The resort is close to a lake. At noon, two people choose to eat fresh river food. On the dining table, the big demon king still as before, the movement skilled peels the shrimp shell for her.

But this proficiency stems from habit, not from memory.

Gu jiuci stares at the exquisite face of the demon king, and his mood is complicated for a moment.

"Not to your taste?"

The man leaned over to her and gently wiped the rice grains from the corners of her mouth with his fingers, and asked in a warm voice.

"No, I'm just not hungry."

Gu jiuci vaguely pulled a few words, but the man's expression was positive.

"I have something on my mind."

It's a question, not a positive tone.


Gu jiuci couldn't hide it, and he admitted it frankly.

as like as two peas, the two seats are still exactly the same as those in their dreams. But the big devil didn't think of it in the slightest, and even didn't have a sense of familiarity.

Gu jiuci felt more and more powerless at the bottom of her heart. She wanted to comfort herself, but she couldn't help suffering.

She thought it was not important to remember, but she was wrong.

The past and memory are very important. And now she is the only one who remembers that he is clearly the great demon, but he can no longer feel the same way with her.

She gazed at his face, but only she remembered those feelings and guilt. She wanted to apologize for her own, but she couldn't get the response.

After all, she owes him so much that she has no chance to repay.

Boundless loneliness wrapped people, even breathing with dull pain.

"Brother Che, it's a little stuffy here. Let's go for a walk after dinner."


The man immediately put down the knife and fork in his hand, she did not want to eat, he also had no appetite.


it is still the road full of small stones. After the rain, the path is full of green grass.

The transition between summer and autumn in the imperial capital was very fast, and the temperature suddenly changed overnight.

A gust of mountain breeze blows, Gu jiuci subconsciously shrinks up the body, and the next second, has been generous with warm hand to hold her hand, gently wrapped her hand in his palm.


"Fortunately, when we get to the botanical garden later, it will be warmer in the greenhouse."

Nine of his head seems to laugh at his bad mood, so no feeling.

The path is not long, we can see the botanical garden from afar.

The signboard is even more clear and delicate than last time. It seems that the contractor has done a lot of things.


Gu jiuci was about to drag the big demon into the interior, when the man suddenly stopped and his eyes revealed confusion.

"What's the matter?"

Gu jiuci raised his eyebrows to observe Huo Mingche, and suddenly a kind of hope rose in his heart. Did...

"have we been here?"

At that moment, Gu jiuci's heart almost jumped to her throat. She seemed to answer him loudly, but she was afraid of interrupting his thoughts, so she had to try in a low voice.

"Yes, or shall we go in and have a look?"


Huo Mingche nodded, and Gu jiuci's heart began to beat faster from this moment. Did God pity her and the miracle would happen again?

She steps a little fast, pulling Huo Mingche to the botanical garden.

Although it's early autumn outside, the plants in the greenhouse seem to be still in summer. Looking at it, it's pure white Campanula of Nanshan. Countless tiny flowers form an ocean, just like fairyland. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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