"Brother ah Qian, I like fishing very much, can you take me with me?"

Hearing this, Gu jiuci was slightly stunned for a moment. Her searching eyes looked at Ah Jiao. It was hard for her to imagine that this girl, who could not be quiet for a minute, would like to fish.

"Can you calm down and fish?"

She subconsciously asked out of the mouth, did not expect a Jiao back to big brother, not happy to stare at her.

"Gu jiuci, don't look down on people! What's more, don't forget what you promised me ~ "

when she said the last sentence, Ah Jiao raised a tone, but Gu jiuci was still confused.

"If Miss Li is not bored, she can join us."

Big brother polite mouth, or that kind of people around feel warm spring temperament.

Did not expect him to say so, Jiao's eyes slightly dark.

"Everyone calls me Ajiao, so does brother ah Qian?"

Gu jiuci's eyes looked back and forth between the two people. She finally recalled what she had said when she went shopping in the mall that day.

An impossible idea, in her mind jump out, and then she more incredible looking at a Jiao.

Me! Yes! God! Ah! The person that a Jiao likes is actually...

Gu jiuci is surprised to open his mouth slightly and watch the three people leave.

On the other side, sichen has already picked up the Sketchpad and walked towards her.

"Grandma Zhang said that there are several new rose varieties in the botanical garden. I'll go there and practice watercolor. I'll come back before lunch."

Without waiting for Gu's reply, Vincent's voice rang out.

"Just now I wanted to ask, do you also like watercolor?"

"It's one of my hobbies."

He replied politely, then Vincent gave a smile and the gentleman said.

"I also like it very much. There are good wind collecting spots around here. Can I take you to have a look?"

When it comes to painting, sichen is also interested and nods his head.

They chatted with each other and walked outside the yard.

Gu jiuci opened his mouth and looked at the scene in front of him and the dream magically overlapped together.

"What's the matter?"

A pair of hands naturally embrace her waist from the back, and the breath of Huo Mingche instantly surrounds her.

Gu jiuci's subconscious center of gravity tilted back, leaning against the big devil's arms, and sighed gently.

"It's nothing. It's just that all of a sudden, the fate in this world is so wonderful."

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