"If you want to talk about piano, it is still Mr. Huo who is best at piano. Haven't you ever heard of it?"

All of a sudden, Gillian holding a glass, drunk like a kitten's mouth, inadvertently interrupted the embarrassment.

"Indeed, if Mr. Huo continued to learn, there would have been young piano artists in China."

Sichen immediately said, people's eyes subconsciously look at Huo Mingche. The man is exfoliating the shrimp shell gracefully...

"brother Che, do you play one?"

Gu jiuci said with a smile what you dare not say.

In the crowd full of expectations, the man slowly opened his mouth.


Five minutes later, the man sat in front of the white piano, the moonlight gently covered him with a layer of light, beautiful beyond words. His bony fingers fluttered on the black and white keys, and the prelude of "Liangzhu" slipped into everyone's ears like water and silk.

Gu jiuci, with one hand on her forehead, was staring at her demon king. The figure of the man gradually overlapped with the young scene.

As if nothing had changed, she was still the carefree little girl who only wanted to possess him. He was still the young man with cool features, but he was unique to her.

However, the years can not be turned back, the total merciless time to push people forward.

On that night, we played very late and enjoyed ourselves. The men were even so tired that they didn't even want to wash and gargle. They lay in the living room in disorder. At least, sichen and Ajiao remembered that they were girls and kept the girl's final dignity... They went back to their rooms and went to sleep again.

Gu jiuci was very happy. She drank a little wine, but she was dizzy. She only remembered that she was picked up by the gentle Princess of the demon king. When she woke up, it was already the next morning.


Gu jiuci rubbed his quacking stomach. There was no big demon on the bed beside her body. When the clock on the wall reached 10 o'clock, she remembered that she would send everyone back today.

"No! Oversleeping

She rushed into the Health Bureau, finished washing at the speed of light and rushed downstairs. She found that all the people were sitting lazily on the sofa, watching the afternoon news.

"You didn't leave?"

"It's so comfortable here. We're going to wait until lunch. Do you eat Portuguese Tao? "

A Jiao holding a basket of Portuguese Tao, lazy mouth.

"Eat, I'm a little hungry."

Gu jiuci quickly digested the situation in front of her, and she also liked the excitement of being together.

But her people have not come to Gillian, a cup of warm milk handed to her in front of her, stop her.

"Hot first."

Man's deep magnetic voice in the ear, Gu jiuci immediately obediently follow.

"Ah! I take back what I said! Why do you want to stay here and eat your dog food? "

This situation this scene, Jiao's irritable "Ao Wu" a sound.

Gu jiuci shrugged his shoulders, saying that he was powerless.

At this time, the news about Lin Shujing's case suddenly appeared on TV.

"Today, the imperial police and the United Nations IBI issued an official announcement that the case of Lin Shujing laboratory, which had a bad impact, has been solved. Lin Shujing, the main criminal of the case, failed to escape from abroad and died accidentally at sea.

At present, the police have successfully mastered the drug formula and rescued nearly 100 hostages persecuted by the laboratory. Dr. Yi Deng, a famous expert in China, has developed drugs to treat the persecuted hostages free of charge...

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