With the host's voice, people around are nervous, only Huo Mingche and Gu jiuci, very calm.

Because... On such a difficult subject, it's just like playing games for their two geniuses.

The host takes out the correct answer to check each question one by one.

"The first question is correct! The second question is correct! "

With more and more correct topics, and no wrong questions at all, everyone's mood of expectation has been pulled to a peak.

"It's the last question. As long as it's correct, our handsome boy's wish will come true. Is it right?"

All of them craned their necks to see the answers in the host's hands. The host also deliberately lengthened the voice and lifted all the curiosity of everyone.

"The answer is... Right! Congratulations to this handsome man

As the host's voice dropped, the crowd immediately issued a burst of cheers. Everyone subconsciously made way for Huo Mingche. Gu jiuci stood in the middle of the crowd, watching her big demon, like a God, walking towards her step by step, until she was in front of her.

The host very has the eye to take everybody to start to coax.

"Beauty, don't forget your ex husband, ah no, your boyfriend's wish! Hold one! Hold one

The onlookers turned into shouts and hugs with the host! Many of them were shouting directly.

"What kind of hug? Kiss directly!"

Gu jiuci was a little shy and bowed her head, but she was a woman who was willing to take a gamble and threw herself into the big devil's arms.

At that moment, the pupil of the man vibrated violently, and then the corner of his lips rose slowly. He stretched out his hand and held her tightly in his arms.

It's like having a whole world.

Everyone cheered, and the supermarket staff presented prizes, a shopping card and a basket of fresh imported fruits.

The employee is an old and good-looking aunt, she smiles and tells the big devil.

"Treat other girls well, and don't lose them."

Aunt a kind words of comfort, Huo Mingche but listen to the heart, he nodded seriously.

"No, not in my life."

Gu jiuci looked up at the demon king's very serious face. His inner thoughts were hard to describe. In fact, he never lost himself. He never gave up.

As soon as he got home from the supermarket, Gu jiuci went into the kitchen with all kinds of ingredients in his arms. As soon as he turned around, he found that the great demon had skillfully found his apron and was about to fasten it.

"What are you doing? I'll make this meal. You sit down and eat some fruit mat when you are hungry

Gu jiuci immediately reached out and took the apron from Huo Mingche's hand and frowned.

"You can't cook. I've read the information."

Huo Mingche held the corner of the apron to keep still and kept looking at her.

Gu jiuci blinked his eyes, and then remembered that the great demon lost his memory. These days were too sweet, and she ignored this fact.

"I can cook, in your dream."

She lightly explained two words, then took the apron to put on, also did not notice, the man was staring at her figure, slightly frowned.

He and she, like two super long arcs, although eventually meet together, but that long forgetting, eventually across the two people. Always inadvertently remind him that there is such a long blank in life.

Half an hour later, Gu jiuci made two dishes and one soup according to his dream memory.

"Coke, chicken wings, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, and green vegetables and tofu soup. Will you just make do with it today? "

Gu jiuci put on the salted soybeans bought in the supermarket, and took out the low-alcohol red wine. It was such a delicious meal, and under the warm light on the table, it gave birth to the taste of human fireworks.

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