"What else?"

Gu jiuci stood up nervously and looked at doctor Yideng.

"It's much more complicated. It can be detected from the existing data that he took at least three batches of drugs. The composition of these drugs is complex, and further investigation is needed.

This time, you must cooperate with me well, or even if I am such a genius, it is difficult to guarantee you... "

Dr. yiden said, his expression seriously stopped, and Gu jiuci's heart immediately jumped to his throat and quickly agreed.

"We will do our best to cooperate with you. Please help brother Che!"

"Er... Things are not so nervous about that ~"

Dr. yiden suddenly changed his voice and waved his hand.

"As long as you come to me for check-up every day these days, in addition, it's better to have a complete rest and do rehabilitation according to my plan. It's conservative to estimate that after about three years, you can have babies."

Gu jiuci "..."

suddenly, from the serious atmosphere of separation in life and death, it suddenly shifted to making villains. It is really the style of doctor Yideng.

"And her?"

Huo Mingche stares at Yi Deng to open a way, his most concern is her body.

"It's also hard work, too much thinking, and need a good rest. From today on, you'll have to come to my place every three days for examination. In addition, I've prescribed a complete set of medicines for both of you. Be sure to take them on time.

Remember, your lives are not only for your own survival, but also for... Many people. "

Dr. Yideng spoke with profound meaning. Gu jiuci vaguely felt that he might want to say a lot, but he changed his mouth halfway without knowing why.

"We remember."

Gu jiuci nodded his head seriously. She and the devil finally ushered in a happy day. Naturally, they hoped to live healthier and longer.

Although Dr. Eden's way of speaking seems to be unreliable, to be fair, his professional level is really nothing to say.

Half an hour later, Gu jiuci and the demon king came out of the research institute with two big bags of medicine and two thick training plans.

"Brother Che, doctor Eden, you have to take a vacation now!"

Back in the car, Gu jiuci looks at the big devil seriously. After all, he is a famous workaholic.


The man's eyes fixed on her face, almost in the moment of his voice falling, did not hesitate to reply.

"So simple?"

Gu jiuci was surprised to pick his eyebrows and stare at the big devil. He didn't believe it for a while.

"Next week, Zhan Ying will come back."

Huo Mingche slowly opened his lips, waiting for her question, he answered the reason.

It seems that there is no need to ask too many questions, just through a look, the devil knows what she is thinking and explains it simply.

"I see."

Gu jiuci nodded his head clearly. As he put down the big stone in his heart, he began to sympathize with Zhan Ying.

"Poor Zhan Ying, she is coming back before her vacation is over. She has carried all of them by herself."

"ah Heng together."

The man answers with one hand behind Gu jiuci's head and reverses with only one hand against the steering wheel. His expression is focused on observing the road conditions. His subconscious and serious attitude is sending out the charm of hormones towards Gu jiuci.

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