The assistant didn't pay for it.

"Of course not reconciled, so I have to work hard... Into his world!"

Li Jiao sighed for a long time, but soon, her confident eyes regained their luster.

The media has also heard about his brother's release from prison. In order to avoid being harassed, Gu jiuci decides to go home with his elder brother first, to avoid the media and to have a good rest.

All the way, Gu jiuci is talking about Gu's current situation with her elder brother when her mobile phone rings quickly.

She wanted to refuse directly, but when she saw that the caller ID was Hongjie, she connected the phone immediately.

"Dr. Zhang is dead!"

Without waiting for Gu jiuci's inquiry, the red sister on the other end of the phone immediately said seriously.

"What? How could this happen? Don't you have 24-hour surveillance? Did you find the killer? "

Gu jiuci's heart sank hard, but reason forced her to quickly find the source.

"I'm very ashamed that the surveillance didn't find the killer. Dr. Zhang died of chronic poison. Forensic examination showed that the time of dispensing the drug should start from the day he went mad."

Hongjie sighs. The party who had the advantage suddenly fell into a passive position.

"What about the monitoring that day? Who has contacted Dr. Zhang? "

now is not the time to complain. Gu jiuci subconsciously clenched the phone and continued to ask.

"The monitoring is broken, all the monitoring is broken, just that day! The US side does not trust us and has some reservations. Their own security is a mess! "

Speaking of this, Hong Jie's voice was tinged with anger.

"The situation is very bad. Dr. Zhang was killed! It shows that the forces behind him have got what they want most! "

Gu jiuci frowned. The greatest value of Dr. Zhang is the formula. If Dr. Zhang dies, those people have already got the formula!

Who are those people? Lin Shujing! And the people who really support her behind her!

"Hongjie, they must have got the formula. The situation has become more serious. What do you think they will do if they get the formula?"

"They will mass produce! Maybe it will be put on the battlefield! "

Red sister immediately followed Gu jiuci's words.

"Let's start with the raw materials right now! I'm really sorry about this

"There's no point in saying sorry now."

Gu jiuci sighed weakly at the bottom of her heart. Her brain was running at full speed, calculating what Lin Shujing would do next.

"However, you can rest assured that the Huo group has handed over the record of Lin Shujing's economic crimes to the police. In addition, the testimony of assistant Lin Shujing you have provided before confirms her transnational criminal behavior.

At present, Lin Shujing is a wanted criminal all over the world, and the risk level is only lower than that of the terrorist. All countries are investigating closely. It is too late for her to hide and have no chance to make trouble again. "

"I hope so. This kind of perversion can't be deduced by normal people's thinking."

Gu jiuci sighed tired and hung up the phone.

this time, I hope Guoan can awesome.

Her mind suddenly recalled the last picture in her dream. In the heavy rain, she was holding the big devil in despair and watching him disappear in her arms.

She didn't want to go through it again in her life.

"Big brother!"

Gu jiuci looks at elder brother sideways.

"Next, Gu will give it back to you. I have more important things to do...

in the future , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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