat on the yellow pear chair beside her, trimming her nails while commenting.

"The Jiang family was just a small upstart, and it was not real estate business before. In order to get a place in Gu's family quickly, Jiang Yutang got all his relatives who were mud legs into the company. It's strange that nothing happened."

Li Feihong held up the goblet on the table. The bright red wine swayed in the glass, but under Li Feihong's control, he could not jump out of the goblet.

"I really admire ah CI. How does she know that there must be an ancient tomb under that land?"

"It doesn't have to be, but she wants the land to have an ancient tomb, and that land will have an ancient tomb. If she wants the Chiang family to fall, the Chiang family... Must fall! "

Li Feihong's meaningful opening seems to outsiders to be a simple accident. However, Li Feihong knows that this is a carefully arranged plan by Gu jiuci from the very beginning. Every link is closely linked, and every detail promotes the next one.

There are so many coincidences in the world. To be frank, they are all deliberate.

"I guess the Chiang family has offended so many people and put the Yang family in a mess. Now no one is willing to lend him money. His only way is to... Mortgage his assets and borrow money from the bank."

Jiao follows the current situation to infer.

"I'm looking forward to it. I hope he can think of it soon."

Li Feihong sneered and put the glass on the table again. From the beginning to the end, red wine did not escape the control of the glass.

Gu Zhaili,

"what if Jiang Yutang borrowed money from the bank? With the position of the Chiang family in real estate, the bank will certainly borrow money. In this way, the situation that you have tried your best to arrange will soon be empty? "

Sichen put down the spoon, suddenly raised his eyes, looked at Gu jiuci seriously and asked.

"To tell you the truth, I'm afraid he won't borrow money from the bank."

Gu nine words light a smile, Si Chen doubts to shake his head.

"Yes, I can't keep up with your brain circuit. What are you planning?"

At this time, the window sounded a whistle, Ziwei is driving over.

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