Huo Mingche nods hard.


Gu jiuci breathed a long sigh of relief, and the last breath of strength collapsed at this moment.

Fortunately, nothing happened this time.

The bottom of her heart silently congratulated a word, immediately in front of a dark.

Once again, Gu jiuci smelled the pungent smell of disinfection water, and slowly opened his eyes.

"ADI, are you awake?"

At the bedside, the elder brother immediately reached out and touched her forehead.

Gu jiuci subconsciously struggles to get up from the bed, but is held down by his elder brother.

"Don't move. The doctor says there's something wrong with your artificial heart. Keep calm."

Gu jiuci asked urgently.

"Where's brother Che?"

"He's still alive, don't worry."

In order to keep Gu jiuci calm, big brother's words are as concise as possible.

"The second brother..."

"his condition is lighter. The bullet has been taken out of his leg, and he will be ok if he stays in bed for two months. In addition, there is also a good news, Ziwei happened to take that bastard back from abroad, Xiao Qi has been acquitted

"Great! That's great! "

Hearing the good news, Gu jiuci was completely relieved.

"The reason why I didn't tell you before is that Xiao Qi's mission in national security needs to be kept secret, even if it's you. But now that he has completed his task and transferred from national security, he can live an ordinary life and have a normal reunion with us

Speaking of this, elder brother Gu Qian's eyes also flashed a trace of soft light, his brother, has suffered too much.

"If parents can know, they will be happy..."

Gu jiuci sighed faintly. Suddenly, doctor Yideng opened the door calmly.

"I'm not happy!"

"Well... Dr. Eden."

I don't know why, this time I saw Dr. Yideng ]Gu jiuci was subconsciously guilty.

In front of the two roles of doctors and teachers, people are always habitually counselled.

"Don't you think you have enough trouble? Can you stop fiddling? I'm old. Do you want to compete with me for heart? "

Dr. Yideng suddenly opened his mouth with tired face. The mood was particularly vicissitudes. Gu jiuci picked his eyebrows with some maladjustment.

"Dr. Eden, why are you so old-fashioned all of a sudden? Don't forget you're only 30 years old. "


Yi Deng's eyes flashed a bit of complexity that Gu jiuci could not understand, and then changed the topic.

"Mr. Gu, please avoid it. I'm going to give your sister a physical examination."

"Dr. Yi is in trouble."

Big brother politely thank you, and when you leave, you don't forget to tell her.

"Listen to the doctor."

"I see, I promise to be obedient ~"

Gu jiuci quickly promised. As soon as the door was closed, Yi Deng's face collapsed, and Gu jiuci was nervous again.

"Doctor, can you tell me the truth, brother Che, is he...

from waking up to now, she hasn't seen the great demon king. Even though the elder brother said that the big devil is OK, her heart is still beating the drum.

"He's not dead yet. Worry about yourself first."

Yi Deng rolled his eyes and took out the stethoscope. He indicated to Gu jiuci that he would cooperate with him and read it fragmentary.

"How many times have I told you that your heart is artificial, and it has no original function, so that you can maintain emotional stability, but you just don't listen to it!"

"Doctor, I can't help it..."

Gu jiuci began to talk, but doctor Yideng sighed heavily.

"You probably don't know. I want you to control your emotions. On the one hand, it's because of the heart. On the other hand, it's the medicine that Lin Shu gave you when you were young. Because the research is not mature, the side effects are more serious than those taken by Huo Mingche, and the influence is even more profound...

in this paper, the author puts forward some suggestions on how to control your emotions , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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