Aunt Yang shook her head and observed Jiang Yutang's expression.

"Damn it!"

Jiang Yutang sat down in pain and hugged his head. The only way out was blocked. What else could he do?

"Ah, brother, is it not a fake that Gu Qian embezzled public funds? As long as we provide evidence, can't the bank lend us money? It seems that you kept the confession of Xu Yuner and Su Furong at the beginning? Now it's time to take it out, too? "

Jiang Yutang's cousin had an idea and immediately opened his mouth in front of several people.

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Yutang punched him up.

"Shut up the hell

The reason why he hid the evidence was that once it was released to the public, Gu Qian would be acquitted if he was not convicted. It will be a terrible thing for Gu qianlai to compete with him for Gu Shi.

Therefore, he had long hidden his confession. Even though everyone knew that Gu Qian was wronged, without evidence, Gu Qian could only sit on the bottom of the prison and never turn over!

However, he never thought that one day, he would need to rely on public statements to obtain loans, which is simply lifting a stone to hit his own feet and binding himself!

"Cousin! What are you doing beating me for? "

Jiang Yutang's cousin fell on the ground and covered his face, when other relatives of the Jiang family rushed in.

"Yutang, what are you doing? How can you take it out of your family if the company is not well managed! "

Jiang Yutang's second uncle saw his son lying on the ground and immediately asked with dissatisfaction.

"Look! This is your good son

Jiang Yutang scolded angrily.

"Son, how do you talk to your elders?"

Jiang Yutang's father reprimanded him in a low voice. Only then did he see that Aunt Yang was there, he immediately put on airs with a cold face.

"Our father and son's relatives have something to say, which can't be heard by an outsider. Get out of here!"

Aunt Yang rolled her eyes and scolded in the bottom of her heart. She turned around and left.

Jiang Yutang's two uncles immediately shut the door and lowered their voice.

"I hear you can borrow money from the bank as long as you take out those two statements?"

"Since it's so easy, Yutang, what are you hesitating about? Take out the money quickly!"

The two uncles immediately urged.

"Yes, your cousin suffered a lot in prison, but he is waiting for your life-saving money."

Uncle anxiously urged way, Jiang Yutang more irritable.

"What do you know! This is my handle to restrain Gu Qian. Once I take it out, Gu Qian will be acquitted. Can you afford it! Are you pig brains better than Gu Qian? "

Jiang Yutang asked angrily.

At last he had a little bit of self-knowledge.

Jiang's two uncles were yelled at by him, immediately embarrassed not to speak, all looking at their brother, Jiang Yutang's father.

"Yutang! When is it now? What's the use of thinking so long? If you don't take it out, we can't get through this week! "

There's no choice.

The drama is just beginning...

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