The original large intensive care unit was crowded because it was full of people all at once.

All eyes are the same, staring at Dr. Yideng to examine Huo Mingche. Gu jiuci, beside the hospital bed, always holds Huo Mingche's hand. She still feels a little unreal.

A few minutes later, Dr. Eden was relieved, and the serious look on his face softened a lot.

"With the exception of a little malnutrition and slight physical weakness, the overall recovery is very good."

All of them were relieved by his words. Finally, Huo mingchufu escaped from the ghost gate and returned to Gu jiuci's side.

"However, you two are weaker than vegetable chicken now. I advise you two not to die and take a good rest for a few months. If you don't recuperate, you may get a fart in two years, but if you recuperate well, you may not have a problem holding each other for three years."

Doctor Yi Deng stares at two people, the word is not rough to order a way.

When he said "three years to hold two", Gu jiuci was embarrassed to lower his head and blushed.

"No! I'll take care of all the work for the next year. I'll let the master have a good rest! "

Zhan Ying listened to doctor Yideng's words and quickly promised.

"Don't worry, doctor. I'll take care of Huo's affairs again. After all, my wife is waiting for her grandson."

Huo dad was also very happy to speak, but he just finished, Huo mother was not happy to stare at.

Although she really wanted to have a little Kinson, how could this guy be so blind that he didn't hear the doctor's words? Recently, she was mainly recuperation!

"Big brother, I will do security for you personally. This time, I promise not to fly a fly in!"

Vincent leaned against the door and spoke slowly. This time, because of the arrest of Lin Shujing, he also had a share of credit. Guoan rarely turned a blind eye, allowing him to stay in China quietly for a while.

When said "fly" this stem, he specially for Gu jiuci pick eyebrows, did not expect the next second was Huo Mingche cold eyes forced back.

"Not you."

Vincent shrugged his shoulders, and suddenly felt rejected by his elder brother and stuffed with a mouthful of dog food.

"Good to see you wake up."

Elder brother Gu Qian's light mouth, although still as calm and self-sustaining as usual, but in the eye more a smile.

As for the second brother, he stood in the corner of the crowd and did not say a word because... His mood was complicated.

Tang Yu and Lu Xiaosang also happened to come over and were very happy when they met this scene.

"I can't imagine that my script has not been written. In reality, you have a happy ending. It seems that I have to hurry up and speed up the progress."

When it comes to the script, Gu jiuci subconsciously looks at the big devil, and at this moment, Huo Mingche seems to have a soul in his heart, and he also looks at her.

Four eyes, infinite friendship.

"Brother Che, thank you for giving me so many surprises!"

"You're worth it."

Huo Mingche gently opened his lips, and a look of shame flashed in Gu jiuci's eyes.

No, she doesn't do as much as he does.

Suddenly, Lu Xiaosang said with a smile.

"I very much agree with Mr. Huo. You two are equal in love and support each other in life. I hope I can make this film well." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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