"It's said that sister Cha is still in the original team. The boss and the new team members are bullying her, but she still hasn't left. With her mature manager like her, she doesn't have to worry about food anywhere?

What are you saying about the second brother

Gu jiuci stares into the eyes of his second brother, and his tone is meaningful.

Gu Qijue was stunned and did not speak for a long time.

"Second brother, some people miss it for a lifetime and regret it for a lifetime. You are not afraid to die, but you are afraid to say that sentence to sister cha?"


Gu Qijue opened his mouth and finally said nothing.

"Now that Gu has taken it back, I'm going to start a happy life. It's time for you to pursue your own life, and don't let sister Cha live in regret for the rest of her life. It's time for you to be brave, second brother.

You're so smart and you can't really understand all the details? "

In this second, countless details played back in Gu Qijue's mind, and finally became clearer and clearer again and again, and his inner voice became clearer and clearer.

He suddenly breathes a sigh of relief and smiles at Gu jiuci.

"We are right. Second brother knows what to do."

"Then do it all by yourself."

Before Gu jiuci had time to affirm him, the great demon king came in from the outside with the fish basket in his mouth.

"Are you back so soon?"

Gu jiuci got up from the stool and rushed to the demon king. He wanted to hold him. Only when he found that his hands were covered with dust, he had to raise his hands and watch him giggle.

"Well, there's shrimp at the door."

Huo Mingche short answer, while reaching out to wipe the dust on Gu jiuci's face.

"Wash your face."

Gu Qijue on one side had just figured out some important things in life, so he didn't have time to hate Huo Mingche. He even looked at Huo Mingche holding his sister's hand and walking towards the house.

Before long, sichen and Vincent came back from the outside with a basket of pomegranates in their hands.

"Grandma Zhang gave it to me. She said that the orchard in Houshan had a good harvest this year, and pomegranate was particularly sweet."

Si Chen walks to the kitchen bar and says to Gu jiuci with a smile.

Gu jiuci looks at them. When he leaves in the morning, he looks like a stranger. How come after he comes back, there is a strong atmosphere of good friends between them?

"It seems that you two had a good time. Do you have a story to share with me this morning?"

Gu jiuci stares at his best friend, half jokingly and half seriously.

"What are you talking about?"

Si Chen's face turned red, but Vincent came to rescue him.

"Sister in law, we dare not tell you a story. My elder brother has been staring at me for a long time."

Now it's Gu jiuci's turn to brush his face red. He quickly picks up the other fruits in the bag and goes to the edge of the pool to wash.

As soon as she turned on the tap and held out her hand, the great demon came over, wrapped her fingers in his big palm, and took her to one side.

"Cool water, I'll do it."

Gu jiuci's heart was warm. He stood beside him and watched the big devil's graceful movements of washing fruit. Watching and watching, the whole person unconsciously stuck to his body. His head was leaning against his broad shoulder and almost hung on his body like a koala.

Autumn noon sun, warm but not strong, just projected in from the side of the window, fell on the two people, like a poster for idol drama, dyed a layer of gold.

Years of quiet, she loved the plain happiness.

"Tut, it's really sweet. When can I have such a sweet love?"

One side, I don't know when to come back Gillian, hands dragging chin, lying on the bar staring at two people, sour tone of the mouth.

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